The Birthday Princess.

Mom! It’s Princesses and it’s HUGE!!! Her reaction to each gift was priceless.

Due to the rain, the pinata was inside. I cut the top off and tossed it into the air, the candy flew everywhere. These kids are better than any vacuum.

The kids who would stand still long enough to take a picture.

Taking that deep breath to blow out the candles.

Monkey loved the cake.

I have not yet removed the red eye, please forgive me. I am exhausted and in need of sleep and food.

Here’s what I wrote in her card:

“There once was a king and queen,
Who ruled a kingdom nice and serene
When into their lives a princess arrives
With a sparkling smile and twinkling eyes.
She brings joy to their lives with every day
And they love her in each and every way!
She’s been ruling their lives for 4 fun filled years,
And they look forward to more laughter and tears!”

Tomorrow my darling, my princess, my angel, my firstborn will be 4.
Oh my holy hell!
I have loved every tumultuous minute, and look forward with hope, anticipation and anxiety… to what life has in store for us.


  1. It looked like a wonderful party.

    My firstborn will turn 4 in January. It’s a little overwhelming to realize that they are growing up.

    I hope you enjoy her birthday tomorrow.

    Also, wanted to let you know that I recognized your blog on mine. Here is the link

  2. What an awesome poem! 4 is the magic year for me. Overnight, the baby is gone and you get to have almost-adult conversations. Such fun!

  3. It looks like you guys had a great party! The photo of Olivia blowing out the candles is so precious, and… did you make that cake yourself? It’s beautiful!
    Happy Birthday, Olivia!

  4. Wow! What a beautiful princess you got there! The party looks so much fun (despite the rain). 🙂
    Have a wonderful night!

  5. What a great birthday celebration! You did a fabulous job!

    Happy Birthday to the Princess!

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

    And I have tagged you!

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