I wrote a post a few years ago about my amazing husband and how he expresses his love with his own language – when I comment about not having enough storage space in my pantry, he goes out to the garage and builds me new shelves; when he knows I’ve had a long day – he surprises me with a fountain Diet Dr. Pepper from the convenience store with the best syrup to soda mix (oh yes.. there is a difference) and sometimes – my man with the huge heart and chocolate brown eyes who shows his love through actions and caresses instead of words, surprises me like he did with a poem in an email 3 years ago.Β  A poem and action that I cherish to this day and can still brings tears to my eyes.

I bet if you asked my husband which one of us was better at expressing our feelings – showing our love – using our love language to make the other one and our children feel special, he’d say me.

I beg to differ.


Knowing I’m not a fan of roses, and as much as I love stargazer lilies (and I do. I LOVE) they are almost impossible to find right now and I’m not home enough to enjoy them, anyway… my amazing husband found a man who makes roses from wood shavings and he bought a bouquet for me and a bouquet for Princess, just because he loves us.

This man is teaching my daughter through his actions what it is to have a wonderful husband and an amazing father.Β  He’s showing her through his own very special love language,Β  many of the qualities that she herself should look for someday.Β  He is setting the example, and it’s a truly wonderful one.

He’s teaching my son how to be a man.Β  How to love, how to be a friend, that real men DO hug and hold hands and that they cherish their wives and family.Β  That no amount of material wealth or goods can compare to stars in the night sky on family camping trip, to laughing around a fire with friends until the early morning, that early morning tickles and snuggles are priceless. Β  He is teaching him that to love, appreciate, and respect your family is a gift to them and yourself.

ready to camp under the stars

My love language may be more verbally expressive or visually so with notes all over the house, blog posts, texts and saying I love you and appreciate you more often – but my husband’s actions are lasting, powerful and moving.

So, while he may think I’m the heart of the family…

I know better.



I’m so excited to be partnering with Hallmark this year for its β€œLife Is A Special Occasion” campaign. Getting to work with Hallmark and share my family’s special moments and lives with y’all is a complete thrill and honor! I received that blooming expressions rose from Hallmark, and am compensated for my ambassadorship with them, however I am not paid to review it or provide positive comments.Β  The words on the rose just so reminded me of my husband that it prompted me to write about him and give it to him (hi honey!)


    1. Thank you, Katrina! I’m sure there will be a few tweaks in the sidebar etc… over the next few days – but as a whole!! YAY! I feel so clean and refreshed πŸ™‚ hee hee

  1. All I have to say is….
    You have a ton of Hallmark posts in that heart of yours…I told you so! THIS had me with tears in my eyes.

    Love your new design. Love love love love love it!

    1. Kristen, Thank you so much! I cannot even begin to tell you how much that night meant to me. Y’all are such a blessing! I’m so happy that we’ve been brought together for these amazing projects. XOXOX You are so wonderful!

      THANK YOU! Deanna is AWESOME!

  2. Ah, love visiting with you. Reading your beautiful posts (like this one right here) is like sipping on a fine wine — it warms my heart. Thank you for sharing!

    P.S. Love what you’ve done with the place πŸ˜‰

  3. Gosh, this melts my heart for more than one reason! Lately, I have been struggling with why I am so convicted about love and loyalty – when others dont seem to care …. your love language message sang to my heart and made me smile. Thank you.

    1. You with all your sweetness! xoxoxoxo <3 <3
      Thank you, thank you, thank you.

      Don't ever give up on the things that beat the strongest in your heart. <3

  4. I’ve just been debating getting the book the 5 Love Languages for Children. Your post sealed the deal. I’m going to get it and read it while traveling to BlissDom.

  5. You are a blessed girl. πŸ™‚ Isn’t it fabulous to see our husbands teaching our kids what it looks like to be a real man?? There are so few these days. I feel blessed to have one, and to know that my sons have him to look up to.

    And your new site design is BEAUTIFUL! I’m all about the light-weight, minimal design these days. Adore.

    1. Yes, Erica, it is! I love that we have such great men πŸ˜‰

      Thank you! Me, too! I’ve been dying for something minimal and clean, yet still with personality! Love that, Deanna!

    1. Yes ma’am, Jennifer, I am well aware and grateful for it every. single. day!

      Thank you! I’m pleased with how the pics came out – I had fun playing with the Blooming Expressions rose πŸ™‚ My kids can’t put it down!

  6. This brought tears to my eyes. That’s so awesome. I know what it’s like to have a thoughtful husband too, and I thank my lucky stars for him on a daily basis. xo

  7. You both are very blessed to have found one another and your children are very blessed to have you both as their parents.

  8. did you seriously say you aren’t a fan of roses but love stargazer lilies??? I want you to ask Rob if I like roses and when he says no ask him which flowers I prefer. We have strangely similar lives, wisecracking husbands and all πŸ™‚

    blog looks awesome

    1. Yes, I did say that! I’m telling you, woman.. the parallels — (insert twilight zone music here)

      I’m so going to miss seeing you next week πŸ™

  9. Beautiful. My husband used to be more consistent with romantic gestures, but the three simple sentences and stubble-face he drew on the heart of my valentine were poetry to me. πŸ™‚

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