Yes, I squee’d when I got my Prep for Bliss package yesterday!

Thank you so much to all the wonderful Blissdom Sponsors for all those wonderful little goodies!

Are you going?Β  Let me know in the comments and PLEASE leave me your twitter URL so I can make sure I’m following you!

PS – I’m a Food Community Leader with some other amazing ladies!!!


  1. I’ll be there and I’m definitely looking forward to it!

    And, although I’m not a foodie, I hope to seek you and the others out to chat wine and food. πŸ™‚

    PS: I also blog as and

    See ya VERY soon!!!!

  2. This will be my first Blissdom. I am glad I found your blog, and that you posted a photo of what is going to be in that little box. That takes the edge off the wait.

  3. YAY! I’ll be there – FIRST TIME. I’ve watched from the sideline for so many years. Can’t believe I am going and get to be a community leader this year, too!

    Can’t wait to meet you there! @SortaCrunchy

  4. I’m going (first-timer here)! I’ve been admiring/stalking your blog for a couple of months now and hope I get the chance to meet you πŸ™‚ I’m @2sisters_angie on twitter

Talk to me!

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