pork tenderloin collage

Savor those ingredients in your mind for a moment.

Pork Tenderloin. YUM.

Orange Chipotle Marinade. YUMΒ  (it’s better than you can imagine)

Grilled Veggies. DROOL

That’s like a triple tonguegasm there y’all.

So here’s the dealio…Β  I was given the opportunity (iTunes giftcard) to download and review the Kraft iFood assistant app for my iPhone.Β  OH WAIT.. I already had it on my phone.Β  I was also given a gift card to pay for groceries (um.. hello.. in this economy WHO is going to turn down free groceries?!)

So, I sat one day and played while waiting for Princess to get out of school.Β  I found 4 recipes immediately that leapt out at me.. garlic breadsticks, oreo truffles,Β Β  Creamy Corn and Zucchini Chipotle Bake AND the Grilled Orange Chipotle Pork and Brown Rice.Β  I added them to my shopping list (which automatically added them to my recipe box) and off to the store we went.

The shopping list is handy as all get out, it organizes everything by department/aisle, finds your nearest grocery store AND on the kraft kitchens site, you can even add your own items to the shopping list that shows up on your iPhone, iTouch or Blackberry.. Oh YES.. you read that right.Β  You can NOW get the iFood assistant on your iPhone, iTouch AND your Blackberry.

I am horrible at writing down shopping lists and remembering to take them with me.Β  My iPhone.. well, I’m never without it.

I made the truffles for the kids’ teachers. Those were a massive hit with EVERYONE!Β  (I’ll share that recipe later)

oreo truffles

For dinner Friday night, I made the Grilled Orange Chipotle Pork with Grilled Veggies and Brown Rice.

I didn’t even have it cooking yet and Nathan was sniffing around the kitchen and asking when dinner was going to be ready.Β  It smelled SO good.

If you want their EXACT recipe.. go here


Pork Tenderloin with Orange Chipotle Marinade and Grilled Veggies

  • 2/3 C Basil Parmesan vinaigrette
  • 1/2 C orange marmalade (no, really.. orange marmalade.Β  caramelizes it nicely and the flavor.. NOM)
  • 1/4 C chipotles in adobo sauce, chopped (this can be lessened or upped according to your personal preference)
  • 1 pork tenderloin (mine was 2.5 lbs), butterflied
  • 2 green peppers, cut in half, and then each half into six slices
  • 2 red peppers, cut in half, and then each half into six slices
  • 1 large, or 2 small, yellow onions, cut into quarters
  • 3 C cooked brown rice (I HIGHLY suggest adding some marinade to the rice for flavor. Otherwise, it just subtracts and distracts from the awesomeness of this dish)

tenderloin ingredients

Mix the dressing, chipotle peppers and orange marmalade.

tenderloin marinade

Butterfly your tenderloin (lay out and slice in half lengthwise) place the butterflied tenderloin(s) into a large dish

butterflied tenderloins

Cover with all but about 1/4 C of the marinade.Β  Make sure that you evenly coat the tenderloin, cover and marinate for at least One Hour.

butterflied tenderloins 2

About 10 minutes before you’re ready to cook remove the tenderloin from the refrigerator and toss the veggies with a bit of the marinade

tenderloin veggies

Turn your grill to medium heat and cook both the veggies and the tenderloin for about 13 minutes.. you’ll need to move the veggies around so they don’t burn.

tenderloin and veggies on the grill

Remove from the grill when the pork’s internal temp is 160.Β  Let rest for at least 5 minutes.

Slice the pork, you can cut the veggies smaller if you’d like and serve.Β  You can serve over brown rice, as suggested but make sure you add some marinade to the rice immediately after it’s cooked (during fluffing) otherwise, the rice is a distraction to the dish.

tenderloin final

This will show up again on our table.Β  I’m going to play with the marinade for chicken and steaks, too.Β  It has a wonderful flavor that truly surprised me.

So, this Mouthwatering Monday comes with a bonus πŸ™‚ Proper entries give you the chance to win a $25 iTunes giftcard (to purchase the .99 cent app) and a $50 Amex gift card for some groceries (I know, awesome.. right?)

Leave me a comment about the recipe (first and main entry)

This contest will end tuesday, December 15th at 10:00PM CST.

Bonus entry:Β  How would the iFood assistant shopping list, recipe finder hel you?

Bonus entry: Tweetthis and leave the tweet URL in the comments


CONGRATULATIONS to Amazing Greis commenter #27

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each entry must be in a separate comment
If you’re adding your Mouthwatering Monday Tonguegasmic Recipe.. Please sign the linky, leave a comment, visit others and link back here πŸ™‚


  1. This has so many favorite flavors that I know I will be trying it out. I already have all of the ingredients on hand which will make it easy to fix next week. I’m having a little party called Merry Merry Muncies that is linked to Mouthwatering Mondays. Come join in the fun! You might also want to link up to Crock Pot Wednesday. The link for that will be up by Tuesday. I’d LOVE to receive your giveaway for my birthday on the 18th:) Did I overlook your Twitter link?
    .-= Debbie´s last blog ..MERRY MERRY MUNCHIES EVENT and Menu Plan Monday =-.

  2. My gosh, that looks so delicious!! I love grilling food and am always looking for new ways to mix up veggies and make it more “appealing” for picky eaters. This recipe is awesome, thanks so much for sharing. The dessert photo had me drooling also! Yum.

  3. The iFood would help me become a more organized cook, I feel like I’m always forgetting ingredients or skipping steps in recipes, so I really can use all the help I can get! πŸ˜‰

  4. I’ve used orange marmalade in sauces/marinades before (once a upon time), I’d forgotten about that. It’s really a great way to get the orange flavor in there and I’m sure the sweetness compliments the chipotles.

    This whole recipe sounds really yummy! I drooled just reading about it.
    .-= Malia´s last blog ..Hope is Powerful =-.

  5. You know, I’ve never made an orange marmalade, and anything with chipotle is going to get a thumbs up from me. I’m definitely trying this recipe! Thanks for sharing!

  6. YUM. Did someone say OREO TRUFFLES?

    I actually have the LITE (free) app for the iPhone – and think about upgrading – I’m never without my phone (for sure), and browse a lot when I’m waiting somewhere, anywhere (I HATE WAITING). Do you know what the diff is between the regular and Lite app?

    And, I’d love to win. I’m kind of addicted to iTunes.
    .-= Sarah´s last blog ..The Exception to the Patience Rule =-.

  7. the ifood would help w new exciting recipes PLUS help me remember ALL the ingredients. i sometimes plan a meal, go to the store, and realize i have forgotten my shopping list (you know, old school, on a piece of whatever paper is available lol)
    .-= ciara´s last blog ..Merry SITSmas ’09! =-.

  8. I love pork tenderloin and chipotle is the greatest. I will definitely be trying out this recipe. And, maybe, just maybe I’ll make it for my parents when I finally invite them to my apartment for dinner. πŸ™‚
    .-= AmazingGreis´s last blog ..I (heart) Faces – Week 49 =-.

  9. I don’t have a printer at the house, and it’s hard for me to print lots from work, so the iFood assistant would help me immensely!!! I wouldn’t have to print recipes and shopping lists any longer. I could just keep the list on my iPhone and go from there. Oh, and the great recipes would help me entertain more!!!
    .-= AmazingGreis´s last blog ..I (heart) Faces – Week 49 =-.

  10. Ohmygosh, I LOVE pork tenderloin! That did look SO good!
    I am about to get a new blackberry and the iFood assistant would be wonderful to have on it! Like you, I am horrible about not making it to the store with the actual list. Same goes for coupons. But the assistant would be great!
    .-= Krissa´s last blog ..I am sure we are outwitting the German spies. =-.

  11. I’m sorry did you say something about pork? I was totally distracted by those chocolate things… πŸ˜‰

    Just kiddin’! We will be making this recipe at some point! Looks SO good!

  12. After my house renovation, I got rid of my old grill. This is an excuse to ask Santa for one, is it not? πŸ˜‰ Also, I would definitely use that shopping list app on my blackberry. At the supermarket, I’m always pushing my cart with my elbows because I have my BB in one hand and a paper list in the other. This will free up a hand. I tend to crash into little kids when I use my elbows.
    .-= BusyDad´s last blog ..Go Stuff a Stocking =-.

  13. I’d have to pass on this one or alter the ingredients because I can’t do the peppers, but I like the other flavors. Nothing better than yummy pork!

  14. Ahhh, the food looks delicious! Good luck to your entrants……I’d participate because I am SO SURE a phone app like the ones you mentioned would help me out a lot….for one of the same reasons you mentioned: I am never without my phone. However, I do not own an iPhone, iPod, or Blackberry.

  15. My online name says it all when it comes to shopping – I am a hot mess. Lists all over the place…on napkins…ripped pieces of envelope…tiny corners torn off important papers… And recipies – I can never find the ones I want to make when I want to make them. There is a lot of coordination required when it comes to putting a meal together – sounds like this ap would be a HUGE help! πŸ™‚
    .-= Another Hot Mess´s last blog ..The Big Easy Was Nothing But Hard On My Heart =-.

  16. This sounds amazing. My husband and I both love pork and chipotle anything so I’ll have to give this a try. Although, I don’t like peppers and husband won’t touch veggies with a 10 ft pole so I’ll have to substitute with something else. Either way- your RSS Rocks so I have no fear with this marinade!!!

  17. Great recipe! I have many ways to use it and I am sure my family will love it. I may even try to recreate the orange beef at my favorite chinese restaurant.

  18. The iFood shopping assistant would be a great help. I am totally alone doing the menus and shopping lists and it takes a considerable amount time and effort. Sometimes i have to go to the store and wing it which is hard while watching a toddler. The recipe finder would also help me keep things interesting instead of getting into a rutt with recipes i make all the time.
    .-= Dawn @ Naturally Texan´s last blog ..Contest to win a Cheese-making Kit! =-.

  19. That app seems amazing & so does that recipe! I’m not a huge pork fan (minus breakfast foods), but I think I could do a similar marinade for chicken. Yum!

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