I’m a bit passionate about Cancer Research.

I believe that there is a cure somewhere and that Saving Second Base is pretty damn important.

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

There’s this wonderful thing called;

“The Pink Glove Dance”

It’s a competition to raise awareness, have fun and save lives. I don’t think there’s any way there could be any losers this time.

My local hospital system – Christus Spohn – has created a video for the competition and I’m asking y’all to watch it and vote for them.
Why vote for them?
Here’s why.

The top three winners will receive donations in their name to a breast cancer charity of their choice, such as the National Breast Cancer Foundation. The charity is subject to Medline’s review to ensure it falls within our compliance guidelines. The amounts of the donations are $10,000 for 1st place, $5,000 for 2nd place and $2,000 for 3rd place.

Christus Spohn has an amazing program called First Friday
The mission of First Friday is:

To honor those who have had breast cancer.
To increase awareness of the importance of early detection.
To provide free mammograms for women in need.
To save lives.

You can watch their video below – trust me, you’ll be smiling, I’ve watched it several times and I can’t help but smile every single time.
You can vote for them by clicking on this link to the Pink Glove Dance Competition Page.

*I have absolutely no affiliation with the program or the hospital system, however… I have entirely too much damn association with Cancer. #cancersucks


  1. Thanks so much for sharing the CHRISTUS Spohn Pink Glove Dance! The best part about the video is that’s it’s filled with breast cancer survivors. Thanks, as always, for spreading the word!

  2. Thanks for posting this! What a great video and what a big undertaking to get everyone at the hospital involved, from surgical teams to cleaning teams! Awesome. Best wishes to Christus Spohn in this wonderful contest. You are right, everyone wins!

  3. Thanks for sharing that – it put me in such a great mood, and more importantly, it’s a great way to raise people’s spirits and to raise money for a great cause. I love the whole idea of this!

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