After cooking, cleaning and running around like a madwoman from 6 AM to 9:30 AM this morning in preparation for a day of sweets, friends, kids and fellowship, I realized that I had about 10 minutes to get out of my pajamas and into ‘real’ clothes. So I darted back to my room, started changing, heard scraping followed by the sound of water running.
I mumbled a less than Fairytale appropriate word and dashed down the hallway still buttoning my pants and tugging on my shirt, all the while envisioning a waterfall of rainforest proportions in my kitchen, you know the worst.

Not the worst at all. The best.

A young Monkey giving me a glimpse of the amazing man he is destined to become.


  1. OH my stinking cute!!! Can he come train a 40 yr old in my house that does not even know where the sink is?? 🙂

    Kim’s latest brilianceWordless Wednesday – Super Stinking Cute

  2. Awww-how sweet.
    Hes so adorable…glad you captured it so when it comes up, and it will one day that he doesnt know “how” to wash dishes…you can say oh yes, and i have the proof! hahah

  3. I truly believe it’s our duty as mamas of boys to train them up right. I love how you’re getting him started young! lol

    dysfunctional mom’s latest brilianceGo sell crazy somewhere else, we’re all stocked up here……..

  4. Sorry to burst your bubble but my take on this is from the expression on his face he is thinking..”OK, I know I can take this puppy apart, where did I leave that monkey wrench?”

  5. He is the most adorable thing every!!! I just love this!

    Take care – Kellan

    Kellan’s latest brilianceWhat Do Bloggers Need Even More Than A Story … ?

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