Haiku Friday

Once there were two
a boy and a girl in love
but they wanted more

inside her, you grew
swirling, kicking and growing

then, two became three
a little girl, daddy’s girl
a gift, a blessing

depths of emotion
never before realized
love for your own child

powerful, almost
indescribable in words
love, pure, true, honest

Fast forward, four years
happiness, joy, tears, laughter
you are light, love, bliss

loved, cherished, treasured
take on the world and know this
we love you always

For more and better haikus visit A MommyStory

* footnote: the huge red thing on her forehead. Yeah, they thought my water needed breaking, it had already broken. That’s where that thing, huge knitting needle tool, scratched her from the top of her head all the way down her forehead. It finally went away completely when she was about one month old.


  1. What a beautiful little girl! That sucks that the hook scratched her head at birth. At least it went away. ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. That was so precious. I loved reading that. She is adorable !!
    Her poor little head ๐Ÿ™ Glad it’s better…zj

  3. Happy birthday to your little girl.

    You mean to say her head was right there and the Dr. didn’t see it? What, did he need glasses? What did he think that big round thing was? A Cantaloupe? Sheesh. I mean. Poor you! Poor Baby. Dumb idiot Dr. thinks they know everything…

  4. The DOCTOR’S gave her that scratch??!!

    I would have FREAKED!!

    Thank goodness it went away completely.

    Beautiful Haiku…beautiful little girl!

  5. Not every kid can say they were attacked with a knitting needle while still in the womb. That there is some bragging rights!

  6. I love this haiku. Bless her little heart for getting poked with the knitting tool! haha. She’s beautiful! ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. That was one of the sweetest ku’s I have ever seen…how awesome!

    I remember that hook thing…we didn’t need it but they warned the beautiful wife about it!

    The Egel Nest

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