It’s hard to believe it’s been 15 years since I met the man who changed my life.

I was 19 and he was 22, and I was absolutely not looking for a boyfriend, much less a husband!

He had other plans in mind – he says it was love at first sight.  He saw me and knew.

I asked the bartenders in the bar if he was even old enough to be in there {smirk}

Nathan wooed me.

He lived about an hour and a half away from where I was going to school, and he would drive in on random afternoons to bring me flowers and give me a hug and a kiss – then drive back so that he could go to work.

He would page me (oh yes, PAGERS BABY) with cute codes to make me smile and let me know he cared.

Nathan fought for my heart and my trust and he won it.

One cold December night after we’d been dating a few weeks, he took me on a walk in the park and underneath the twinkling Christmas lights with the mist rolling off the river, swirling around our legs – he looked deep into my eyes and told me that he wanted me and only me; that he wanted me to be his girlfriend, his one and only.

My fairy tale loving, 20 year old romantic heart was lost in that moment.

Nathan is my best friend, he’s my rock, he’s the one who believes in me when I can’t seem to do it myself.

I love him for his strength of character, his kindness, his compassion, his crazy sense of humor, his work ethic, his morals, his laughter, his family values, the passion he has for his beliefs, his ability to put others first.

I love him for the love he has for our children – I love him for the role model he is for our son, and the example he sets for the kind of man we want our daughter to someday marry.

I love him because he allows Princess to put glitter tattoos and makeup on him because it brings joy to her heart and makes her eyes sparkle with the surety that her Daddy loves her.

I love him because he values family, he believes in me and pushes me to follow my dreams.


I love him, because I am a better me because of him.




Thank you, Hallmark, for choosing me to be their Valentine’s “Life Is A Special Occasion”  blogger for  2013.  It’s an honor and joy to work with y’all again and to share my life with y’all every day.


  1. Omg Rachie — I just love this post!! You and your hubby are so cute together! You described almost exactly the way I feel about my hubby.

    Can’t wait to see you next month in big D!
    – T

  2. You look perfect together, I know what you’re hubby exactly felt when he first saw you, that’s how I felt when I saw my husband for the fist time..Hmm… love at first site. I wish both of you more happiness in life.

  3. Well, I came looking for a tasty recipe – and I saw more than a few. But, this story was so touching. Love like this, it makes me feel warm. Thank you for sharing.

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