contest closed

Can you tell from the title that this is going to be a post about Pyrex?

I have a very serious relationship with my Pyrex.

Honestly y’all, my Pyrex dishes are one of my favorite (and most used) wedding gifts.

It’s not that I don’t love the gold rimmed crystal goblets and gold and silver sterling silverware sets… but, we aren’t fancy people 😉

Y’all have seen pictures of my favoritest-favoritest-favoritest Pyrex thing before

teaspoons of flavor

Remember those?  I even wrote a post on Blissfully Domestic about my 5 Must Have Kitchen Gadgets (non-electric) and they were at the top of the list.

I haven’t gotten into once a month cooking yet, however, I am a huge proponent of easy cooking and especially since we’re so busy with PTA and Soccer and Birthdays and School and… you know, life!  I’m always ready for anything that makes cooking and life easier 🙂  I love one dish meals, preparing veggies ahead of time and keeping them in the fridge for easy snacking and grabbing for adding to meals.  I love when I can prep, cook, serve, refrigerate/freeze something all in the same dish.

wamsutta 2

It really is the little things that make me the happiest, y’all.

Nathan works looooooong hours and unfortunately he can’t come home for lunch; so I tryto send healthy, filling, delicious meals with him that he can keep in the work refrigerator and easily re-heat.  Home cooking, there’s just nothing like it and just because he can’t be at home, doesn’t mean he should suffer :-), right?!

Pyrex makes that easy for me and when I was contacted by Pyrex about reviewing their nifty new line of No Leak Lids Glass Storage Products… YES PLEASE!

I did a little happy dance when the box arrived at my house and I saw all the goodies inside; I also giggled when I saw my measuring spoons 🙂


These rockin’ dishes and lids– I love! L-O-V-E, y’all. LOVE!!

I especially love the nifty little steam release on the lids so that the food can be microwaved with the lid on, allowing for  the steam to release and NO MESSY MICROWAVE! YAY!!! (Now, if I can only get Nathan to remember to bring the dishes HOME from work!)


I got the goodies right before we left for our cruise and I started using them as soon as we returned, I have ALWAYS used Pyrex, I looove Pyrex and the addition of a few new goodies, like the flat whisk (awesome for sauces and soups), the grater with attached measuring cup (perfect for grating parm for my pasta sauces and salads) makes my kitchen a happier and more efficient place for me :-).

Guess what —  One of y’all gets the same Pyrex goodies that I got!!!!!!
Here’s what you’ll get:

Pyrex Supper Saver Package

* Grocery list pads – For meal planning before you head to the store.
* Reusable grocery bags – Plastic is so 90’s.
* Three (3) Pyrex No Leak Lids Glass Storage products – You can bake in them, store in them…what’s not to love?!?
* Mezzaluna – Good chopper tool for easy prep, plus, let’s face it, I think it looks cool.
* Pinch bowls – Perfect to prep and measure.
* Small spatula – Good for mixing and cooking.
* Grater with container – Everything tastes better with a little cheese on top!
* Basting brush –If all else fails, brush some BBQ sauce on previously prepared meats for a tasty re-heat dish!

Are you as excited as I am?

Okay, here’s how to enter:

Remember each entry should be left as a separate comment:

  1. (mandatory) Leave a comment telling me about your favorite Pyrex product:  (is it your baking dish? a whisk? Magnetic Measuring Spoons? Storage?)
  2. (bonus) Tell me what you do to make suppertime easier
  3. (bonus) Tweet this and link your Tweet in the comment section:

I will use comment contest plug-in to choose the winner of the Pyrex Supper Saver package and THEN I’ll use comment contest plug-in to choose a second winner who’ll receive the set of Magnetic Measuring Spoons that was included in MY package.  Since I already own them, I figure I’ll pay these forward 🙂

Contest Open from Thursday, October 28th through Sunday, October 31st at 10:00 PM CST.

** I received these products to review from Pyrex, however, the opinions and enthusiasm are 100% mine and not compensated in any way.

congratulations to Krissa for winning the Pyrex kitchen goodies package and to Not a Mean Girl for winning the Pyrex measuring spoons!

Comment Contest ‹ A Southern Fairytale — WordPress_1288582178043


  1. Oh how awesome, thanks Rachel! My fav Pyrex product is my blue glass 8×8 glass baking dish, perfect for baking brownies or even cooking casseroles, love it!

  2. I make dinner easier by cooking the night before and heating this up for supper. I often freeze meals ahead of time too, when I’m in a pinch, I can just thaw and heat!

  3. I love the Pyrex storage bowls! I put leftovers in them in the freezer. I have an aversion to plastic in the microwave, so Pyrex solves that! Also, my girls have dropped them on occasion and we have yet to break one! Sturdy and practical! Love them! I’m going to have to get the measuring spoons! They look awesome! (and one can never have too many measuring utensils!)

  4. I LOVE my Pyrex liquid measuring cup. Seriously. It’s. The. BOMB. (I also love my Pyrex 9X13 baking pan. Looooooove!!!)

    What do I do to make dinner time easier? Make BIG batches of stuff that freezes well. Then when we’re in a rush Dinner a la Freezer!

    (I’m not sure how to link my tweet but I DID Tweet this for ya as well!)

  5. Awesome! I love my baking dishes… 8 x 8 or 9 x 13.

    Just wondering, what are the lids like on those storage bowls? I have some similar glass dishes but the plastic lids are starting to tear a bit around the edges. Do these seem like they’ll hold up to a lot of use?

  6. To make dinner easier, I put left over soups and sauces in the freezer in bowls that I know will fit in my crock pot. That way when we have a busy night, I can pull it out of the freezer in the morning and pop the frozen food right into the crock pot on low and by dinner time, we just need to dish it up!

  7. I also like to bake ahead and freeze, like wrapping individual servings of lasagna or meatloaf and then thawing them for lunch or dinner.

  8. I make HUGE meals so we can have leftovers at least once a week for dinner…and we always plan the meals the weekend before so we know what we’re having.

  9. I love pyrex, love that I can cook in them and have storage all in the same. I love my 8 x 8 with its top. Love the whisk and measuring spoons, be looking for them

  10. I love my Pryrex measuring cups – I bought them when I lived on my own for the very first time. The big one served as my soup bowl for quick dinners in law school and they stood by me during my first cooking successes & disasters.

  11. I LOVE Pyrex. I was just telling Michael that the one thing, from our wedding shower, that stands out are my Pyrex bowls. I LOOOOOOOOOVE.

  12. I absolutely love my Pyrex 9×13 baking dish…
    I can make King Ranch or a nice cake!!! It is so versatile!!!

  13. To make dinner easier, I usually include repurposed leftovers in my meal planning. For example, if I’m making a roast, I’ll plan for hot roast beef sandwiches another night.

  14. My favorite is my 8×8 baking dish, it is perfect for just about everything (seeing how things are made for just me and the hubster)!

  15. I LOVE LOVE LOVE my pyrex measuring cups, especially the 4 cup one, since I make a lot of soups and it’s easy to measure twice with it for a pot of soup. I also love my 13×9 in pans…they get used at least twice a week!

  16. To make dinner time easier in my house, I meal plan. Every Sunday, I plan every meal out for the week, Monday, I do all of the shopping, and then I stick to the plan 100%. I print a copy of the menu and stick it to the fridge so that the husband knows what’s for dinner if I’m gone.

  17. My favorite Pyrex product has to be one of my glass baking dishes. I cannot imagine making dinner or dessert sometimes without it. (close second is my glass 1 quart liquid measuring cup)

  18. # Leave a comment telling me about your favorite Pyrex product: It’s soon-to-be the magnetic measuring spoons – what an awesome idea!

  19. I try to make suppertime easier by having a plan soon after I wake up in the morning (or even the night before) so I can get all of the ingredients together on time with no last minute rush.

  20. # (bonus) Tell me what you do to make suppertime easier: I make huge batches of chili, soups, and pasta sauces over the weekend, and store them in the fridge/freezer to eat all week. Considering I work and go to school, this is a necessity.

  21. I keep a list of the dinner options for the week on the calendar so if my hubby wants to help out he knows what the choices are.

  22. Suppertime easier? Plan, plan, plan. I plan my meals, plan my grocery list, then at the beginning of the day I plan what steps I need to do that day to make sure dinner happens. I.e. defrost meat, prep crockpot, etc.

  23. I love my pyrex baking dishes and my pyrex liquid measuring cups! I also love to make one dish meals like chicken and rice and pair it with salad.

    thanks for the contest!

  24. I love pyrex too! My favorite though are the one cup bowls with lids! Perfect for leftovers and for taking lunch in the next day!

  25. I love all my Pyrex bake ware, mainly because to make life easier on myself and my family, casseroles are a life saver.

  26. Just this morning, putting away dishes, I was thinking about how much I love my glass measuring cups in 4 different sizes (1 c, 2c, 4c, and 8c). I used to have two 2c measures, and gave one away, but I wish I had kept it. I use them all the time and they’re so easy to clean (and the one with the lid is the best!). Thanks for hosting the giveaway.

  27. My favorite pieces are the baking dishes. And the glass measuring cups. No matter what I’ve done with them, no matter how inappropriate, I’ve never managed to break one!

  28. My favorite Pyrex product(s) are my Pyrex measuring cups. I love that I can also use them in the microwave to melt butter or chocolate. I also love my Pyrex baking dishes.

  29. I have three kids with crazy schedules and a remarkable ability to forget to get anything out of the freezer in time to thaw, so to make dinner easier, I always have a few things on hand that I can whip into an acceptably healthy meal: shredded cheese and tortillas for quesadillas, some form of pasta and the ingredients for at least one kind of quick sauce, and canned and frozen veggies for when I open the crisper and realize the lettuce has liquified.

  30. My favorite Pyrex product is my set of mixing bowls with lids! I use them all the time when I cut produce in advance to make meal prep faster and easier. I also use them to store the finished meal!

  31. I love my smaller rectangle shaped pyrex with the lids. I can not, repeat can not live without them. I refuse to use plastic for our food anymore because when you microwave plastic it leaches chemicals into your food. For easy use in the microwave, when I pack our lunches for work, I put a piece of wax paper over the meal before I put the lid on. To reheat the food, I take the lid off and reheat and the wax paper keeps it from making a mess for others at work. 🙂

  32. My favorite STORAGE dish is the small rectangle with lid. I pack my husbands lunch in those and I wont have to worry about him eating something out of heated plastic.

  33. I like to keep a freezer stash of “dinner starters”. I like to pre-cook the ground meat, chicken, pizza shells made ahead, anything I can prepare and freeze.

  34. I love my standard little 9×9 square Pyrex dish. I use it for all sorts of things like marinating meat, making brownies or roasting in.

  35. I freeze my vegetable, beef or chicken stock in ice cube trays and then keep in a bag my freezer. I found that I was wasting a lot of stock keeping the open cartons in the fridge and not using it all before it got old.

  36. I love my pyrex baking trays. I have tin trays but the pyrex ones get used the most.

    I love love love my slow cooker, many a supper gets prepared in the morning ready to serve up when I get home from work.

  37. I also love the 9X9 pyrex dish that used to have a cover before I melted it on one of our burners (oops)! Great for making and taking places. I also love our pyrex measuring cup.

  38. To make dinner easier, I have a large collection of recipes that take 20 min’s or so. I’m always on the search for more. All meals are planned out in advance, so I’m never wondering what I should make. In addition, I love my chopper (like the slap chop). Dicing would take me forever without it.

  39. I have the glass bowls with the red lids and I love them for leftovers and general kitchen storage. I am trying to buy one set a month and I throw away the same amount of plastic containers. They are so much easier to clean at work than plastic. I LOVE THEM!

  40. We try and prep as much of the dinner items for the week on Sunday night so life is easier throughout the week. Cheese is already grated, veggies chopped – saves money and we only grate, chop what we need for the week.

  41. I love my Pyrex liquid measuring bowl/cups. My mom got hers as a wedding present nearly 50 years ago and I couldn’t be without mine.

  42. I plan my meals in advance as much as possible. It keeps me from overbuying and helps me plan to use my leftovers before they get trashed.

  43. I adore my Pyrex mixing bowls. They’re so clear and look so pretty when they are filled with cookie dough or a pretty pasta dish. It makes me happy to see them all filled with the bright colors of yummy food.

  44. I’m a little OCD, so my menu is planned out a month in advance. That’s a huge help with suppertime. Also, right after we get lunch cleaned up, my 3yr old and I set the table for supper. That’s just one less chore right before we eat. Makes life way easier and less of a rush to get the food on the table and everyone to sit down.

    Thanks for the opportunity!

  45. I used to love my round pyrex bowl, I use it for mixing and when I make my jello salads. Well my husband knocked it on the floor 2 nights ago and it shattered 🙁 I LOVE pyrex!

  46. Both my most loved and most reviled Pyrex pieces are the same thing…the glass measuring cups. As mentioned in my post here (forgive the link: ) I spoke of it’s indestructible-ness. While it gravely injured my toe…I have 2 measuring cups in my kitchen that are the same indestructible Pyrex!!!

    Boy would I love this….

  47. What do I do to make dinner easier? Unfortunately, not enough. I try to make fast and easy meals…and always have sometime super easy on hand like spaghetti for the days I don’t have time/want to cook.

  48. Truth? It’s my Pyrex “1 cup” measuring cup (which is really closer to 2)

    Because when I’m done using it for measuring I can melt butter in it in the microwave or heat it and not worry about it shattering. Or, well, melting.

  49. My fav is my rectangular baking dish, If I recall correctly, I think it’s the one with a cover and carrying bag. Couldn’t do with out it.

  50. I have a Pyrex set that has a travel case that keeps food hot or cold (depending on whether you freeze or microwave the inserts) and it’s two layers! The bottom layer has a 15×9 pan. The top layer has two half-sized pans. It’s great for potlucks (no fighting for room in the fridge or space on the stove) and picnics. Love it.

  51. To make dinner easier…
    When making something labor-intensive like lasagna or enchiladas I make a double batch. The additional time to double everything once I’m in the process is small, but I’m able to freeze the other pan (a reason to always have more Pyrex!) for a ready-to-heat meal later on!

  52. I have 3 pyrex 9×13 pans. Love them all and its not uncommon that at least 2 are dirty/used at the same time. I also love the lids that go on them as well as the other pyrex I own. The most used item in my kitchen!

  53. To make dinnertime easier? I menu-plan.

    I sit down every week and along with the store sale flyer, make a grocery list and menu for the week. Just KNOWING what I’m going to cook each night takes a huge chunk of thinking out of my day.

  54. To make supper time easier, I plan a menu for the whole week. and i do the prep the night before whenever possible!

  55. To make dinner time easier, I try to plan ahead the night before & decide what fun new recipe to try. When you are cooking for 1, and working full time +, sometimes you need to reward yourself by making it fun, instead of reaching for takeout first.

  56. I LOOOOVE the baking dishes with the blue lids! i actually took a prize we won at a Christmas party back to walmart and got my set of pyrex with the gift card they gave me!

  57. i have a giant clear pyrex mixing bowl that i ADORE and use for EVERYTHING. i got it 2nd hand and am kicking myself that we didn’t register for pyrex for our wedding. seriously, it’s *amazing*

    thanks for the great contest 🙂

  58. my favorite item is the good old fashioned glass 9×13 baking dish. got my first one 14 years ago as a wedding shower gif. still have it and have added 2 more.

  59. What a great give-away. My favorite Pyrex product….hmmmm….this is easy, I don’t have any PYREX, for shame I know! I’ve coveted Pyrex forever, but have just never gotten any. Thinking I need to get some soon, since I’m cooking more often now after surgery.

  60. My 8 cup glass measure. I do everything in it and I’m note sure I’d know how to make a pie without it-it’s a must have in my kitchen.

  61. I love the covered casserole dish I inherited fom my grandma. Not only does it work wonderfully in the oven but it has great memories attached for my kids too now.

  62. my best easy supper is having breakfast for dinner. If it’s french toast I can mix and pour out of my large measuring cup.

  63. I have a Pyrex casserole dish that I always roast my chickens in. I also used to make brownies in it. When I had my first baby, a friend brought us brownies in the pan, and offered the pan as a gift.

    It’s one of my favorites.

  64. The best way I have to make dinner prep easier is having a great husband. Mine comes home and plays with the kiddos so I can cook w/o them underfoot. As for the actual cooking made easy – I’m all about easy dishes with big flavors. Know your spices and use them well. I love rubs and sauces that elevate something ordinary (like broiled fish…done in 6 minutes) taste amazing.

  65. My favorite is the lids to any Pyrex dish. They are great for stacking food in the fridge. Plus, if there is leftovers I just pop the lid on and I don’t have to wash it for another day.

  66. I love Pyrex. I have many of their products. My 2 cup glass measure gets used a lot. I have a 4 cup from another company and it chips easily. My Pyrex is still as good as new. I won’t buy that other brand again.

  67. In the winter, we do lots and lots of slow cooker soups that can cook all day. That makes dinnertime a cinch! But I also like to pre-make and bake “one-dish wonders” (that’s what my mama calls them) like you mentioned.

  68. The glass storage bowls. I don’t like plastic storage containers, so everything goes in Pyrex and it can also be reheated in the same container (although my lids don’t go in the microwave).

  69. I have two Pyrex pie plates that I use for everything. They were handed down to me by my mom, and they’re showing theie advanced age, but I love them.

  70. After ditching all my plastic containers these glass ones with *NO LEAK* lids are positively droolworthy and have already been given a place of honor on my Christmas list after reading your post.

    I probably use my Pyrex 4 cup measuring cup the most. It is big enough that it measures just about anything I need it to in one step but not so huge that it feels unwieldy. Thanks for an intro to a great looking product!

  71. My favorite Pyrex dish is a purple bowl that I got years ago at the outlet. I have made so much in it and it is the perfect size for salad. I have baked in it and it has fallen to the floor more times than I care to count and it still perfect!

  72. To make suppertime easier, I plan the meals for the weak (I actually cheat and use a meal planning service) so I know exactly what I’m making each night. I also make sure to pick meals that take 45 minutes or less and not too many ingredients.

  73. My favorite Pyrex product is my glass measuring bowl with a lid and handle. It is one of my most used things in my kitchen.

  74. One way I make our supper times easier for me, is by planning. I make a huge list. Then I will prepare as much of the ingredients, for each meal/each day, in one day. Chopping ingredients, stacking the recipe items together (in the freezer or the pantry) just makes things go smoothly.
    One time I got sick, I told my hubby where the items were, and he prepared the meal like I had been right there with him.

  75. When I got married my mother “handed down” a set of Pyrex casserole dishes to me. I still use them, nearly 25 years later.

    To make suppertime easier, at least once a week I cook up batches of seasoned ground beef and chicken breasts, dividing these into 1/2 – 1 pound freezer bags. That way I cut down prep time for casseroles, tacos/quesadillas, salads, or many other dishes.

  76. My all time favorite is my Pyrex baking dish. It was handed down to me by my mother. I use it to bake my famous mac n cheese dish. I mix, bake, and serve in the same dish. Luv it!

  77. My favorire is my Pyrex baking dishes! use them almost every meal.
    To make suppertime easier, i let my Mom in law cook. haha! No really, i just try to prep everything in advance and have all my veggies chopped and in the amounts needed. Then I just throw everything together and into the oven, and viola, dinner. 🙂

  78. I like my pyrex baking dish. It came with a nice rubber lid so I love that it can keep my food fresh for a while.

  79. Comment #2: I love using my crockpot to make dinnertime easy! Plus nothing can beat coming home to the smells of a meal already completed for you.

  80. I have 2 9×13 glass baking pans with plastic lids and 2 a little smaller [nest inside] that I use almost every day. They are the go to pieces in my kitchen.


  82. I love, love, love, my little Pyrex 6oz dessert dishes. I use them for everything – of course, ice cream and cobblers, but they are also really handy for things like applesause and baked beans, that otherwise run all over your plate. I declared that we must have them when registering for wedding gifts, and my husband thought they were pointless, but he uses them all the time now too!

  83. Hi Rachel, I’m a new reader and love your blog. My favorite pyrex pieces are lidded bowls I got at the outlets a few years ago. They don’t retain odors or stains, and the since they’re lidded I don’t go through saran wrap to cover them. I’m also going to look for the magnetic spoons!!

  84. i make dinner earsier by preping my meal in the morning after I’ve taken one son to school and before I get the other one up.
    It works great!

  85. I make dinner easier by having a weekly meal plan. That way I know what we are having and that I have all the ingredients to make them.

  86. I love Pyrex. For a wedding gift we received a box of standard glass pyrex storage containers. They are my absolute favorite for leftovers since the sizes a perfect and they don’t warp like the throw away kind.

  87. To make dinners easier, I try to plan 3 meals a week and have the two biggest stretch over 2 nights (which is difficult for my husband who snacks at all hours). Sunday I make a big meal, and then on Tuesday morning I make a crock pot dinner. then Thursday is usually something simple and fast like spaghetti.

  88. Here’s one thing I do to make cooking supper a little quicker. I buy ground chuck in a large family pack (usually 3-4 pounds) and brown it all up immediately. Then I rinse it, drain it and pack it up in 1 pound packages that are stored in the freezer until you need them.

  89. Pyrex is a god-send! I love my 13×9 glass pan for all of my favorite casserole dishes and cakes/cookie bar baking!!!

    Nice to know that I use the same cooking tools as my southern hero!!! As always, you are the sweet tea in my day out here in Oregon!

  90. I often participate in freezer cooking parties with my girlfriends to create healthy meals in advance for my family! Saves me some dinero as well

  91. It’s so hard to name my favorite Pyrex product because I have so many and love them all. But I have to say the one that gets used day in and day out is probably my set of glass liquid measuring cups. A tried and true classic, and the only thing I ever make pancakes in.

  92. We eat nearly all our meals at home, and the one thing that keeps us eating at home instead of running out for dinner is having a meal plan. Once a week I sit down with my calendar and plan my meals, making sure we have easy meals for those hectic days and leaving the more time consuming meals for less busy days. I also try to do as much prep work as I can during the day time or during nap time to make the witching hour a little more manageable.

  93. I am such a Pyrex fan too! One of my favorite pieces of pyrex are my small glass storage bowls with lids! I’ve had them for 7 years and they’re still in great shape AND I love to use them to store tomato products because they don’t get stained! yahoo!

  94. One thing that I do to make suppertime easier is to have my kids help with small things. That way they don’t get as impatient waiting for supper to be on the table!

  95. I have a baking dish that has a lid and a christmas type holder and the hot/cold bag to carry it in and I love it. I use it for every function I need to bring something to.

  96. I try to cook enough for two meals at least. We eat one and I freeze the other. When we have a hectic day or if I just don’t feel like cooking I can go to the freezer for one of these meals.

  97. To make suppertime easier: I plan. If I don’t have a plan, we’ll end up eating cereal every night! So I make a (rough) weekly menu and shop for that. Leaving a few nights for leftovers to give Mama a break, of course 🙂

  98. To make dinner easier I use my freezer! Love that thing. Lately I’ve been roasting chicken breasts, cutting them up in chunks (or shredding) and then freezing in 2-cup portions in ziploc bags. I can pull it out for a quick chicken salad, or chicken enchiladas, etc. It’s a fabulous time saver! (And PS – you’ll get juicier chicken if you get the bone-in chicken breasts. And it’s cheaper too!)

  99. I love my baking dishes. They are used so many days of the week and hold up so well. Unlike the non-stick metal ones that eventually are no longer non-stick, but also poinonous to those eating from them, you just can’t go wrong with Pyrex glass! It can go from fridge to oven without breaking. Oh, I do love my baking dish!

    kymberlie [at] stefanskis {dot} net

  100. To make supper time easier, I cook chicken or turkey i larger amounts and freeze it for easy use later. I do the same with many veggies. Did you know that a can of corn is about the same amount as an ear of corn? When it’s on sale fresh in the summer, I stock up, blanch it, cut it off the cob, and freeze an ear’s worth in a baggie. Why spend $1/can when I can buy it for 10 cents an ear in the summer and have it frozen from fresh all winter? Easy peasy.

    kymberlie {at} stefanskis [dot] net

  101. I love my Pyrex mixing bowls with plastic lids. Perfect for summer salads! Of course I’ve had those and my measuring cups for 18 years!

  102. Easy tip. If you forget to defrost meat the night before. You can put frozen boneless, skinless chicken in crockpot a small can of enchilada sauce. Cook on low 8-10 hours. High 5-6. Shred for perfect chicken soft tacos.

  103. I have three of their baking dishes, different sizes and they are by far my favorite things to use in the kitchen, besides a wooden spoon (*smile*). Clean up is easy and the lids are perfect for fridge storage. Plus one came with a wicker bottom to use for display when sitting on the table.

  104. Magnetic measuring spoons sound pretty awesome! I love pretty much ALL my Pyrex stuff. I love that it’s glass and safe, compared to a lot of the nonstick stuff. And all the dishes have lids. Makes life easier — no needing to move to separate storage container at the end of the meal.

  105. I can go a day without using my glass 2 cup measure.

    I run all my veggies that need prep for the week through the food processor in the same day. I separate them into zipper bags for each meal. If I know I’m going to need sauteed onions, mushrooms, etc more than once in the week, I’ll cook all of them and put portions in the freezer for later.

  106. That is an awesome kit! I love my storage containers. So good to keep left over chili in and take to work to warm up. I def could use more pyrex!!

  107. OK, easy peasy! My favorite Pyrex container isn’t even mine! It’s my mother’s! I, of course have some of my own and love them, but there is an ancient glass, Pyrex measuring cup that my mother has and has been using for as long as I can remember. There are a few specific things like that in her kitchen that make me all nostalgic.
    To me suppertime flows so much better if I have someone bustling around behind me cleaning as I go. A sioux chef, actually. I can frequently draft a child or my husband in to help in that department. I remember doing it for my mom as well. Not to mention having an extra set of hands to grate, stir, or slice.

  108. my favorite pyrex product is the big glass baking dish. anytime you make something in that dish, you know there will be plenty to go around! at least enough for seconds and a couple of take-away lunches!

  109. the best way i know to make suppertime a little easier is to make sure that you have everything ready beforehand. i hate to make stops at the grocery store on the way home! i also pack up the leftovers in take-away dishes, so i can have a few frozen lunches ready for the week or when someone wants a quick meal. always wash dishes and clean up as you go along, so you don’t end up in a filthy kitchen with no clean dishes. i try to have the dishwasher ready to go before dinner, so i just rinse the plates and flatware before i tuck them in the dishwasher. everything is ready to go!sweep the floors and swipe the counters and the job is done!

  110. I LOVE my Pyrex too! My favorite might be my giant glass measuring cup. . .good for measuring, making jello, pancakes, heating water, etc, etc, etc. Pyrex, pyrex, I love you! (and thanks for the giveaway.)

  111. Here’s my tip to make dinner prep easier: I keep a special plastic container of toys and crafty stuff that my boys (5 and 2) can only get out while I am making dinner. They love their “special” box, and it gives me usually 10 or 15 minutes of uninterrupted time.
    thank you!

  112. I love my pyrex glass bowls. They are simple and durbale. And they are one of the “bigger” items we got for our wedding that are still around! It is just my husband and I for now and we’ve started making the bases of many dinners on sunday’s between football and relaxing to make week nights easier!

  113. I love my pyrex glass measuring cup and my pyrex pie plates! Though sadly I broke my 1 cup measuring cup! But I still have the 2 cup! One tip I learned earlier this year from another blogger is to freeze a whole package of bacon in individual slices. Just lay them out in a single layer on a small sheet pan (that will fit in your freezer) lined with foil and freeze. Once the slices are frozen you can pop them into a ziploc bag for future use. They thaw incredibly quickly and I have even put them in a pan frozen. I have come across so many recipes that call for just a few slices of bacon and I hate having to deal with a whole package so this makes it really easy!

  114. One thing I do to make dinner easier is cook all my ground beef as soon as I bring it home. I freeze them in 1/2 pound portions. When ready to use it, all I have to do is pop it in the microwave for 30 seconds – 1 minute and I already have my cooked ground beef. Ta-da!

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  115. I do love the baking dishes. When my mom died she had 8 – 13×9 baking dishes in her cabinet!! We were in shock, but my guess is they came from people who brought dishes over the years and she ever returned the dish – never knew… but everyone in the family got one when we packed up her house! And believe it or not, I did not get one, and am the one who can never find that size when I need it. She must be rolling in her grave!

    Very cool set you got, glad you like it!

  116. to make dinner easier, I either 1. have my 17 year old daughter fix it 🙂
    or 2. use as few ingredients as possible and try to work with what I have on hand…it doesn’t always come out beautiful but it’s usually edible 🙂

  117. I LOVE Pyrex!!! I am a soaper and I have a set that I use just for that purpose. I also, with my family, make candy every year for Christmas and I have another set that is used just for candy. On top of all of that I have a set that I use every day for dinners. We don’t eat out much and we are a very busy family of five, so making extra one night and freezing half is my lifesaver! Pyrex is always there for me!!!

  118. Meal planning makes dinnertime easier for me. I do as much as I can the day before, then dinner comes together much more quickly.

  119. To make suppertime easier, I plan my meals out on Sunday. Makes it easy when I get home, no having to decide what to make.

  120. Wow! Choose my favorite Pyrex item is like asking me which of my kids I like best!!!! I love it all for different reasons-I have all different side clear dishes and pretty white baking dishes and I have some spoons (that have been discontinued : ( ….so sad) that I absolutely love!!

  121. OK, I will be honest. I don’t have any Pyrex — but I need some! I am always buying the disposable things and then when I make someone a dinner (if they are sick or have a baby or what have you), I give it to them and never get it back. So I needs me some Pyrex:) It will help with the Indian dishes I have been making in the crockpot;)

  122. My favorite Pyrex item USED to be my loaf pan, until it mysteriously disappeared last Thanksgiving. I think my brother may have “accidentally” put it away at his house after doing the dishes. Now it would have to be my baking dish. It’s my bestest kitchen friend.

  123. My 9 x 13 baking dish is my fav. Couldn’t keep house without it.

    I like to cook dinner, at least partially, ahead of time. That way, all I have to do is put in the oven and reheat it. This is great with casseroles! You know how nuts things can get at dinner time, so having it already done is a huge relief come 5 pm!

  124. My favorite is my 9×13 pan – I use it all the time from casseroles to chicken dishes. I am in desperate need for some new ones though!

  125. What do I do to make cooking easier? I am a full time working mom, so I try to batch cook every few weeks and use my crock pot a ton! This way I can get a meal on the kitchen table and spend time with my peanut when I go home rather than in the kitchen for an hour. Or I prep ahead of time things I can (cut up etc) for a fresh meal!

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