Invitations: Made and sent.

Goody Bags: Filled, ready and waiting.

Birthday cake: It’s pink and purple and topped with a tiara. It fills all the birthday girl’s requirements.

Rain? Yep.

Rain Rain Go Away
Because today is party day!

To Be Continued…


  1. LOVE the cake!! Good job if you made it yourself!
    Sorry about the rain. I hope it doesn't rain on your parade today!!
    Can't wait to hear how it goes.

  2. Thanks y'all. Yes, I made the cake. I love to bake, but I'm an amateur when it comes to decorating.
    It looks like the rain is going to move off or at least hold off… here's to hoping! Livvie is beside herself with excitement!!

  3. How cute the goody bags are! The cake is equally cute too! 🙂
    Adding you to my blogroll..thanks for all the wonderful comments! Hope the party will turn out great, despite the rain.

  4. The cake is beautiful! Great job, honey… Can’t wait to see the pictures of the party (rain or no rain).

  5. So cute! I LOVE decorating for birthday parties. :”> We just had my little guys’ birthday at the beginning of the month and decided to do just close family. I still ended up decorating the whole place, it was great fun. I don’t have a little girl, but I can just imagine how great it would be to decorate for a princess party like Olivia’s! Tooooo cute!

  6. You kill me! LOL. You always have everything so perfect and pretty! She is such a lucky little girl! I cannot imagine how excited she will be when she sees that cake!

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