[donotprint]honey lime chicken cooked

Crispy Skin, insanely juicy insides, bursting with juice and flavor, a hint of spice from the mustard, a subtle bit of savory heat from the cumin and a whole ton of juicy  deliciousness from the combination of ingredients; this chicken is easily the most amazing roast chicken that I’ve ever eaten, much less made.

I am contemplating twisting this recipe into a beer can chicken recipe to see how it does on the grill.

Normally, my random recipes are spurred on by some ingredient in my pantry or something in a magazine, this time… it was inspired by a coupon.  This coupon to be exact: guldens mustard

Princess and I are both a bit of what you might call.. umm… mustard addicts, so you dangle a mustard coupon in my face and tack the word spicy onto it and I’m pretty much a goner.

Part of my H-E-B Meal Maker Challenge is to incorporate the Combo Locos, Online Coupons and such into making lunches and dinners easier during the back to school time, this coupon made it sort of ridiculously easy.

I took the spicy mustard and incorporated it into a glaze/marinade to make one of the easiest and most delicious roasted chickens ever.

spicy mustard[/donotprint]

Roasted Chicken With Honey, Lime, Garlic, Spicy Mustard Glaze

  • One 5 to 6lb whole fryer chicken
  • 1 very full to overflowing Tbsp Spicy Mustard (see pic above)
  • 1/2 C honey
  • The juice of 6 limes (about 1/2 C fresh squeezed juice)
  • 1 tsp cumin
  • 3 garlic cloves, thinly sliced
  1. Remove the “innards” from the chicken, rinse and pat dry
  2. Pre-heat the oven to 350 F
  3. Mix the honey, lime juice, cumin, garlic  and mustard
  4. Gently, using your fingers, separate the skin from the body of the chicken
  5. Using a turkey baster, insert half the mixture in between the body of the chicken and the skin
  6. Place the chicken on a roasting rack
  7. Pour the remaining lime/honey/garlic/cumin mixture over the chicken, add 1 C water to the mixture in the roasting pan
  8. Roast for 2 – 3 hours.  Baste every 30 minutes or so until golden brown (about 1 hour)roasted chicken
  9. Once the chicken is golden brown, cover with an aluminum foil tent and roast until the internal temperature reaches 180 (continuing to baste every 30 minutes or so)roasted chicken finished
  10. Remove from the oven and let rest for about 10 minutes.

Once the chicken has rested it’s ready to cut, be prepared.   This is, I kid you not, the juiciest chicken ever.  Just look at the following picture, if you don’t believe meroasted chicken sliced

Do you see all the juices coursing out of that chicken?????

The taste, more than you can imagine.

So here’s how this makes life easier:

  1. This chicken was ridiculously easy to make
  2. Crazy delicious leftovers make for ridiculous chicken salad and
  3. The carcass can be used to make Heather’s Homemade Chicken Stock

Y’all, trust me, this chicken… you want to make it.

honey lime chicken cooked

So, today is the start of my birthday week (if you think Monday is the first day of the week and for today’s purposes….. we’re following that theory)

Since today is Mouthwatering Monday AND the start of my birthday week.. I’m giving away TWO $50 H-E-B and ConAgra gift packs

HEB Prize Pack Photos 005

Here’s how to enter:

  1. (mandatory) Do you use coupons? Do they sway you towards one product or another?
  2. (bonus) Become a fan of the HEB facebook page (let me know in a separate comment)
  3. (bonus) Become a fan of the ConAgra facebook page (let me know in a separate comment)
  4. (bonus) tweet this giveaway and leave the tweet url in the comment

This giveaway valid from August 2, 2010 to 11 PM CST August 7, 2010  Random.Org will choose the winners

Thanks for linking up your recipes every Monday. Y’all inspire me weekly, I love seeing what y’all are feeding your families and friends. Don’t forget to link up your recipe URL, leave a comment, link back here in your post and visit the other participants!

congratulations Nancy and Mainline Mom!!!!![/donotprint]


  1. I’m a mustard addict too! Your chicken recipe looks mouthwatering and I just bought some gorgeous limes yesterday so I’m thinking this may well be dinner tomorrow! Thanks for sharing it, and for hosting Mouthwatering Monday. Have a wonderful birthday week 🙂

  2. Yum! That chicken looks “Mouthwatering” and what a great giveaway!
    I don’t use coupons a lot, mostly because I shop at Aldi’s and they don’t take coupons, but when I shop at other places, I use coupons.
    Thanks for hosting!

  3. this is going on our menu this week! I do use coupons and will buy a different brand if it’s cheaper than what we normally buy.

  4. that chicken looks divine! happy birthday :-)))

    i am a coupon fanatic!!!! yes, they definitely sway my purchases.

  5. ok, that recipe and pictures has my mouth watering for chicken at 9:30am!! YUM!!

    I sometimes use coupons to try new products……especially if they are for a FREE product! I will most definitely give it a try then!

  6. I use coupons as much as possible. I’m not very good at it. Sometimes a coupon will sway me to buy a product if it makes the price right.
    blessed.mama4 at yahoo dot com

  7. I totally use coupons. All the time. I recently joined some websites to get more. They do sway me to try one product over another..or a new product all together. It’s great. I love looking at the reciept after my shopping trip and seeing just how much I saved. What a good feeling.

  8. Yes – I am a coupon shopper and yes there are times I am swayed by a coupon. Not easily but if I know I can use the product I will get it and have an extra. Or I sometimes change my meal plan if the deal is right.

  9. ok– that looks so very yummy! and since i was just trying to figure out what to do for dinner and that just might make it!

    i love using coupons and sometimes i do allow them to sway me into purchasing a product i might not otherwise buy.

  10. Rachel – I’m so glad to know there are more mustard addicts out there in this world. I have a shameful amount of jars of various mustard in my fridge.

    I rarely use coupons unless it’s for a product I always buy or something that I’d like to try. I buy so much of my food from the farmers market this time of year and unfortunately, they don’t take coupons. But I do use them when I can to help our budget out!

  11. That chicken looks delicious.

    I don’t use too many coupons. I maybe average $5 in coupons a week. I don’t buy too many processed foods, so the coupons I use are for toilet paper, diapers, detergent.

    THanks for the linky.

  12. I’m a mustard girl myself ; ) Yes, I do use coupons but only for products that I would buy regularly.

  13. I use in store coupons especially in HEB I buy the brands that have a coupon. Great giveaway Chicken looks delicious.

  14. The only time coupons sway me is when I see one for a product that would like to try but that I don’t normally purchase.

    This recipe looks amazing, Rachel! I’m looking forward to trying it sometime soon!

  15. When I can keep track of coupons I use them… but… Usually, I forget about them.

    BUT I LOVE Spicy mustard. I actually make something similar to this, but mine is not nearly as photogenic.

  16. Oh that chicken looks SsssoooooO good! Just as soon as fall hits and I am willing to use the oven for hours, I will be trying this recipe. Thank you so much for sharing it.

    Coupons do influence me. I buy the products with the lowest prices, whether it be generic, sale or with a coupon (ideally, combined with a sale!) I usually try new products with introductory coupons, too. Groceries are so expensive where I live and I just don’t understand it. Just a couple hours west of me the prices are much lower.

  17. I am not very good at organizing and using coupons, and that’s why I love HEB’s Combo Loco…they have the coupons in the store and I don’t have to remember them!!:)

  18. I definitely use coupons, and will try almost any new product if I have a high-value coupon for it. The stores where I shop always double coupons, too, so that makes couponing even more advantageous.

    I always feel rotten when I leave my coupons at home and have to purchase something at full price.

  19. I definitely use coupons and love when I find a good deal, so it definitely sways what brands I buy. I heart HEB… Combo Locos, Texas showdowns, great deals.

  20. HEB (which my kids call H.E.Buddy) is one of my favorite things about TX! Whenever our MD peeps come to town we take them on an HEB field trip complete with lots of samples. Love your meal deal challenge! Yes, of course, I use coupons and I love the man who stands by the HEB meal deal area and makes sure I’ve got everything. He’s so cute! I love my Cypress HEB!

  21. Wow! Your roast chicken looks divine! It is one of my favorite things and I make it often, but never thought to use lime on it! My recipe this week is for Zesty Taco Quesadillas! Enjoy and thanks so much for sharing the foodie love with us today!

  22. Chicken is my favorite food to eat. This Roasted Honey, Lime, Garlic, Mustard Chicken is so good with each other. Nice thinking of combination. It looks so yummy. The chicken is so fresh and juicy.

  23. I love coupons!! Especially the meal Deals, one meal I don’t spend time planning during the week! They definately sway me to buy various products, except for a few… I know I’m a brand snob! 🙂

  24. I Liked HEB on Facebook…that’s not hard! They’re opening a brand spankin’ new HEB right by me in Katy this week. Oh, and Happy Birthday darlin’!!

  25. Yes, I totally use coupons and I will buy a new product that I normally wouldn’t buy if I have a good coupon for it. Your chicken looks divine!

  26. I will definitely buy something if I have a coupon. Even if I go into the store with only a few things on my list I always end up with more.

  27. That looks delicious…even though you said garlic! Yum.

    (And, yes I use coupons…and it depends how good they are whether or not they sway me:)

  28. Sometimes I will try a new product because of a coupon. I also try different brands becqause of coupons. So I guess I’m sometimes swayed by coupons.

  29. Love coupons, I do all my shopping at HEB too! We are moving this weekend and there is ONE HEB in the whole town, I may go crazy! I am used to Central Market, the “kosher” HEB, and 2 more just down the street from my house!

  30. I love to use coupons! I am typically not swayed for items that my family won’t accept substitutes for [Hellman’s mayo, and can I even say that “out loud” ??], but I can be “bought” with a good coupon 🙂 So, I would say that in some instances, I can be swayed with coupons. Thank you for the giveaway op!

  31. Yes, I use coupons and yes, they can sway me towards different products! If Brand A is a lot less by using a coupon than Brand B, I will always get Brand A. Sometimes I find I prefer the new brand!
    digicat {AT} sbcglobal {DOT} net

  32. I use a lot of coupons, and I would say 75% of the time I will switch brands because of a coupon. Depends on what the item is, but generally, I am willing to try something new if the price is right.
    HobartsMama {AT} AOL.COM

  33. I made this this last night for tonight’s dinner! I tried a bite and it was so delicious, thanks for the recipe! I did make a few changes:

    1. I used Zatarain’s Creole Mustard instead of spicy brown. It was what I had on hand.
    2. I doubled the mixture.
    3. After I mixed all the ingredients, I strained out the garlic and mustard bits, and used my turkey injector to inject the mixture into the chicken. Then, I took the garlic and bits and spread them under and on top of the skin.
    4. I can’t use my oven for extended periods in the summer (my kitchen is like a furnace), so I put it in the crockpot. I’m serving this with baked red potato fries and I plan on throwing the skin in the oven to crisp tonight.

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