I love playing with Picnik.
I got my first taste of Picnik about a year and a half ago when VDog gave me a code for a Premium Subscription and I was immediately hooked. Β  I use it for editing, playing with and adding a watermark toΒ  98% of my pictures that I post on here, Blissful Food and that I print. They’ve come a long way since I first started playing with them and they’re constantly adding more features.

Like this one, create your own photo card, collage and even present tags:

The only thing wrong with this card… the fact that my daughter forgot how to smile πŸ™‚Β  Other than that, took me less than 3 minutes to make and save.

You can make a collage of your holiday treats to attach to the plate of goodies you give them, or just post it and make them drool and wish they lived closer.

You can add holiday frames and accents to show off your decorating elf Monkey

or turn a sweet baby picture black and white with a color accent.

You wouldn’t believe how easy it is to do that.

Since it is the giving season, I’ve partnered up with Picnik to offer y’all a Get One, Gift One Holiday Giveaway.

I have two- Three Month Premium Picnik subscriptions to gift away.

To enter, leave me a comment telling me which Picnik features you’d most like to play with and tell me who you’d give the Gift Subscription to.

Bonus entry: only valid if you complete first entry:Β  Tweet this and leave the Tweet URL in a separate comment

This Get One, Gift One Holiday Giveaway is open from December 22nd to 7 PM CST December 24th, 2009.

***as a thank you from Picnik for hosting this, I received an extension on my own Premium Account***

CONGRATS @laprimera who won~~~~ This contest is closed


  1. I”m in love with Picnik, my premium account expired about 3 weeks ago and I miss it so much!!! I have to wait unitl after the holidays to renew! I love all of the premium features. The color boosting, the borders, the different holiday art. The entire program is great.
    .-= AmazingGreis´s last blog ..Blogger Football League – Week 14 =-.

  2. I’m not photo-savvy enough to use Picnik, so I would gift one / gift one. My friend Laura is a font-fiend, who would probably spend hours playing with that feature, and my sister Carol has such an amazing eye for picture-taking that she would probably use every doodad Picnik has! Thanks for the opportunity to win!

  3. I would so use the watermark feature and the collage. I would so love this, and I would give the gift to my cousin Dina! I’m not on twitter…can I blog about it and get an extra entry?

    Thank you!

  4. My best friend and I are picture addicts. At 40+ years old, we both take our camera’s everywhere. It would be so much fun to play around with the pictures that we take. I love the borders and the color accents. I’m already thinking of some great gift giving ideas with what we could make.

  5. I would really love to try the B&W w/color accent feature. I’ve always been intrigued by that.

    I’d give the other one to one of my friends here who didn’t win it. πŸ™‚
    .-= Maura´s last blog ..Just Under the Wire =-.

  6. I’d love to have this! I’ve been dying to try the premium and couldn’t find my blogher code. πŸ™ Making a holiday collage would be just the thing to get me to make sure I take plenty of pictures this Christmas.

    If I win, I’d probably give the other one away on my blog. You know… pay it forward and all.


  7. I would play around with the borders and also the black and white with color accents. That is so totally cool – and you said easy, too. I would LOVE to do that! The gift one would go to my sister-in-law, who has a whole lot more talent than I do and would be able to do so much more with it.

    BTW, thank you for the Macy’s card. I got it yesterday!

    .-= Chick Hatchers´s last blog ..Eyes in the back of my head =-.

  8. Oh boy, do I miss my premium account! I’ll have to get that up and going again, especially now with all those new fancy type tricks we can do!
    .-= Sugar Jones´s last blog ..Happy Birthday, Hannah! =-.

  9. I love Picnik! I think my favorite is all of the focus features that allow you to focus on one certain part of the picture. I also love all of the different fonts. I hope I win!!! I have a friend that would love Picnik as well!

  10. I forget what its called..60’s effect? It ages the photo, makes it warmer and rounds the corners of the photo. Love it. But then again every feature from Picnik is pretty cool. I’ve never had a paid account so I don’t know what other goodies are on there, but I’d love to find out.
    .-= Just Jinny´s last blog ..Hey..it’s almost Christmas =-.

  11. I love Picnik! I like to play with the frames and the text and I have to try the black and white with color.

  12. I have wanted picnic for so many years! I really want the feature that changes the pic to black and white and you can have a colour accent!

    The subscription would be for me, of course, with the family benefitting with many beautiful pics for memories!

  13. I ADORE Picnik. I had their premium subscription for a while and loved it! So many fun things you can do with their features, it’s endless. I especially love their “gritty” and “vibrance” effects.
    .-= Momisodes´s last blog ..I’ma get, get, get, get, you drunk. Get you love drunk off my hump. =-.

  14. Oooh! I want to win!! I love the collage features and the text on photos are my favorite features. I also likes that it connects to flickr. and my iPhoto is connected to Flickr. Easy peasy. Love it! Pick me! πŸ˜€

  15. I love love love picnik!!!! I really love all the silly things you can do with it (adding hats and other effects) I have had to start watermarking photos too and I love the text adding feature for that .

    Quite simply – Picnik ROCKS!

  16. I refuse to be discouraged by the number of responses you’ve already gotten, and how that lowers my chances …. πŸ™‚

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE the collages! The basic account doesn’t let me have very many pictures, and with the boys I have, and the activities they do, those many picture collages would be SOOOO cool! πŸ™‚

    And the gift subscription? Well, one of my bestest friends ever would be perfect! She doesn’t have a blog, but she IS a single mother of four beautiful little boys, and she has recently become a big fan of taking all the pictures she possibly can! Picnik would be the perfect way to keep her hooked! πŸ™‚
    .-= Sports Mama´s last blog ..He Knows I Can’t Cook, But He Stuck Around Anyway =-.

  17. I’d love to have this amazing gift to give to my best friend who cannot afford to buy the premium Picnik nevermind Photoshop etc. She has an amazing eye for photography and is hoping to make a business out of it when she’s older.

    She really wants to use the premium collage feature to showcase her work she has made using the basic Picnik.

    I really hope you will be kind enough to reward me with the gift code and reward my friend with it.

    Thank you and have a happy new year,

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