also known as Disco Groovy Tie Dye Cupcakes

rainbow cupcakes

These are the rainbow, colorful, tie dye cupcakes that I made for Princess’ 6th birthday and took up to her school and to her Daisy Scout Meeting.  These rainbow colorful cupcakes are quite simple to make.  They take a bit more time than regular cupcakes but trust me, as you can see from the picture… they are more than worth it.

These are deceptively simple and insanely delicious and rich and tonguegasmically flavorful.

  • 1 box Betty Crocker Butter Yellow Recipe Cake Mix (this is the richest, most flavorful and moist cake mix.. in my experience)

Follow the instructions on the box for making the cake batter (eggs, butter.. please use real butter, it makes a difference)

Divide the batter into 4 or 5 clear glass or white bowls ( I got mine at the Dollar Tree and love them) use food coloring to dye each bowl of batter to your desired shade

bowls of colored batter

Using table spoons place the batter in whichever pattern you prefer.  I placed one color in the base of the cupcake liner and then dropped a spoon-full of batter in the cupcake liner in a clockwise pattern until each cup was 3/4 full.

cupcake batter ready to bake

Bake and cool according to the instructions on the box.

Be careful these cupcakes smell delicious enough to tempt even the strongest will and the bursts of color are enough to bring even the most stoic abstainer to their knees

rainbow cupcake insides

For the icing.. yet another cheat.  I’ve made many a buttercream and many a cream cheese but, when I’m in a hurry and I want absolute tonguegasmic frosting without a worry…  this is where I turn.

1 buttercream icing

1 cream cheese icing

1/2 stick room temp butter

1 (8 oz) block cream cheese, room temp

1/2 to 1 C powdered sugar

1 to 2 tsp pure vanilla extract

Empty both frosting containers into a mixer, add in butter, cream cheese and 1 tsp vanilla… add powdered sugar both to taste and to stiffness.

Once you’ve achieved your desired texture and taste (plenty of tastings are required to achieve the perfect balance… trust me *wink wink*)  DO NOT put this into a baggie and snip off the end to “pipe” onto the cupcakes.. this just looks like a mass of poo.

Spend the $6 at the grocery store/Hobby Lobby/whatever and buy the bag/tip combo.  Use the medium tip and pipe a swirl just in the center of the cupcake.. this allows the artistry of your beautiful tie dyed rainbow cupcake to show through and your cupcakes aren’t overwhelmed by frosting



  1. I could kiss you right now! And in February I WILL DADGUMMIT!

    These are SO MUCH FUN! I can’t wait to make them. All three of my kids (even the grown one) will love these!
    .-= amy2boys´s last blog ..Sloth =-.

  2. That’s just the most awesome cupcake idea I’ve seen yet! =)
    .-= WackyMummy´s last blog ..Size Does Matter =-.

  3. You are so creative! I would have never thought to do this. I’m so glad that you mentioned that Betty Crocker was your fav. cake mix. I’ve been trying to figure out which is best.

    I know my daughter would love these rainbow cupcakes. I will certainly have to make them for her on her special day at preschool. Thanks!
    .-= Momisodes´s last blog ..Blacked out =-.

  4. Wow! That is adorable! I will be whipping this out here in the near future. Thanks!
    .-= Krissa´s last blog ..There just is no good title for this. I mean what on earth would you call it? =-.

  5. That is awesome! Totally going to do that for my son’s 3rd birthday! Thank you!
    .-= myki´s last blog ..Overwhelmed =-.

  6. OH yumm, thanks for posting this… now I KNOW what I’ll be making for the holidays, heehee!
    .-= Diane´s last blog ..Day Three: 12 days of fru & frugal, HP and the Half Blood Prince =-.

  7. My daughter and her friend made these today. They said they were the most amazing cupcakes ever. They were so proud!

  8. I’m going to use this idea for my son’s upcoming football awards and use green & gold (his football colors) in the cup cakes. I’ll save the rainbow idea for another time. Thanks for your creativity!!!

  9. This site actually inspire others, kids love it when they feel important by making treats and have friends sharing it…

  10. Your cupcakes are so colorful. I bet your little princess loved them so much.
    .-= Melody @ Party Cupcake Ideas´s last blog ..Ice Cream Sprinkle Cupcakes =-.

  11. Awesome! My 2 oldest get out of school next week and these would be great to take to a gathering we are going to. Thanks! I’m a wedding cake maker and I’ve never done these before!

  12. Will be making these for my daughter’s 2nd grade class tonight! Do they hold up well overnight? Should I frost tomorrow or frost tonight? Refrigerate or leave outside? I hope these questions are not too silly! THanks

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