NINE!  How are you already nine years old?

It was just a minute ago that you were a tee-tiny little newborn nestled in my arms.

The Matthews family with our newborn Monkey

From the moment you entered this world, you made yourself known.  Even though you were only 6 lbs, you were already a force to be reckoned with.

Happy Birthday to the boy who completed our family, the one who brings us immense joy,  gales of laughter, tears, and happiness.

ice cream cone cupcakes for the birthday boy

Our lives are better because you are in them.

You are exuberance personified.  You are a whirling dervish with a heart bigger than Texas.  

monkey the fireman


You’re a mini version of your Daddy, a southern gentleman, a dare-devil that makes this mama’s heart freeze in it’s tracks, and you’re the sweetest brother that’s ever been.  Your smile lights up everyone’s day and your kind heart and giving spirit make you a wonderful friend.

You wear your heart on your sleeve, every emotion and thought shows instantly on your face and in your beautiful hazel eyes. You care so much for everyone, you are so loving and compassionate. You are a joker, a comedian, a serious little old man, a daredevil, an independent, strong, rebellious and yet somehow your huge personality isn’t overpowering. You can easily lead, but are perfectly content to step back and follow. Some days you charge head first with no thought for consequences and other days you stop and I can hear the little cogs in your head churning and spinning as you weigh every option before you.

You’ve made our family complete and better for having you in it.

I’m so thankful that God chose our family for you.

I love you to the moon and back and beyond again and again.

a little monkey attitude








One Comment

  1. OK, I’m tearing up and emotional. You captured this precious child’s spirit perfectly. He had such a beautiful soul. Well shattered this with him later.

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