
Today the blogosphere, the internetz, the city of LA and countless cities around the country and the world will turn purple. All in honor and remembrance of one brilliant, passionate, bright eyed, lash fluttering, giggling little girl.

Madeline Alice Spohr.


There will be purple toes, purple shirts, purple bracelets, purple blogs, purple twitter pages and more.
All for the love of one little girl. One of our own.
As parents, friends, writers, bloggers, sharers of our lives, we embrace, we love, we all feel the loss of Maddie.
Her death rocked the blogosphere and beyond and we, we rocked right back.
Through our tears and pain, we raised money for other children in Maddie’s name.
Through the haze of disbelief and shock, we raised money to help her parents with the unthinkable task of burying their only child, their 17 month old daughter.
Some have shared their own experiences, one flew there and stands by their side, laughing crying and helping, proving once again that she herself is a very special angel, others sent out the rally cry that organized walks around the country in Maddie’s honor, she designed memory bracelets and donated all proceeds to Heather and Mike and the list goes on….

On this day I will be taking my daughter and together, in our purple shirts and purple eyeshadow, we will get purple toes and fingernails, a Maddie-cure (stealing Casey’s phrase), we will pick some purple flowers and have a picnic outside surrounded by bubbles and nature. We will look at the sky, say a prayer, be thankful for our time together and know that somewhere up there.. one of God’s most precious little Angels is flitting around, testing out her new purple wings and smiling down on us, watching the world change and become a better place because of her.
Because of Maddie, over $24,000 was raised for March of Dimes in less than 3 days.
Because of Maddie, thousands of parents hugged their children a little tighter, played a little longer and counted their blessings a bit more closely.
Because of Maddie, the world is and always will be, a better place.

Turn on your purple and give praise and celebrate today the little girl whose life is changing the world.


  1. What a gorgeous tribute on such a sad day….

    The Stiletto Mom’s latest brilianceWhen Mother In Laws Attack

  2. When my girls (5.5 &4.5) saw her picture they asked what they could do, we are already doing the walk in honor of a great friends premi twins who are struggling right now but we all wore our purple including Hubby who proudly put on his purple shirt and purple tie with pride and thankfulness that our two little girls are well! Hugs

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