This seafood pasta sounds fancy, tastes fancy, but in reality is so easy to make!

This pasta is one of those dishes, I had the ingredients; I wanted something to eat… we made this.

Y’all know that I always have at least 3 boxes of Barilla Pasta Plus in the pantry; if you aren’t eating it yet…. You have no idea what you’re missing out on. There’s always parmesan cheese, bacon and garlic in my house and this week, I happened to buy fresh scallops, shrimp, white wine and basil.Β  I’m not sure what I had in mind but, I knew I wanted something and those flavors were calling to me.Β  So, this pasta was born.

I chopped some bacon and got it sizzling in a pan, then I added 1 clove of chopped garlic and cooked them for 3 or 4 minutes; stirring occassionally.

While this was cooking, I chopped the basil.Β  Easiest way to do this: roll the basil leaves up into a ‘tube’ and chop

At this point; the garlic and bacon are sizzling and the aroma is such that you want to grab a wooden spoon, scoop it onto a piece of toast and devour.Β  Hold off, it gets better.

Grab a bottle of white wine, make sure it’s something you’d drink; it doesn’t have to be expensive.. the rule with alcohol and cooking is if you wouldn’t drink it, don’t cook with it. (if you don’t drink.. you could use a veggie or chicken broth)

Add about two cups of white wine, 1 tsp to 1 Tbsp (y’all know I love my spice) of crushed red pepper to the bacon garlic mix and set to simmer.

Start your pasta water boiling and then cook your pasta.

When your pasta has about 6 minutes left, add the scallops and shrimp to your sauce pan and cook, stirring frequently until shrimp is pink.

Now for the fun part, toss the pasta and sauce/scallops/shrimp mixture together.. add in basil leaves and divide into bowls.Β  This made 4 servings for us.

Grate fresh parmesan, top with fresh ground pepper and serve.


  • 1/2 box Barilla pasta plus rotini
  • 1 lb shrimp
  • 1/2 lb scallops
  • 3 slices bacon, chopped
  • 1 clove garlic, chopped
  • dash to 1 Tbsp red pepper flakes
  • 2 C white wine or broth (i would use less broth as it tends to be overpowering)
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • grated parmesan (I just grate until it’s covered and then toss to make it all melty ooey gooey nom nom nom)
  • 8 fresh basil leaves ‘ish’
  1. chop bacon, sautee until sizzling.. add garlic and simmer about 3 to 4 minutes
  2. Chop basil
  3. Add wine to bacon garlic mixture, add in some red pepper and set to simmer
  4. Cook pasta, while pasta is cooking.. rinse shrimp and scallops
  5. When the pasta has 6 minutes left; add shrimp and scallops to wine mixture and cook until the shrimp are pink
  6. Remove pasta and drain; toss with shrimp and scallop mixture; put into bowls, toss with basil and top with fresh grated parmesan and fresh ground pepper to taste.
  7. Serve with white wine and fresh garlic bread….. play with these ingredients, add tomatoes or sliced red peppers;Β  enjoy your food.

Thanks for linking up your recipes, for your comments and for visiting the other linky participants


    1. I love pasta πŸ˜‰ especially EASY pasta. I’ll go through cycles.. this just happened to be one of those times where all the ingredients were on hand and it came together into a delicious meal!
      Let me know what you come up with!

    1. I adore lemon butter sauces and that is a go to sauce for me but this time I wanted to try something a little different and I do so love to experiment πŸ˜‰ I’m just glad that it turned out well! πŸ˜‰

  1. Wow, Rachel, that looks really good.
    .-= Rebecca at Toothwhale´s last blog ..Project 365: Week 6 =-.

    1. Thanks, Rebecca! I love simple dishes with lots of flavor and this DEFINITELY fit the bill! Love seeing your smiling face around, especially since I’ve seen it in real life!

    1. I love lemons paired with seafood and pasta, yum!
      I’ve actually never made this exact dish before.. I just tossed it together and it worked πŸ˜‰ I love working scallops in because they’re delicious and mild and my kids will eat them πŸ™‚

  2. OH YUM. I could totally make that.
    .-= Angie [A Whole Lot of Nothing]´s last blog ..Kevin Smith vs. The Southwest Airlines Twitter Rep: A Love Story =-.

  3. YUMMY! My mouth is watering now! I also always have a couple of boxes of Barilla Pasta Plus in my pantry. Used it tonight actually :-)! but mine was just a basic meat/tomato sauce though.

    1. YUM. A good tomato meat sauce is a wonderful, wonderful thing!!!

      Seriously, I get tickled every time I see a ‘new’ Barilla Pasta plus shape! Since discovering it, it’s the only pasta in our house!

    1. I used to STRONGLY dislike seafood, I’ve been playing with more flavors and recipes and have found that I love it!
      But, I totally get people’s aversion to it πŸ˜‰ This would also be delicious with chicken or with mushrooms and tofu…

      thanks for the compliment!

      1. I’m getting better – can do tilapia (well, ok, only this one recipe but still, that’s progress right?).

        I was going to ask how this would work with chicken. Might give it a try.

        Man, I need to hang out more with people like you. SO need help in the cooking department. But I was in your session at Blissdom and was so right there with ya when you said, “I love food. I just really love food.” Me too. Just not cooking it. πŸ™‚

    1. I am in LOVE with your chocolate chip cream cheese cupcakes! NOM NOM

      It was definitely a bakers linky this week, probably as a result of Valentine’s Day πŸ˜‰

  4. This looks delish. I love cooking (when I cook) with seafood – it’s so easy to work with.
    .-= linney´s last blog ..Conference attire brought to you by Lane Bryant =-.

    1. YAY! Should we just call this Sandy’s pasta?

      The wine was actually really good and very reasonably priced… $7.99’ish’ I’m not really a big white wine person, usually I only drink reds but.. seafood calls for white πŸ˜‰ especially when it’s in the sauce

      I <3 you and your darling pregnancy pics xoxo

  5. What is WRONG with me that I hardly ever cook with wine? I mean I drink it, and cook all kinds of things kind of like this that would totally be rocked with a little vino, but do I ever do it? NO.
    I am going to print this and DO IT!
    Thanks, hon!
    .-= Krissa´s last blog ..Halfass floundering in the snow =-.

    1. YAY!

      I have a passion for red wine and Heather (home ec 101) up there has an AMAZING burgundy mushroom sauce recipe that is my fav for steaks!

      I have just in the past year started using wine in cooking, I’ve used beer since College in chili’s, marinades, beer can chicken on the grill etc… but, just recently started with wine and I love the depth it adds!

      Can’t WAIT to hear what you come up with!

  6. I love that your wine was “Procrastinate”!! I once had a party around “Little Black Dress” and have been know to drink “Desperate Housewife” occasionally but now I can’t find it anywhere and am truly desperate!! That pasta looks yum, too!! ~Chris Ann
    .-= LoveFeast Table´s last blog ..Fancy Friday Hollywood Style =-.

  7. White wine sauce is always perfect with seafood and pasta. I really love pasta. I will add this to my menu this coming Christmas and I will try to cook this for my family. I hope they will love it. Hope I can cook it right. Thank you for the recipe. πŸ™‚

  8. Thank you! Your shrimp and scallop recipe was a great starting point for our dinner tonight. I didn’t have scallops and made a few changes based on personal preferences.

    I used more garlic, more basil, added mushrooms, only one cup on wine, added feta at the end, and used orzo instead of rotini. It was delicious (confirmed by my wife). Thanks for giving me a starting point.

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