You were the first man in my life, the measure against which every boy was held.
*found one!*
You taught me about life and parenting through laughter and love.
I have grown and learned the most, not from your perfection, but your imperfections. You showed me that embracing your faults as well as your strengths and using both is where true strength of character is found.
You held my hand and cheered me on, even when you knew I was making the wrong choices.
Thank you for never saying, “I told you so”
Thank you for simply picking me up and gently nudging me towards the realizations of what went wrong, and how to choose more wisely the next time.
Thank you for helping me to realize that life shouldn’t be taken too seriously, or you’ll never make it through intact.
You have helped me to see the importance of friendship, independence, laughter, love and knowledge.
You taught me to stand on my own two feet, but also to know that it is just as important to know how to ask for help and lean on others when it is necessary.
You were, and still are, the best father any little girl could ever wish for.
Because of you, I chose the most amazing man to spend my life with. Because of you, I have no silly ideas of a smooth, perfect marriage…where would the fun be in that? But, I know to embrace our difficulties, stand strong together and love with all that I am. I know to accept both of our imperfections and choose my battles. I know that keeping my own identity is important not only for the strength of my marriage, but for my children too.
I was blessed to find a man with your best qualities and because of that, I know that Princess is being raised by the best kind of man possible. She will grow up stronger, more independent and never doubting that she’s loved.
Thank you for all the gifts you’ve given me, the best of which is you.

Happy Birthday Daddy. I hope it’s a wonderful day.
I love you so much!!

Then, Now and Always,

Daddy’s Girl

**ps.. on a side note. The kids and I have been suffering from some bronchitis/flu thing, thus my complete absence from the blogosphere.
Please send soup, kleenex and lots of medicine. K, thanks.


  1. Happy Birthday to your Dad! What a great post!!

    Sending virtual chicken soup and Vitamin C! Hope y’all feel better soon…!

  2. Beautiful post (and photo…I see the Princess in you) for your Daddy.

    Happy Birthday Rachel’s Daddy!

    p.s. feel better soon…all of you!

  3. Aw, Happy Birthday!

    And I can send a virtual hug, ’cause soup over the internet is messy.

    Get better.

  4. happy birthday to your dad!

    get well soon… the weather is warming up and the cold and flu season will soon be over!

  5. Happy birthday to your dad! That picture is great! Princess looks just like you did- I’m assuming that’s you, otherwise I’m gonna feel really stupid.

  6. I loved this post. I want to be getting that same card from my daughters is 20/30years. So awesome. Really made my day to read this. Like a mission statement of sorts being validated.

  7. Awww….. Rachel. That was so sweet. Happy Birthday to your Daddy.

    And hope YOU and the kiddos feel better soon. πŸ™‚

  8. Today is my birthday too! Your dad must be a great man. πŸ˜‰


    And feel better. But don’t stop posting, because I’ll get bored.

    Seriously ;-P

  9. great post rach…but i begg to differ on the best daddy ever thing, i think i got me the best one πŸ˜‰

  10. Thank you so very much Rach!!! I wish I could take all the credit but I must say that all that I know I learned at the Knees of Dee. And you did make it easy to look good.


  11. Awww…that’s so sweet and I love the picture. Happy B-day to your Dad! πŸ™‚

  12. Very sweet! I hope my girls grow up to be Daddy’s girls like that πŸ™‚

    PS – My Goosey has the same junk….NO FUN!!! Hope you all are feeling better soon πŸ™‚

  13. Oh my goodness.. what a beautiful post to your dad. TEARS I tell you.. that brought tears to my eyes.

    Hope you guys are feeling a little better!

  14. What a wonderful tribute. You are blessed to have such a man in your life. And he is blessed to have you.

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