It only takes one.
One moment.
One word.
One gesture.
One action.
One second…

to change the world.

While we in the US talk this week about our abundance of riches and all that we have to be thankful for: family, food, friends, and vacation – there are many who have less than we can possibly even imagine.

There are those who live in conditions that are unfathomable to our senses and even beyond the scope of our vivid, often over-saturated imaginations.

Act Now | ONE_1321921685854

I am a very proud and avid supporter of the amazing . This is a powerful, wonderful, beautiful group of people, making a difference in the lives of the world’s poorest, improving futures in Africa, changing lives and proving that ONE really can change the world.

I wish I were better at giving thanks and giving back on a year round basis.
I wish it didn’t take a holiday to remind me of just how blessed I truly am.

One of my goals is to make my children more aware.

I think Thanksgiving is a perfect time to not only give thanks and give back, but to open my kids’ eyes to the world beyond our driveway.

An email that I received recently, reminded me of this.

In an effort to raise awareness ONE has two new PSA’s about the famine in the Horn of Africa and they’re sharing an adapted traditional Somali Sambusa recipe.  The dessert dish uses ingredients indigenous to Somalia – but are readily available in any local grocery store.

Thanksgiving Virtual Recipe Card


I urge y’all to check out –  to add your voice, to donate, to read, to learn, to educate and to continue to prove that it only takes One.

Share the recipe: – Share their passion, Share the love this season.

How will you give back, and how will you teach your children to give back?

FTC: This post is not sponsored in any way shape or form.

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