My dear friend, Chicky and I realized that our birthdays are super close together, she’s August 3rd and I’m August 7th.

birthdaybutton give back

We have decided that this year to celebrate our birthdays, we want to celebrate y’all and give back to our amazing friends and readers.

We contacted some of our favorite people and they responded immediately that they’d love to help and sponsor our Birthday Gift Back Party – YAY!

So, without further ado… here are the fabulously generous and wonderful sponsors of Rachel and Chicky’s Birthday Gift Back Party!

Lily Fields Photography



I Love Storkie Invitations




Canvas Press


Gussy Sews


The Hip Hostess


Mabel’s Labels



Allora Handmade — the blog_1312218386033


Red Letter Words

Red Letter Words

Baby Sit Kit

A HUGE Thank You to our wonderful sponsors!!!

Make sure y’all go visit them and give them some love!

We’ll be kickin’ this Gift Back Party off tomorrow with our Epiphanie Bags Giveaway!!  Make sure y’all check back every. single. day!  There’ll be goodies every day through Sunday!!!!

The total of the amazing Gift Back Party Goodies — OVER $600 DOLLARS

Make sure you’re subscribed to us and following along on Twitter so you don’t miss out!


  1. Happy birthday to you both. My brother’s bday is today, so I’ll think of y’all too when we celebrate!

  2. Great way to celebrate your special days! Belated Happy Birthday to Chicky and Best Wishes to you Rachel for a wonderful day and a very blessed year.

  3. I have a wonderful picture of my grandsons that I would put on the Canvas Press canvas to put on my mantal. I could also wiat till my 3 grandchild comes along and have all three of their pictures taken for the canvas
    Hope this is where this is supose to be posted as I canot find any other place.
    love you blog

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