And so it begins

ConAgra HEB Meal Maker Challenge Vote for Me Logo - Final (2)

That’s right, y’all.Β  Today is the first recipe in the 4 week H-E-B & ConAgra recipe challenge.Β  Every Monday for the next 4 weeks, I and 7 other bloggers, will be sharing recipes featuring a *secret* ingredient.

Each recipe must fit these requirements: 10 ingredients or less, can be made in under 45 minutes and feed a family of 4.Β  This is all to help give y’all new ideas for great back to school dinners. By the end of this challenge, y’all will have 32 new recipes to choose from!Β Β  Every day during this challenge you have the opportunity to vote on theΒ  Meal Maker Back to School challenge Facebook page for your favorite blogger.Β  The top 2 voted bloggers will get to go head to head in a live cook off challenge in San Antonio on August 28th at H-E-B!!Β  The cook-off will be presided over by George Duran!

So, let’s kick this thing off shall we?Β  This week’s secret ingredient:


Peter Pan Peanut Butter


Do you remember eating apples and peanut butter as a child? Well, that is the inspiration for our Secret Recipe Sandwiches this week.

apple stacks

When I started talking about this challenge with Princess and Monkey they were more on board than I expected.Β  Princess immediately came up with the idea of Granny Smith apples and peanut butter.

Since this challenge is all about family friendly meals, I can’t imagine a better way to celebrate than letting my kids create the recipes with me.

Monkey, of course had to have his say:Β  “.. and bacon! Bacon makes everything better”

sandwich ingredients

We tried several different version, grilled, slapped together, rolled like wraps – but these toasted peanut butter, apple honey and bacon sandwiches, were hands down our favorites!Β  The kids gobbled them up and Nathan and I enjoyed them, too.

I admit, I was skeptical about the addition of bacon, but Monkey was right, Bacon adds something special to this sandwich.

5 ingredients – under 30 minutes and feeds 4


close up sandwiches

My kids loved putting these sandwiches together and they really do eat better when their hands are the ones creating the meals they eat.

If we had more than a 2 slice toaster; this would have gone even faster.
You can also make this recipe even more quickly by using pre-cooked bacon.

Cook 8 slices of bacon, while the bacon is cooking, toast the bread and using a mandolin, slice one medium granny smith apple.

Put peanut butter on all 8 slices of toast, top 4 slices of toast with apples slices and bacon

sandwich insides

Drizzle honey over the 4 slices of peanut butter toast that do not have apples and bacon on them.

Place the two halves of the sandwich together, leave whole, or do as we do and cut in half (triangle style)

Peanut Butter Honey and Bacon Sandwich
Serve with slices of sharp cheddar and your favorite chips (my kids chose salt ‘n’ vinegar)


I hope this quick and easy back to school dinner pleases your kids and whisks you back to the simpler days of childhood, like it did me.

The crisp tangy bite of apple, the sweetness of honey, the salty bite of bacon and the smooth savory peanut butter all captured inside toasted whole wheat bread.

I truly hope y’all love these!

This week, H-E-B makes it even easier to make this (or your own favorite Peanut Butter recipe) Now through August 9th, when you buy Peter Pan Peanut Butter 16.3 oz, you’ll receive an H-E-B Jelly 17-18 oz for FREE! with in-store coupon!! Score!

Peanut Butter, Apple, Honey and Bacon Sandwiches

Delicious Peanut Butter, Honey, Apple and Bacon Sandwiches. Serve with sharp cheddar and your favorite chips or fresh fruit.
Print Recipe
Prep Time:30 minutes
Total Time:30 minutes


  • 8 slices of bread
  • 8 slices of bacon use the pre-cooked, quick heating kind to save even more time
  • Peter Pan Peanut butter
  • 1 medium Granny Smith Apple
  • Honey


  • Cook the bacon, while the bacon is cooking, slice the apples (I use a mandolin) and toast the bread.
  • Spread the 8 slices of toast with peanut butter
  • Top 4 slices of peanut butter toast with apples and bacon
  • Drizzle honey over the 4 slices of peanut butter toast that do not have apples and bacon on them
  • Place the two halves together, serve in triangles, rectangles or even your favorite cookie cutter shapes
Servings: 4 Sandwiches
Author: Rachel

Follow all the H-E-B & ConAgra Meal Challenge Bloggers on twitter with the #HEBack2School hashtag.

Thanks for coming and linking your deliciousness up with me every Monday, I love seeing what y’all are sharing with your friends and family!

If you’d be so kind – take a moment and go vote for me on the Meal Maker Challenge page

For my part in this Meal Maker Challenge, I am being compensated and have received some products (some of which you can win – more about that later) All opinions, recipes, thoughts and ramblings are completely my own.

linked up to JamHands


  1. I think these might have to be made using a sandwich iron so that the peanut butter is hot and gooey and the apples are a little soft, but only because this is my summer of cooking with fire.

    Fantastic idea!

    1. My mom has a sandwich iron, I want to steal it. If you do that, make the PB thick and the apple slices thicker than shown — πŸ™‚ Just sayin’

      xoo Hi, friend!

  2. When I was pregnant with my youngest daughter, I craved pb, apple, and bacon sandwiches all the time. Everyone acted like I was crazy for wanting that combination.

    1. Okay, so 4 yo and pregnant women! LOL – I had never thought of this combo before and I think the addition of honey is brilliant! You’re not crazy, it’s DELICIOUS!

    1. Hi BreAna, you’re welcome! Thank YOU For commenting and for linking up! I hope you bought some bacon and apples to give this a whirl!

  3. Your sandwich looks very interesting! I went and “liked” the H-E-B page on facebook and voted for you. I added the Iced Mocha Frappe. Thanks for hosting!

  4. I happened to use the H-E-B sale to get the PB&J this weekend! As I have all the ingredients for your recipe in my pantry and fridge right now, we’re going to have to have these sometime this week! Thanks for the inspiration!

  5. Ummm yes. Bacon makes EVERYthing taste better. He’s so right. That includes cheese fondue just as an FYI.

    Sounds great – and I may try this out for the wee ones. But unfortunately I just can’t do peanut butter. I think I’m the only person I know who doesn’t like it.

  6. Great recipe! I actually made just peanut butter and bacon sandwiches before, and it was truly delicious πŸ™‚ I’m so glad to see you linked up this delicious recipe. Thank you so much for sharing this at Recipe Sharing Monday. I hope to see you back next week!

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