4th of July Pudding Pops

Let me say this now, this is more a method than a recipe ๐Ÿ™‚ and some of y’all aren’t going to like these because they have food coloring in them. You could always use different flavors of pudding or jello and they’d be adorable, but when the kids and I set out to make these it was a -spur-of-the-moment, use-what-you-have-in-the-house kind of thing. Additionally, yes I know that’s not *white* ๐Ÿ˜‰

You still with me? Good ๐Ÿ™‚

You need Two 5.1 oz packages of Vanilla Pudding Mix, plastic cups (we used ones that I think might be a tad too big.ย  I think they were 9 oz.)ย  Use small ones- or if you’re lucky enough to have them, use popsicle molds!ย  Craft sticks and food coloring.

Mix the pudding according to box directions (usually just add milk) Divide the pudding into 3 bowls, color one bowl red and one blue.ย  Pour in layers into the cups, if you’re quite particular about the even-ness of layers, don’t let your 4 yo and 7 yo be in charge of the layers ๐Ÿ˜‰


Put a popsicle/craft stick in the center of each cup

Concentrate really hard to make sure the popsicle stick gets EXACTLY in the center


Stick the cups in the freezer, if you haven’t made giant ones like us, it’ll take a few hours – ours were overnight

Once the pudding pops are frozen,


use scissors to cut a slice through the rim and into the cup, peel the cup away from the pudding pop and enjoy!

The kids are completely head over heels for these and I swear y’all, they remind me SO much of those pudding pops from childhood!

Seriously though, USE SMALLER CUPS!ย  Like everything else in Texas, these are *bigger*

Red White and Blue Pudding Pops

Print Recipe
Prep Time:10 minutes
Total Time:10 minutes


  • 2 boxes 5.1 oz Vanilla Pudding
  • Craft/popsicle sticks
  • disposable plastic cups or popsicle molds
  • food coloring red and blue


  • These would be SO fun for birthday parties in rainbows or for sporting events in team colors


  • Make pudding according to box instructions
  • Divide into 3 bowls
  • Color one bowl red and one bowl blue
  • Layer into cups/molds
  • Freeze overnight
  • To enjoy, use scissors to cut the top of the cup and peel from the popsicle (or run warm water around the mold and then release the popsicle from the mold)
Author: Rachel


If you’ve made something similar to these, I’d love to hear about it/see your recipe/method :-)!

What do y’all think of my new zip-list formatting?

Happy 4th y’all!


  1. You could always “dye” the red and blue with strawberry and blueberry purees!

    I <3 pudding pops. During my first pregnancy I was dying for one once I found out Jell-o still made them! Vanilla is my favorite. Now I'm drooling. ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Found you through StumbleUpon. These look AWESOME! I’m always looking for recipes the kids can help with (my 4-year-old loves making messes in the kitchen). We are totally going to make these for the 4th! Thanks for the recipe!

    1. Thank you so much, Brandy! Nice to *meet* you! I love StumbleUpon, I find so many great new blogs there!
      Your 4 yo is going to LOVE these, I highly suggest popsicle molds or much smaller cups ๐Ÿ˜‰

  3. Everything in Texas is also *better*, like these pudding pops. What a fun project with the kids! And I think that “white” is just fine – it’s antiqued!

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  5. I feel like a total dork right now. I have heard the term “pudding pop” a bazillion times before, but I never actually knew what it was. Pudding popsicles! Duh.

  6. Great idea. Wonderful photos! Love the look of concentration on your daughter and hey….her cute little dress matches the pudding pops!

  7. I am fan of use what you have…thanks I was looking for something to make that was fun, easy and used what we already have!!!

    I know they will love the pudding popsciles.

  8. Love these, and don’t worry food coloring didn’t lose me! I think we may go for the dixie cup size though! ๐Ÿ™‚ However because I love Chocolate pudding pops so much, I may make mine half chocolate and half red, white or blue…

  9. I made these! I used white chocolate flavor pudding mix instead of vanilla, it kept the white part whiter (pretty!)… but I used paper cups (the tiniest dixie bathroom cups we had on hand) which were hard to peel off. next time I’ll use the plastic (but still tiny) ones! my kids LOVED this.

  10. we love homemade pops – we also use vanilla yogurt & blueberries with blueberry juice for a yummy one- (not as pretty as yours)

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