[donotprint]Y’all, I swear,Β  I really wanted to title this post: “So, This One Time at BlissDom” but, it turns out, I already wrote that post πŸ™‚

There are so many amazing moments swirling in my heart and mind from BlissDom, that I can’t quite get them down on ‘paper’ yet.

However,Β  one really spectacular moment for me, happened Wednesday, during the Wisdom Workshop lunch.

Land O Frost Wisdom Workshop Lunch

Can you guess what it was?

I’ll give y’all a hint —

Rachel's Blissfully Delicious Wraps

Why yes, that is a recipe card with my name on it.Β  With MY recipe on it!Β  A recipe that I created especially for BlissDom’s Wisdom Workshop Lunch!!


I can’t tell y’all how flattered/giddy/excited that I was when I got an email from Land O Frost saying they were sponsoring the Wisdom Workshop lunch and would I create a sandwich recipe for it…**

{this would be where y’all envision my jaw on the floor — followed by a goofy grin and a leap in to the kitchen}

I asked if a wrap were okay instead and if it could have a seasoned mayo ..

No, to the mayo because these were prepared ahead of time but YES to the wrap — I love sandwiches but, I think there are so many more possibilities for wraps and I am an admittedΒ  wrap snob, I think they are often done wrong, therefore given a bad wrap (snort — sorry, couldn’t resist)

  • too much stuff inside so that they pour out all over you
  • not enough so that it’s all wrap and no substance
  • flour tortillas instead of actual wraps

I dove into my Land O Frost drawer lunch meat drawer and played with several variations and I have to tell y’all, I was really excited with what I came up with.

I sent them the recipe and jokingly called it my Blissfully Delicious Wrap —

Well ——-

Rachel's Blissfully Delicious REcipe Card

There was something surreal about watching hundreds of women line up and then walk around a table that has something you created on it, to walk around and see people talking, laughing, eating and enjoying something that came from my heart and my kitchen.Β  I truly — I don’t know that I have the words..

Blissfully Delicious Wrap Table

It was a dream come to fruition.

I love to cook, to create, to feed people.

For me, it is one of the ways that I am able to show my love for my friends and family.

To be able to have my recipe shared with hundreds of women whom I respect, love, admire, appreciate and care for deeply —Β  wow.

Blissfully Delicious Wrap Side View

The Gaylord Opryland did an amazing job of making and plating the wraps so that they were visually appealing and as a former restaurant manager, I know the difficulty of that and I can’t thank them enough.

Blissfully Delicious Wraps on Whole Wheat

Would y’all like the recipe?

I really hope that y’all want the recipe πŸ™‚

I’m actually making these for the Super Bowl on Sunday, they’re so easy and light and delicious.[/donotprint]


Recipe: Rachel’s Blissfully Delicious Wrap


  • 3 slices Land O’ Frost Premium Black Forest Ham
  • 8 fresh spinach leaves
  • 1 slice of cooked bacon, crumbled if you want
  • 3 slices Land O’ Frost Premium Smoked Turkey Breast
  • 6 thin red bell pepper strips
  • 2 thin cucumber slices (peeled, cut in half and sliced length-wise, so the pieces are flat and long)
  • 1 (12 in) whole wheat or spinach herb (my favorite) wrap


  1. Layer the Black Forest Ham, fresh spinach leaves, cooked bacon and Smoked Turkey Breast, in that order, on the wrap
  2. Top with red bell pepper strips and cucumber slices.
  3. Gather to one side of the wrap, fold ends in and roll up.
  4. Cut down the middle (at an angle) and serve

Quick Notes

* a drizzle of chipotle mayo — basil and red pepper mayo — or garlic aioli will add that extra zing and complete this wrap.

Number of servings (yield): 1

I have a few i may have grabbed several extra recipe cards, so, if you’d like one of the actual recipe cards from the BlissDom Wisdom Workshop lunch, let me know and I’ll get your information and mail you one with a personalized note πŸ™‚

If you were at Blissdom and ate one or four let me know what you thought!!!

** yes, I’m a Land O Mom’s ambassador but, this was not part of my normal duties or an additionally compensated event.Β  And, I’ve been eating Land O’ Frost lunch meat for years longer than I’ve been an ambassador — #justsayin’ ;-)[/donotprint]


  1. Squee! I’m so happy for you. Couldn’t be happier if it were me. Truly, this is fabutasticly awesomelicious! Yay, Rachel. Yay, Rachel!

    Knock, Knock.

    Who’s There?

    Blissfully Delicious Wrap.

    Blissfully Delicious Wrap who?

    Rachel’s Blissfully Delicious Wrap filled with Delicious Deliciousness!

    Big Puffy Heart with Glitter!

  2. Wow! That’s impressive…and getting your recipe included is as well:) I would love for you to link it with Tailgating Time this week if you can.

    1. Thank you, Bridget!!! It’s not as cool as the amazingly beautiful little person you brought into the world while we were off Blissing it up — but, yes πŸ˜‰ I’m giddy about it!!! <3

  3. dang I totally cried. Is that weird? Just imagining how that must have felt Rachel. I was raving about the wrap and had no idea it was your recipe and Alli said “you do know this is Rachel Southerfairytales (yes that last name) recipe?” I was all “NO WAY!” So I went back and took another one. Amen. You deserve the love, the cred, the world, I’m so excited that you got this opportunity! xoxo

  4. OMIGOSH – I didn’t know these were yours! I gobbled them up, kept apologizing to the servers because of my gluttony – but they were so absolutely NOM. Now I know why I hearted them so much.

    And now I’ve eaten one of your recipes that I didn’t destroy! Rachel – they were so good. Thank you.


  5. I thought they were tasty, although I do like my bacon a little more chewier than crisper so I know when I make these at home (and I will) that I will not have such crispy bacon and I will def. use some seasoned mayo.

    Great job hon…these were great!

    1. you and my husband πŸ˜‰ he likes chewier bacon and I like crisper bacon ;_)
      Thank you, sweet friend.

      It was such a joy getting ACTUAL time with you at Blissdom!

  6. omg that looks/sounds just divine!! I’m printing the recipe to make them next week since I had to miss you (and all my favorite people )as well as the food last week! So proud of you Rachie!


  7. The wraps look beautiful and would be great for a spring luncheon. The fruit salad that is in the top right square of your blog looks wonderful too. Could you please tell me about the salad (recipe)? This is my first visit to your blog and it’s one I will be visiting again and again. Thank you and congratulations.

    1. Hi Connie!

      Thank you so much! That salad is a Grown Up Fruit Salad and it’s a recipe that I created for inclusion in a Brain Foods cookbook that was published in Fall 2010.

      I sent you an email with the links πŸ˜‰


  8. I ate one at Blissdom and it was…blissfully delicious. It would have graduated to divine if it had a spicy mayo on it. Totally going to make it one day in the near future.

    Congratulations πŸ™‚ They really were a hit. I giggled when I saw your name on the card…pretty cool.

    1. You’re so cute.
      I love that you giggled πŸ™‚
      I’m so happy they were such a big hit! I know, spicy mayo or some sort of drizzle/dip/sauce — ftw πŸ˜‰

    1. Hey Carol Anne,

      Our grocery store carries them in two places, over by the deli and in the same section as all the tortillas. Sometimes you have to really look for them.

      If your store isn’t carrying them yet, you definitely need to request that they do!

      My favorites are garden spinach herb, sundried tomato and there’s a jalapeno one, too. I think that Mission makes quite a few.

      Good luck!

  9. Hi, Rachel. I am just a regular (that may be questionable) person who enjoys your blog as a subscriber. I would love to have one of your recipe cards with your happy signature on it! I think my grown kiddos would love these wraps for one of our family gatherings. We are empty-nesters now and I don’t cook a lot, but I still enjoy trying fun, new things. You always make me smile at least once when I read your blog entries. Thanks! Have a blissfully happy weekend!

  10. And I made them – and ate them (even the spinach) and still had some to bring to my family – I can’t believe you made me eat spinach! But it’s good for me I know πŸ™ Thank you πŸ™

    I mean thank you πŸ™‚


    God Bless you Rachel

  11. Made these today and had a girlfriend over for dinner. They are GREAT!!! I did make a souped up salad spread with dill, basil, chives, and a little roasted red pepper, loved it. The only thing i did different was add some sliced cherry tomato,a touch of goat cheese and green onion because i had them. The green onion really pulled the flavors. I am new to all this and it tickles me that i took a already great recipe and made it my own and it was still great. I took a look at your recipes and i will be there a lot! Thanks!!!

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