Happy Tuesday, y’all!  Welcome to Day 4 of

First, Happy Birthday to my Momma!

Second, I’m thrilled to welcome a new to me food blogger, Christi – from Love From The Oven, as our featured blogger today!  If y’all haven’t discovered Christi’s gorgeous and delicious blog yet, you need to go over there and meet her!  She’s simply delightful!

Make sure you stop by her blog today and say Hi and enter to win the wonderful giveaway we’ve got going on!!!

Without further ado – here’s Christi!


Hi everyone, my name is Christi and I run the baking blog Love From The Oven.

First I want to say a big thank you to the ladies here at the Holiday Bake, Craft & Sew Along for inviting me to drop by and share one of my favorite holiday recipes with you.

Now let’s talk holiday sweets and treats. I’m a big fan of keeping recipes simple, delicious and fun. As a busy mom to two girls, I’m always looking for ways to whip up treats that don’t take a lot of time to make but turn out great. My Peppermint Cookie Crunch Krispie Treats fit that bill. These are simple to make, easy to transport and make a wonderful edible gift.

You can throw a batch of these together in no time with just a few ingredients.

One thing that is important to me in baking is flexibility. You can easily swap out ingredients in this recipe. While I used Cocoa Krispies, Chocolate Jet Puffed Marshmallows, Candy Cane Joe Joe’s and Peppermint Mallow Bits, you can use whatever YOU have on hand or can easily find. Swap out Oreos for Joe Joe’s. Peppermint Marshmallows for Chocolate. Regular or Chocolate Mallow Bits instead of Peppermint. Baking should be fun, so don’t stress if you can’t find the exact ingredients, find the combo that works for you.

I like to cut my crispy treats with cookie cutters or biscuit cutters. I find this is a quick and easy way to cut them and people always get a kick out of the round shape. They are also easy to wrap up into a tower and package this way for gift giving.


Peppermint Cookie Crunch Krispie Treats

Print Recipe


Recipe by Christi, Love From The Oven.

  • 3 Tablespoons Butter or margarine
  • 1 package of Jet Puffed Chocolate Marshmallows
  • 1 cup regular marshmallows this is optional, you could leave it out or you could add more regular marshmallows
  • 6 cups Cocoa Krispies
  • 1/2 – 1 Cup Jet Puffed Peppermint Mallow Bits
  • 1 Cup Crushed Peppermint Sandwich Cookies


  • In a large sauce pan melt butter over low heat.
  • Add marshmallows and stir until completely melted.
  • Remove from heat and add your Cocoa Krispies cereal. Stir until well coated.
  • After the cereal and marshmallow/butter mixture is well combined, add in the crushed cookies and Mallow Bits, stir well to combine.
  • Using a buttered spatula or wax paper, evenly press mixture into a 13×9 pan coated with cooking spray (or lined with wax paper).
  • Cool, cut, serve, consume, enjoy!


If Peppermint isn’t your thing you can also check out my Triple Chocolate Krispies Treat version of this recipe on my website. And if Peppermint is your thing you won’t want to miss my Candy Cane Cookie Crunch Brownie recipe!
Author: Rachel

If you would like to find more sweet and simple treats, come visit me over at Love From The Oven, on my Facebook page, on Twitter or on Pinterest.

Thanks so much for letting me share a little holiday sweetness with you!


Thank YOU! Christi!

Okay, y’all – make sure you head over to Kelly’s blog for handmade craft gift inspiration and Cindy’s blog for handmade sewn gift inspiration and for more chances to WIN!


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