One Thousand Posts

This is the One Thousandth post on this blog.

One thousand notes, recipes, tidbits, pictures, random thoughts…

One thousand moments of my life our lives recorded here.

I admit, I had no idea what I was doing when I started From The Land of Monkeys and Princesses

I had no clue when I started talking about lemons and road etiquette, that this blog-thing, this online note taking would someday lead to friends across the world and even introduce me to some down the street.

I had no idea where it was going to go, I didn’t even know there was a “where” that it could “go”

It was a place to store my stories, pictures and recipes – a place for family who were living in Australia, Kentucky, the wilds of Texas and elsewhere to check in on the kids and see what we were eating.

It’sΒ  pretty clear from my first posted recipe, that I had no idea how to format a post, write a recipe for a post or do any such thing – but then, I wasn’t thinking about an audience.

I was writing to remember.

To share.

To archive.

I was writing for them:



I’m not a scrapbooker and physically hand writing anything for long periods of time (5 minutes or more) causes me pain.

So I started this blog thing.Β  I didn’t tell anyone, about it.Β  It was a secret, something that was only for my family and something my kids could someday look back upon.

Something they could read and see, a way for them to experience life as they lived it, when they lived it, through their mom’s eyes – you know, before I was all ancient and stuff.

These were my daily, and not so daily, notes and little bits of life, my recordings, memories, photographs and takes on the things that happened… nothing more than the every day – and yet, now… 4.5 years later, I look back on them and I laugh.Β  I cry.Β  I roll my eyes

and I thank God that I have each of these memories.

I thank God that I have this space to tell our stories, to share them, to store them, to treasure them.

My kids know about this space.

We talk about it, they ask me to take pictures of them and share them with the internets and to put their stories and sillies on my blog

Hip Hop Pose

Someday, my kids will look back on this space, these posts and they’ll read my words, see their pictures and re-experience their lives.

I can only hope and pray that it means as much to them as it does to me.




I’m thrilled to work with Hallmark as one of their β€œLife Is A Special Occasion” bloggers, and that my 1,000th post on my blog celebrating my family, my everyday life and love for them, coincided with my monthly Hallmark Post.Β  While I am compensated for my work with Hallmark as a Life is A Special Occasion ambassador – this post was not prompted by or encouraged by Hallmark.Β  It just happened, y’know – like life


  1. Love this post! I’m sure your kids will fully appreciate this space, even if right now it’s just “something mommy does”. πŸ™‚

  2. Wow!! Congrats on ur 1000th blog entry! I enjoy your posts and pics! You are a great writer and express yourself very eloquently!! Awesome blog, girl!!!!

    1. MWAH, Liz! I love that you’re one of the people this blog thing πŸ˜‰ has brought into my life and allowed me to meet first hand!

  3. Congratulations Rachel!! Great job and thanks for letting us come along for the ride. Have a great day!!

      1. I’m so glad it brought us together too! Who knew our families knew each other all these years!!

  4. Oh, friend! ONE THOUSAND POSTS! What a milestone! I love seeing how far you’ve come. And I’m thrilled that this blogging thing made us friends πŸ™‚ MWAH! xoxoxoxoxo

  5. I’m so happy you started this blog. I gained a friend from it. Also, scary that I probably read most of these 1000 posts. Congrats, friend!!

  6. And I have read every word and looked at each picture of the 1000 posts; some have been read several times. Your blog has been such a gift to your father and me since we can’t see the kids on a daily basis. So proud of you, dear daughter of mine.

  7. Wow…I am not worthy. You’re one of the bloggers who inspires me to write more, and I hope one day to be celebrating this milestone of my own. In the meantime, I’ll just keep reading your brilliance. Cause it’s better anyway. {{{{{HUGS}}}}}

  8. Oh I’m sure that this blog will mean as much to your kids (and grand kids) as it does to you and to us! Congratulations on this 1000th look at your past, present and future snippets of your life you share with your very special family and with us πŸ™‚

    1. Sarah, going through some of my first posts, it took all my willpower not to delete them. EEEK! πŸ™‚
      Congratulations on SEVEN years!!!!

  9. Awww, sweetpea. Happy 1000. I adore you so much and am so glad and grateful for this blogging world – because I wouldn’t have met you otherwise.

    You know I was supposed to meet you, right? There was a Rachel-sized hole in my world before I met you and it was just waiting for you to come fill it up πŸ™‚

    Luff you. You are over due for a trip to MI.

  10. Rachel,

    WOW. 1000 posts? I don’t even know how many I’ve written, but I don’t think it’s anywhere near that. Now you have me wanting to tally up! LOL

    I love what your space has become and how it’s evolved. And I’m so happy that I know you IRL and have met you at Blissdom and can brag about all your awesome recipes, food photographs, tidbits about your kids and your life, etc.

    Congratulations on such a momentous occasion. Proud of you. You are a Woman To Watch!

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