There are certain dishes that are practically synonymous with Thanksgiving: Turkey, Sweet Potatoes, Cranberries and green bean casserole.

I grew up with a very traditional green bean casserole, and loved it, but I wanted to give it a bit of a twist.

panko topped green bean casserole


So I added some soy sauce, garlic, mushrooms, and fresh snap beans….

You could use canned green beans for this, but there’s something special about gathering around a table, or sitting on the porch swing snapping the ends off the green beans.

The satisfyingly loud SNAP and the bonding, laughter, and memories formed in those moments are priceless.

I will always think of my Granny and her silver bowl when I’m snapping beans, so many memories of my own small hands, and how they grew bigger with each year, and now it’s my own kids’ small hands helping me snap the ends off the beans while their laughter rings through the house.

snap beans-0258


Nathan and I like our green beans to be vibrant and fresh, and still have some snap to them – so I blanche my green beans before adding them to the casserole.

Blanching means that I pop them into boiling water, cook for a few minutes and then remove and drop into a pot of ice water to halt the cooking process and retain their gorgeous verdant green.

green beans in ice


The flavors of this casserole are rich, savory, a little spicy due to the red pepper flakes, and the crunchy contrast from the panko with the creamy sauce and sharp snap of the green beans – it’s a tasty, textural, flavor-filled delight!

green bean casserole


What’s your favorite Green Bean Casserole recipe?

If you don’t have one – I suggest giving this one a try!


Thanksgiving is coming up soon, and y’all know that I’m a big believer in brining your Turkey to create the most delicious Turkey ever!Β  All you have to do is see my Poblano and Cilantro Roasted Turkey recipe, and you’ll see why!






  1. I love to roast my turkey, but my favorite parts of the meal are the side dishes. This green bean casserole looks scrumptious!

  2. Last year we did our first grilled turkey ever, and it was delicious! Still I am a traditionalist, and prefer a roasted turkey above all others!

  3. It’s really hard to choose a favorite Thanksgiving dish, but I think I’ll go with my mom’s cheesy potatoes. If I have to choose a more traditional one then definitely sweet potato casserole (yes, with marshmallows on top!).

  4. This sounds amazing. I love snapping beans, it’s such an easy activity to enjoy with friends like you were saying. I also love green bean casserole, so this one may find its way on to my table soon!

  5. What a Wonderful Giveaway!!!! I honestly PRAY that I win this, as I could use it on a Monthly basis!!!!! I am constantly marinating meats, and Kikkoman is one of my absolutely Favorite ways in which to do it!!!!!

  6. My favorite ways to cook a Turkey for Thanksgiving and or otherwise is: Grilling or else Baking πŸ™‚
    I make Turkey several times during the year and I Always sneak in some Kikkoman!!!!!! πŸ˜€

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