Weren’t we just moving you into a big boy bed?
and now.
You’re growing, changing, moving faster than my heart.


(wait, let me get my camera)


(hold on, let me change my settings)
Be.  Still.  My.  Heart.

No Training Wheels

no training wheels

Bike vs. Neighbor’s Brush Guard aka Thank God For Helmets
I get knocked down

Even at 5, you show the man you will become.

Even while the tears are streaming down your face, you get back on that bike with Daddy’s strong hands steadying you and you ride one more time, just to prove that you can.

back up again


Be Still My Heart


  1. ahhhhh… we were just talking about doing this with my five year old earlier. so scary, but also AWESOME!

  2. Great photos and post! Your Little Monkey without training wheels and with man-sized resolve and determination. Must of been one very proud and happy household (a little boy) after he accomplished this milestone.

  3. Fury learning to ride a 2-wheelers was one of the proudest days I ever experienced. Monkey must’ve done all of you so proud. Signature bumps n bruises and all 🙂

  4. As I read your posting of your son riding his bike without his training wheels, the memory of my “baby” doing the same come flooding back to me and my heart stopped for a second and I knew the fear, the pride and the love that you felt at that time. Then I chuckled and just thought of all the adventures you have yet to experience.

    I know…. My “baby” has grown up (currently 26) and is currently deployed in the Navy and I often wonder how he is even alive today with some of the daredevil adventures that he had with his friends as they were growning up. But a greater being knew that he would grown into a fine young gentlemen and protected him through every scrap, ER visit and every brillant idea that they could come up with.

    I can’t wait to read about the next adventure.

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