Perhaps you’ve heard of a little site by the name of Pinterest.




I’ll admit right now that I’m a complete Pinterest addict; If you don’t believe me, just check out any one of my 26 Pinterest boards or 1200+ pins ๐Ÿ˜‰

Maybe you’ve also heard of a little site by the name of Babble.

This past week – Babble announced their Top 50 Parents on Pinterest

Their list includes some of my favorite Pinterest rock stars like:

Aimee of Greeblemonkey

ย Helen Jane

Erin Loechner

Laurie Smithwick

and more!

You can get the full list of all 50 on Babble.

Oh and before y’all go see them..






Yep, they included me!!!!!!!

Do you Pin?ย  What are your favorite things to Pin? Let me know so I can follow you!


  1. Thanks for sharing this one. I haven’t try this Pinterest and by seeing what you have experienced in Pinterest it seems it is very interesting and there are lots of things to explore on this social media.

    1. Pinterest is awesome! I’ve gotten so much inspiration there, from things to do with the house, to food, to stuff with the kids etc…

      Hope you love it!

  2. I’m not sure if I follow you on Pinterest yet, but will have to as soon as I’m done here! I just started pinning not that long ago, and like you, I’m hooked! I like to pin on lots of things including kids, food, landscapes, nature, recycle & repurpose and crafts. There are some great ideas on it and so glad people share!

  3. I love pinterest. I wish someone would hire me so I could stay on it all day but I can’t do that so I have to limit myself to literally minutes a day on it, it is the biggest time suck i’ve ever encountered lol
    Congrats to you though ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Pinterest has been a fun thing for my wife and I to share. We each have our own niche pinning categories but other stuff we are basically pinning to each other. If you haven’t noticed, I like to pin about food ๐Ÿ™‚ Maybe I should blog again…I kinda miss writing.

    1. I love that! I know – I kinda feel like pinterest has replaced actual blogging ๐Ÿ˜‰ hee hee

      BTW – HI Stranger! Are you OhCaptain on Pinterest, too?

  5. Congratulations Rachel. I love seeing your pins pop up in my stream. I mostly Pin recipes, blogging related articles, photography hints and things I think my niece and nephew would like.

  6. I pin mostly recipes, but also pin great tips and ideas when I come across them. I think I already follow you, and I’m at slove554

    1. Thank you! I love pinterest – there are definitely times it can seem stagnant, but that’s why finding new people to follow is so important! I hope you love it, too.

  7. I love Pintrest. Congrats on making the top 50.
    Going there now to follow you. I love all things Pintrest; cannot narrow it down to one catagory.

  8. Congratulations! About the 26 Boards (that is dedication right there!) and the Babble honor! Keep up the good work…

  9. I love pinning recipes and anything pretty!!! I would love for you to follow me… I follow you on here, now I need to go find you on Pinterest! ๐Ÿ™‚

  10. Pinterest is really fantastic. I experience a lot of new things with this site. I am happy that you enjoy in Pinterest because me too I am also Pinterest addict.

  11. Congratulations! Love that honor!

    Thank you for sharing this list because I am a Pinterest addict! I love finding new pinners to follow!

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