One… singular sensation..
One… is the loneliest number..
One ring to rule them…
One, there are so many songs, stories, movies, lines and other memorable and unforgettable things that have one as their theme.
Our one… the little one. Little man, my darling little creature. He’s turning one this week! How is this possible? How has my little baby reached this milestone already? Didn’t we just bring him home from the hospital? Didn’t he just learn how to roll over, how to crawl, get his first tooth, learn to walk… He’s going to be ONE! An actual year, an age.. a number, not a week, not a month… but an entire year under his belt er, onesie. Wow, it’s monumental it’s a milestone… it’s a box of kleenex waiting to happen.
Every day with him, with both my children is such a miracle, a blessing, a constant source of amusement and whimsy. But now, my baby, my little one has reached that first milestone and I know from here it will only go faster.
So I’ll shed a little tear, bake a few cakes, unwrap some presents, take lots of pictures and suck it up because it’s a hell of a rollercoaster from here on out!
Here’s to some cold milk and cake. Cheers and salud to all my fellow mommies about to cross this new and exciting threshold with their own little beasties.
*Sniff sniff*

One Comment

  1. I know that feeling. I went through it with mine a month before your little guy and it was my first so I had no idea it was going to hit me so hard! Your little man is such a cutie! Congrats to you both on a wonderful first year!

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