The recipes that y’all link up every Monday inspire me, make me drool and often have me jumping into the kitchen to try my own hand at them.

A few weeks ago, my lovely friend, Amy, linked up her Roasted Brussels Sprouts recipe.Β  She talked about them so enthusiastically that despite my reservations I grabbed some at the grocery store and tried my own hand at making these reportedly delicious Roasted Brussels Sprouts.

For the first time in my adult life, there were brussels sprouts in my kitchen.


I cleaned them, chopped off their stems and got out my olive oil, sea salt and pepper


I tossed the brussels sprouts in a bowl with the olive oil, sea salt and freshly cracked black pepper and then laid them out on my pan to roast them in the oven


I set the timer and went back to laundry and working





hmmm I can’t believe they aren’t ready yet…

What!!Β  Why is the timer off????

and that, friends, is where my brussels sprouts tale ends.

I never got to taste them πŸ™

I did, however learn a valuable lesson.

When timing something in the oven, make sure you don’t use the microwave timer that you also recently taught your 8 year old how to use to time herself doing timed math tests


Amy – I shall have to try them again, when Princess has a new timer πŸ™‚

To get the recipe and try these delicious snacks for yourself – go visit the lovely Amy.

HUGE thanks to Deanna for picking up the ball and keeping Mouthwatering Monday going last week during our internet storm debacle!Β  AT&T came out and had to completely replace the entire outdoor system, the lightning fried the box!

A few favorites from last week’s linky

Can’t wait to see what y’all have for me this week!Β  I’m still recuperating from my amazingly Tonguegasmic visit to New Orleans with Zatarain’s and a few of my new (and old) favorite people!


          1. I can’t imagine anything better than steamed broccoli with lemon and freshly shaved parm… but I’m gonna give it a whirl! πŸ˜‰ With you and Heather both proclaiming it’s deliciousness, I can’t go wrong πŸ˜‰

  1. Hi,
    I shared a recipe for braised short ribs with gravy (SCD/GAPS), Valentine Day Linzer Hearts. Also, an article about the new science on the dangers of sugar, and I tried to answer the question: are grains toxic or safe?

    Thanks for hosting!

  2. I was never a big Brussels sprouts fan, but my son loves them. In fact as little boy, he’d beg me to buy them in the grocery store! You can image the looks we got, and I always bought them on request! Over the years, my husband and I learned to really like them as well, but I’ve never roasted them. I love the sound of that, and next time we have them, that is how I will prepare them for sure. Thank you for sharing Amy’s recipe, and for hosting!

  3. Just found your blog and I’m linking up a recipe! So excited! πŸ™‚
    And I am definitely going to try out this recipe. Sounds good (and I’m not even a huge brussels sprout fan!)

  4. Oh, man! What a bummer! You are the sweetest though to share this recipe πŸ™‚ I can’t tell you how many meals have burned up in our kitchen. Multi-tasking doesn’t always work out so well for me- ha! Love you!!!

    1. Heather, I was too busy running the stinking charred mess out of the house to take pics.. it wasn’t until they were fully in the trash can that I realized I should have taken pics of the disaster! πŸ™‚

  5. Thank you for featuring my Cranberry Kiss Mocktail!! I appreciate and and will feature your link up on my Facebook page today! Check in πŸ™‚ Kelli

  6. Oh NO! You poor thing. I absolutely adore brussel sprouts, and yes, I have some in the house right now planning to make some roasted brussel sprouts… with bacon (of course). I am so bummed that you didn’t get to try them. They are my favorite vegetable. After asparagus. Apparently I like my greens, since spinach and kale rank way up there, too. Annnnnd now I want some kale. Here’s hoping you get to have some brussel sprouts soon to prove that you do actually like them. With bacon.

    Happy Valentine’s Day!

  7. Hi Rachel, If you haven’t tried Amy’s recipe for roasted Brussels sprouts, do it! We’ve had so many fresh Brussels sprouts from the ranch that I made them roasted for a change last week and they were delicious! My younger son said they reminded him a little of French fries because of the salt and textures. I made a half sheet pan full and they were gone in 15 minutes!

    1. I promise I’ll try it, Laura! I think if I had fresh brussel sprouts, I might like them better πŸ™‚ Have a fantastic rest of the week!

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