
Pork Chops in Dijon Cream Sauce was the hands down winner on Twitter last night for today’s Mouthwatering Monday post.
These pork chops are truly tonguegasmic. They are not only easy to make but their creamy deliciousness will have your family, friends or lucky guests thinking that you’ve graced them by slaving for hours over a complicated, fancy schmancy dish.

I won’t tell if you won’t.

Pork Chops in Dijon Cream Sauce

  • 4 boneless thick cut pork chops (or boneless skinless chicken breasts)
  • 1 pint heavy whipping cream
  • 2 to 3 Tbsp Dijon Mustard
  • 2 Tbsp yellow Onion, diced
  • Garlic Salt and Pepper to taste
  • 2 Tbsp butter
  1. Melt butter in a pan over medium-high heat, saute onions until translucent and delicious smelling 😉
  2. Add pork chops and cook about 5 minutes each side, just enough to lightly brown and partially cook the chops.
  3. Remove from pan, cover and set aside.
  4. Add cream, mustard and seasonings. Bring to a slow boil, scraping the pork chop and onion scraps to fully incorporate them into the sauce, because these little bits… they make this sauce the tonguegasmic yumminess that it is.
  5. Stir the sauce frequently.
  6. After 3 to 5 minutes put the pork chops back in the pan, cover and simmer for about 10 minutes (or until the chops have reached an internal temp of 145 degrees)

    Serve topped with the sauce and accompanied by rice, green beans or twice baked potatoes (our favorite)

    * you can use chicken instead of chops, that’s how the basics of this recipe was shared with me originally, if you use chicken season the chicken with a bit of flour and seasonings first and then cook it in the butter and continue as with the chops


    Share your favorite Mouthwatering Monday Recipe by signing Mr. Linky and visiting the other participants and leaving comments on their posts. Make sure that you link to the actual Mouthwatering Monday post and not just your blog’s url. 😉 Thanks for playing! I love cooking, eating and sharing recipes so I am truly blessed and honored that you’ve chosen to be a part of Mouthwatering Mondays!


    1. Yummy! That looks amazing. I have figured a way to feature OTHER people’s recipes…I am crafty like that…so head on over and don’t be afraid of what we are serving.

      Texasholly’s latest brilianceLola Cruz’s Spanish Rice

    2. Pork AND mustard… what’s not to love?

      OHmommy’s latest brilianceStriving to get more people to stand up on their counter tops. One person at a time.

    3. I must try this. I’m just bummed I didn’t see this yesterday when I made pork chops!!!! I did use the dijon mustard and onion in my recipe, but the cream and butter sound delicious 🙂

      Momisodes’s latest brilianceWill Spank For Tips

    4. Made these tonight. Mmmmm, would be great with mushrooms too if you have them. 🙂 Perfect meal for a low carber too, like me! 😀

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