7:15 AM Small Town Texas Road Sunrise


This picture has nothing to do with recipes or re-dos.  Perhaps curiosity?

I’m curious as to what happens when you just drive, just think, just take, just let yourself experience and be instead of planning it out.

7:15 Sunday Morning, Princess and I were driving down a country road on our way to some cotton fields and that building and tree caught my eye, so striking with the sun.

I whipped the van around, rolled down my window, snapped a few shots, took a minute to just breathe and we went off on our way again.

Detours — you never know where they’ll take you or what you’ll find.  I need to start taking more random detours, especially with the kids in tow.


So, y’all have noticed the past couple of weeks that i have a new recipe formatting plug-inZipList {I love}

Since, I’m going to need to re-write all my past recipes to put them in this new format so y’all can take advantage of the Recipe Box and Shopping List Options {Brilliant}

I’m curious, do you have a recipe that you’re dying for me to remake?  Is there one of my recipes from the past that you think should be one of the first ones re-written?  Perhaps even re-made and photographed?  I’d love for y’all to click on the Recipes Tab up there, click the word Recipes and browse and let me know what you’d like to see.

Also, I’m hoping to figure out how to code the Cat List plug-in in such a way that I can break the cats down into Meat/Pork/Poultry/Fish to make the recipes even more easily searchable.  Is that something y’all  would like to see?


Okay, I’m off now to go play in a sprinkler with some little kids whom I love and am grateful for.




  1. Don’t know that you need to re-do the recipe, but my family LOVES your taco soup recipe, and anyone else who tries it when they come over. Seriously have friends that request I make it for them. During the winter we probably have it at least once a week. The leftovers are great drained and wrapped in a tortilla, we Texans love their Tex-Mex.

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