pumpkin gingersnap closeup
Pumpkin Pie Pudding with Gingersnap Crumbles

According to my calendar, Fall has arrived.

According to South Texas temperatures… it’s still summer.

After prowling around Hobby Lobby, Michael’s and the mall this past weekend, my senses are primed for Fall with its cooler temperatures, savory scents, rich colors and full flavors; so it should come as no surprise that I was inspired at the grocery store today by a can of organic pumpkin and a bag of gingersnaps.

The following  recipe tastes complicated, yet is as easy to make as a bowl of cereal.  Once you make this pumpkin pie pudding with crumbled gingersnap topping, you’ll want to make it again and again.

Not that I’ve gone into my fridge and stuck a finger into the leftover bowl 12 three times or anything…..

Seriously, y’all.  It’s amazing.

You will thank me for this recipe and your friends and family will be in awe of your culinary skills after you serve this to them.

Y’all may never have pumpkin pie at Thanksgiving again.

pumpkin gingerbread pudding

Y’all, this pumpkin pudding is savory and delicious, it’s cool and creamy, rich and heady.  It’s full of flavor and it’s honestly easier to make than it is to photograph 😉

Pumpkin Pie Pudding with Gingersnap Crumbles

My kids like to use whole Gingersnaps to scoop the pudding out of the bowls, edible spoon style
Print Recipe


  • 1 small package instant vanilla pudding mix
  • 1/2 C. canned pumpkin
  • 1 3/4 C milk
  • 1 C. whipped topping
  • 1/8 tsp ground ginger
  • 1/8 tsp allspice
  • 1/4 tsp nutmeg
  • Gingersnaps


  • In a large mixing bowl whisk together vanilla pudding mix and milk.
  • Add in pumpkin and seasonings (if you don't have the individual spices, you can use 1/4 tsp to 1/2 tsp pumpkin pie spice or the measurements above) and whisk until soft set (creamy)
  • Gently whisk in the whipped topping until it becomes thick and creamy.
  • Scoop into your serving dishes: tiny and cute, bigger and share-worthy or larger and all for yourself
  • Top with crushed gingersnap cookies and if you’re feelin’ frisky… add a gingersnap for decoration, too
Author: Rachel


Princess with Pudding


  1. Rachel

    I was waiting for this recipe since I saw your tease earlier on twitter. I LOVE gingersnaps!

    If you love them as much as I do, I recommend visiting gingersnaps.org. Fantastic and made by a great group of folks at The Center in Houston, TX! I’ve been eating them all weekend 😀

  2. No wonder the leftovers bowl is tempting you – your pumpkin pie pudding looks amazing. I never thought about using pumpkin in a pudding, but what a fantastic idea. I like the gingersnaps too! Thanks for hosting Mouthwatering Monday. Have a great week!

  3. I’ve been cooking (because the family insists on eating daily…several times a day – so bothersome) but nothing new or fun to share. I did make a cheesecake…maybe I’ll share that experience even thought it wasn’t an eye rolling back in your head cheesecake. Anyway, I’m so glad that it is finally cooling off here in TN so maybe I’ll feel like being creative in the kitchen again soon.

    But this pudding sounds super yummy…my husband loves pumpkin.

  4. Fall arrived in TN over the weekend -thankfully! IT was 98 on Friday… but by Sunday night I actually had to close windows because of the cool breeze coming in. This looks great! Blessings. KS!

  5. OOOOH Rachel! This dessert is lovely! I adore the picture of your little one holding the pudding. She is just such a cutie! My article this week is all about our big family gathering this weekend and how food and love are so tied together! Alex@amoderatelife

  6. Your Princess is so precious in that picture! You are one blessed momma and she sure is blessed to have a momma who likes to put good food in front of her. I can’t wait to make this recipe!!!

  7. I live in Arkansas and can sympathize with the heat…it’s ridiculous!! It looked like this week might give us a reprieve, but not so much.
    I love that this treat is fall-ish (is that a word?) but COOL.

  8. First time sharing for Mouthwatering Monday. Thank you so much for giving us the opportunity. The roundup of recipes here looks fantastic! I’ve added my Gluten Free Asian Pear Galette. Just finished scarfing down the last piece yesterday with my afternoon cup of tea!

  9. Ummmmm YUM! I am most definitely going to have to make this for my next book club. By time December comes I get so sick and tired of the same ol’ pumpkin pie desserts. This will be so scrumptious and a lovely alternative! Thanks for posting!

  10. Oh yum… I have made this four times in the last three weeks. I hope you don’t mind, but I’m blogging this (with the proper link back to your site, of course). Thanks!

  11. I found your blog through flickr by way of twitter (epiphanie tweeted about the camera bags on the cruise ship). I saw the pictures for this on your flickr and knew I had to know if you had a blog and if you posted this recipe. Yay! I found you! I can’t wait to try this out. 🙂 Looks amazing.

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