Happy Birthday to me. 

Happy Birthday to me. 

Happy Birthday, Dear 34. 

Happy Birthday to me 🙂


Today, August 7th, is my 34th birthday, and I think that every girl should celebrate her summer birthday with a tonguegasmically delicious, creamy, tangy, perfectly perfect summer dessert.

I don’t know about y’all…

But for me, Lemonade is synonymous with summer.

Humongous portions of my childhood summer memories involve lemonade.

Whether it was lemonade stands in my parent’s front yard, lemonade from a machine at the pool, or sticky fingers from homemade raspberry lemonade at friends houses…

Lemonade just seems to personify summer.

Thanks to Tina and her brilliant Crazy Cooking Challenge – I get to celebrate my birthday with an entire recipe round-up surrounding one of my very favorite desserts – Cheesecake and one of my very favorite summer treats.

Raspberry Lemonade

For me, this challenge required no research.

I knew exactly what recipe I wanted to make and write about for my birthday CCC.

Jamie from My Baking Addiction is amazingly talented.

Every time I visit her blog I am inspired and frequently drooling.  Her food photography is breathtaking and her recipes are wonderfully simple and mouthwatering.

The moment that I first saw Jamie’s,  No Bake Raspberry-Lemon Cheesecake  I pinned it and put it on my MUST MAKE SOON list.


Can you blame me?

Fresh Raspberries, Cream Cheese, Lemon Zest and real lemon juice, frozen whipped topping and crushed graham crackers and no baking involved!

Perfect summer dessert!

Combine this with individual servings and you’ve got a picture perfect summer party dessert


I made these cheesecakes and when I went to photograph them, the doorbell rang.

I hollered at the kids to watch the table and make sure that the dog and the flies (I shoot outdoors) couldn’t get to the cheesecakes and went to answer the door.

I wasn’t gone 5 minutes.

I came back to this:


Lesson learned.

My children are as weak as I am when it comes to tonguegasmic desserts.

I know y’all want the recipe, so I’ll share it.

I very slightly adapted this from Jamie’s recipe – y’all should go see Jamie’s original recipe and follow her, she is nothing less than amazing.




No Bake Raspberry Lemonade Cheesecakes

Raspberry Lemonade in a no bake cheesecake form, complete with a no bake crust and a delicious lemon sugar topping.
Print Recipe
Prep Time:15 minutes
Total Time:15 minutes


  • Inspired and minimally adapted by the Raspberry Lemon Cheesecakes from My Baking Addiction


  • 1 C Graham Cracker Crumbs
  • 2 Tbsp sugar
  • 1/4 C butter melted

Raspberry Lemonade Filling

  • 2/3 C sugar
  • zest of 2 medium lemons
  • 1 8 oz package cream cheese softened
  • 3 tsp freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • 1 tsp vanilla bean paste I prefer this over vanilla extract
  • 1 C plus 2 Tbsp thawed frozen whipped topping
  • 1 1/4 C fresh raspberries slightly mashed


  • 1/4 C Graham Cracker Crumbs
  • 1/4 C Sugar
  • Zest of 1/2 a lemon
  • Fresh Raspberries


For the Crust

  • In a medium bowl, mix together the graham cracker crumbs, sugar and butter.
  • Divide this evenly between your serving dishes and press to form a crust.

For the Filling

  • In a large bowl, mix the sugar and lemon zest until the sugar is fragrant and the zest is fully incorporated.
  • Add in cream cheese and vanilla, beat until smooth.
  • Add in the lemon zest and mix on medium-low until combined.
  • Turn off the mixer and use a spatula to fold the whipped topping into the mixture, once the whipped topping is fully incorporated -- fold in the mashed raspberries.
  • Divide the filling among the serving dishes using a spoon, a piping bag or whatever means works best for you.
  • Cover with saran wrap and refrigerate for 2 hours to overnight.

For Topping

  • Blend together the sugar and lemon zest
  • Prior to serving, sprinkle the lemon sugar and graham cracker crumbs over each cheesecake.
  • Top with fresh raspberries
Servings: 6 - 7 servings
Author: Rachel



    1. Thank you, Deborah! It really is! I so truly loved meeting you, you’re such a joy! <3 I don't think I can even look at those doughnuts - oh mah word!

    1. Hello lovely one! Thank you! 🙂 They are seriously, ridiculously wonderful!

      Honey Balsamic Roasted Cherries?? REALLY! Oh mah. 🙂 I nearly shorted my keyboard with drool! <3

  1. Happy Birthday, love the simple recipe. Would definately be a hit at a party as cheesecake shooter. ♥ #8 CCC

    1. Janelle,

      Jamie’s original recipe was built up a bit more shooter style, I keep looking at those dessert shot glass sets at Pier 1.. I need to bite the bullet and just buy them! 🙂

      Can’t wait to check out your recipe!

  2. Pure heaven! I love lemon almost as much as chocolate. No bake means no waiting, right? Oh yes, I’m with your kids, I would have dug in too, isn’t that why you had the spoon there?
    Happy Birthday and I hope your having a fantastic day!

  3. Yum yum yum and more yum! I love raspberry lemonade 🙂 Happy birthday!!

    Stopping by from CCC #18 – I pinned, tweeted, stumbled, and FB’d your cheesecake 🙂

  4. The recipe really looks so nice and yummy. I think these No Bake Raspberry Lemonade Cheesecake is perfect for me to eat right now since I quite depress right now so I want to eat.

  5. Pinning, pinning, pinning. Yup, I’m all over this. You are amazing, lovely, gorgeous, kind, and all around wonderful. If I was cheesy and 8 yrs old I would tell you that you win the gold medal for lovely. You win the gold medal for lovely. Oh! I guess I am a child. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

  6. First of all, Happy Birthday! Second of all, I LOVE no-bake desserts in the summertime. Our a/c went out last week, so I have a ban on oven use right now. Third of all, I also love lemon and raspberry together, so these look amazing! Great choice; can’t wait to try them!

  7. PINNING – perfect summer recipe!

    Thank you for being a part of the CRAZY COOKING CHALLENGE. Watch for upcoming details about the next years challenge.

  8. This recipe is fantastic. I love to make this one. I eat berries all the time so this is perfect for me. The dessert is so yummy.

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