Happy Wednesday, y’all!

It’s week 4 of the Reynolds® Real Moms Ambassador finals, and we’re talking tips for easy entertaining.

I went to my A Southern Fairytale FB page and asked y’all what your favorite ways to use Parchment Paper to make your entertaining easier were; and y’all had some great ideas!  I took the ideas y’all gave me and used them in my weekly post for Reynolds®.

Seriously y’all,  if you’re so inclined…I’d love your vote.

Just go to Reynolds FB page  – LIKE – it and then vote for me (or whomever)

Because I’m super helpful.. I thought I’d give y’all a visual aid.

That’s me ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ there:-)

Just in case you weren’t sure:-)

I would love y’all’s vote, but vote for whomever tickles your fancy or share your favorite tips and recipes – you really can’t go wrong.

Remember y’all

  • voting is ONLY open on Wednesdays.
  • You can only vote once.
  •  and voting doesn’t work on ANY mobile devices (ie .. ipad.. iphone.. blackberry etc…)

Thank y’all for supporting all that we do <3

My Reynolds® Real Moms Wednesday Posts


How do y’all use Parchment Paper to make entertaining easier? I’d love it if y’all would share your tips in the comments!




  1. I’m a parchment paper addict. There, I’ve said it. We use it for baking, playing with playdough, and photostyling. Loved your sweet video and I have to come back on wed to vote. Eeeeek! Crossing my fingers for you!!!

Talk to me!

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