Oreo Truffles

Just the word truffle is enough to turn many people away, but I promise you, this Oreo Truffle recipe is so simple and delicious that you’re going to find yourself creating reasons to make these Oreo Truffles.  Really, how can you go wrong with Oreos, cream cheese and chocolate?


oreo truffles 2

These oreo truffles are incredibly easy to make, but they taste rich, creamy, decadent, and are everyone’s favorite!

You can use dark chocolate ghiradelli melts, white chocolate ghiradelli melts, and pair them with all the different flavored oreos to create your ideal oreo truffle combination.

The possibilities are only limited by your imagination, and the oreos that you have at your disposal πŸ™‚  

We prefer the regular oreos covered in dark chocolate and topped with crushed candy canes, more crushed oreos, and/or drizzled with white chocolate.

What’s your favorite oreo truffle combination?

easy oreo truffles at home




Oreo Truffles

A wonderful holiday treat - these oreo truffles are simple, delicious and sure to put you on everyone's nice list
Print Recipe


  • 1 packages oreo cookies
  • 1 8 oz block cream cheese softened
  • 1 bag Ghiradelli Dark Chocolate Melts and/or 1 package Ghiradelli White Chocolate Melts
  • Toppings: crushed candy toasted coconut, white chocolate, andes mint chips, more crushed oreos,


  • Using a food processor, stand mixer, or a plastic bag and a rolling pin - turn the oreos from the package into crumbs (yes, cream and all)
  • In a large mixing bowl; blend the softened cream cheese with the oreo crumbs until a thick mixture is formed
  • Form 1" balls and place on a parchment paper lined tray, freeze for at least one hour.
  • Melt your chocolate (adding a dab of shortening often helps when melting chocolate chips) - remove a handful of oreo balls from the freezer at a time, dip them in the chocolate.

Rachel Note - I find that using a large spoon and a fork is the easiest way for me to ensure that the entire ball gets covered in melted chocolate and then transferred with the least amount of mess to another parchment lined tray for cooling

  • Once the dipped truffles are on the parchment lined tray, you can allow them to harden, or if topping them with more crushed oreos or crushed peppermint pieces - top while the chocolate is still warm
  • Store in the freezer or refrigerator if not serving immediately
Author: Rachel Matthews


  1. YAY!!! Thank you — how yummy these look. I am definitely going to make these this year! πŸ™‚

    Thanks again!

  2. I love these- they are sooo rich- many people can’t handle them. We had them sitting out at a Christmas party all day on Sunday and they had gotten a bit warm and the inside melted in your mouth- they were delish! I know they’re meant to be served cold because of the cream cheese, but I’m a brave woman and I preferred them soft.
    .-= tena´s last blog ..When in doubt… watch Charlie Brown =-.

  3. I love these things. A month or so ago, my brother and I were talking about them, but we couldn’t for the life of us remember the word “truffle.” And since calling them “Oreo BALLS” was just too horrible, my brother decided to call them “Oreo LUMPS.”

    Truffles sound soooo much better! πŸ™‚ (Although, let’s be honest. I’ll eat them no matter WHAT you call them!)
    .-= Mary @ Giving Up on Perfect´s last blog ..Giving Up on a Perfect Christmas =-.

    1. Wow. What a story, John. I’m sorry that you and your flmiay had to go through all that, but at least the jury saw through to the truth.

  4. This is my go to truffle recipe every holiday. The truffles are even better if you use Mint Oreos, just sayin’…
    .-= AmazingGreis´s last blog ..Blogger Football League – Week 14 =-.

  5. I made these the other day and I have to say they are by far the best Christmas treat I’ve ever had. In fact, next year, I’m doing away with all the homemade baked goods and just making these.

  6. These are also great if you dip in white chocolate or almond bark instead of the milk chocolate! Making some this weekend!

  7. I assume that you crush the entire Oreo, filling and all? Just wanted to be sure. You can’t really see any of the Oreo filling in the pictures, but there was no mention of removing it. πŸ™‚

  8. I just learned how to make these this year and they are amazing. You can also dip them in melted white chocolate bark, which also very good. I thought about trying to make a variation of these with peanut butter or mint extract. Have you ever tried to flavor them in any way?

    1. I have actually used both the mint oreos and the candy cane oreos as the base of these, and/or crushed as topping on top.

      I haven’t added peanut butter, but I bet that would be an amazingly decadent addition!!!

      If you do try that, let me know!

  9. Ah perfect! I was looking for something super yummy and festive for my first ever christmas i’m hosting in my first ever home, and these are perfect!

    Thanks for being the go to site for all my recipe needs.

    luv ya, lady!


  10. Those sound outrageously good. I will NOT be making these because I will be forced to eat them ALL in just a couple days. Although I’m sure my husband will put a good dent in them too….he’s a chocoholic!!

    Love your blog…I’m a Texas girl myself so it’s always nice to get a few more Southern tips!!
    .-= Tiffany @ NOH´s last blog ..More free baby stuff in Germany =-.

  11. I absolutely love these truffles. So far, I have made them a couple of ways. I’ve dipped them in white chocolate drizzled in dark chocolate, and most recently, dipped them in dark chocolate that had 2 capfuls of raspberry extract. They were out of this world. Just the right amount of raspberry taste, not overpowering at all. Everyone at worked loved them. We even put our heads together to come up with different variations. Instead of the raspberry extract, try orange, or a liquour like frangellica (hazelnut), or chambourde (raspberry flavored for the adults). What a great combination!!

  12. WOW! Those look amazing! I just saw on Twitter that @AngryJulie was making these and she told me where to find the recipe- yummy!!

  13. I wanna try this! πŸ˜€
    Btw, How many grams is one Oreo pack?or how many oreo cookies?
    What do you do with the oreo filling? :))

  14. This looks so delicious and the instructions are straightforward.
    I will get some cream cheese and chocolate from the market this weekend and give it a try – thank you for the recipe.

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