
Okay, there are your cherries on top and look they’re even glittery! Come on you know you want to help me.
See, y’all know that I got Photoshop Elements 6 for Christmas and I am crazy excited about it, but I need y’all’s help.
I am a truly visual person. I need to see, play, watch, in order to learn.
This picture down here.

This picture took me about 30 minutes to do.
I want to know the secrets. I want to know how to be like Fussy and Nap Warden. These two women are my photoshopping idols.
Do you have any secrets? any tricks? shortcuts?
Share your favorite photoshop helping websites, you know the ones where you find the tips, links, hints, tricks…
Come on.. give it up. You know you want to!!
Big smooches and tons of thanks!!

The original picture.


  1. I have no photoshop advice but I think what you did with that picture is really cool!

    Pioneer Woman is always doing Photoshop tutorials on her blog.

  2. Hmmmm.. I took a photoshop course at my community college last semester. The book, is really helpful, you really don’t even need to take a class because the book takes you through step-by-step. It is called ADOBE Photoshop Revealed by Thomson Course technology. Ebay it.

  3. Actions, actions, actions…try googling “free photoshop actions”, and you should come up with a bunch of things. I have a page somewhere with a bunch, and I will look for it and send it to you. You download them , install them in the actions folder under presets, and you just run them like a little mini program…

  4. I used to know photoshop when I worked in the ad agency..I’ve since forgotten most of it. I took some classes and played until I figured out what I needed to.

    Good luck.

  5. Nice photoshopping. I do a lot for work, and the best thing to do is make a LOT of mistakes. Work around try out all the little doo dads and make things worse. You’ll figure out a lot that way…at least i do.

    Like the blog a lot, btw.

  6. I just signed up with my local library to take a course in photoshop so I do not have any advice “YET”. But I will share once I attend the class.

  7. I only dream of someday playing with PhotoShop so I’ve got no advice. I will, however, store any advice you get in my cranium should my dream become a reality.

  8. Loved what you did with it..I don’t have Photoshop..but, since all the cool kids are doing it…I may have to get it as well…but, maybe I should get my camera first, huh? lol….

  9. I am coming from Fussypants site and I too idol their photoshoppiing ideals. The only advice I can give is go to and type in photoshopping tutorials. There is always something.

    You did a great job though and I think you should pat yourself on the back! Your not so bad with the photo shopping either.

    I’ll be back to see what good ideas you received.

  10. pioneer woman talks about photoshop on her blog all the time. well, alot. sometimes. but when she does, it makes your mouth water and makes you want to sell you children and buy the program. which i do not have.

    can’t wait to see what you learn!

  11. Photoshop tips: Click as many features as you can, progressively smearing and distorting your picture as you go. Curse liberally. Finish by deleting the pic and wishing computers were never created.

  12. This site looks awesome when it comes to photoshop tutorials. You can learn to do all kinds of stuff. They go step by step through the process.

    Also, I Googled ‘free online photoshop course’ and found this Adobe Photoshop Basics. I took a free beginning photoshop course a few years ago that was very similar, and it helped so much. You start from the beginning and build on what you learn.

  13. Oh my Chicky…I am in my den and I am looking at 8 Photoshopping books. What does this mean? Read, and do, read and do, read and do…That is the only way you learn. What version of Photoshop are you working with? Go check out my NW Designs site…I just did some stuff on there that will blow your mind…All with Photoshop, it is such a powerful program!

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