Nine years ago I walked arm in arm with my dad, giggling and breathless and excited.

I couldn’t wait to get to the end of that aisle, to you, my soon-to-be husband, the man that had chosen me.

Nine years ago I laughed as the pastor repeated; “They both said, ‘I Do‘”  I snorted and rolled my eyes as our nephew rode the rail during the songs and played tic-tac-toe with the pastor during the candle lighting.

I sighed and rolled my eyes with you and giggled when the darn unity candles refused to stay lit.

I was able to laugh at the bridesmaids bouquet debacle and the candles and the ring-bearer and all of those other things not being perfection, because of you.

Because even then, I knew that the wedding was just the ceremony.  The wedding was the not so intimate moment of beauty and power and ceremony that we shared with our friends and family but, it was.. it is.. the marriage that defines us and truly matters.

My Rings

Nine Years have passed since we shared our first kiss as man and wife

The First Kiss 2

Nine years later, I still get butterflies.

Nine years later, you can still make me feel like the giddy 20 year old standing by the frozen San Marcos river, with the ice shining in the trees like diamonds in the moonlight as you held my hand, looked deep in my eyes and changed my life forever by telling me that you wanted me, only me.

Nine years later I still remember the moment you slipped the ring on my swollen, lime green cast decorated hand and told me that “No, I’m not kidding.  Will. you. Marry. Me?”

I also remember failing my final the next day.

I remember our first house, our second house, our third house 😉 each one was made a home because we were there, together.

I remember the first pregnancy test and the second.

I remember poems sent by email just because.

I remember Stargazer lillies on the table just because they’re my favorites.

I cherish that you make me believe in myself because of the strength of your belief in me.

Through your eyes, I see my beauty and power.

Through your kisses and hugs, I feel your passion.

This, is marriage.  This is what Nine Years have shown me.

The I Do’s, The wedding.. that’s just the first page… the rest of our story is up to us.

Thank you, Nathan.

I love you.

More today than yesterday, and more tomorrow, than today.

Then. Now. Always.

I. Love. You

Eighth Anniversary Post Here

Seventh Anniversary Post Here


  1. Happy Happy Anniversary to the two of you!!! Gorgeous post. and beautiful memories. Here’s to many many more years of happiness together. 🙂

  2. Happy anniversary Rachel! And yet another reason we’re connected… Jon and my anniversary is tomorrow. 🙂
    .-= Boston Mamas´s most recent blog ..Food For Thoughtful Parenting =-.

    1. I knew I loved you!
      Happy Anniversary to you and Jon! I hope y’all’s day is as full of love and happiness and completeness as ours.
      xoxoxo love ya friend
      .-= Rachel ~ Southern Fairytale´s most recent blog ..Nine =-.

  3. Happy anniversary, Rachel!! I wish you many of God’s blessings.
    .-= Erica Mueller´s most recent blog ..The Best Accounting Software for Bloggers – Freshbooks =-.

  4. Happy ninth anniversary to you both!
    .-= Rebecca at Toothwhale´s most recent blog ..A first look at Chihuly at Cheekwood =-.

  5. Congratulations! I love that you still get butterflies… best wishes for many, many more happy years together.

    (My 24th anniversary is coming up in a couple weeks. I still get butterflies too.)

  6. Awww, what a sweet post! Congrats to you and your husband.
    .-= Hockeymandad´s most recent blog ..Cool Party =-.

  7. Happy Anniversary honey! To you both! 🙂

    ps: our rings are very similar! great minds think alike! 🙂
    .-= Heather´s most recent blog my wife on her birthday* =-.

  8. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!! As I remember I believe we were both a little silly going down that isle – my only time. You picked well and I hope you continue to love each other in new ways every day because that is how love grows. I am so proud of you both. Oh, greetings from band camp ;-}

    1. We were VERY silly going down that aisle! 😉 That’s just how we are, right?
      I did pick well, thank you. I picked a man with all of your best qualities, how could I have gone wrong?
      Thank you for all of your advice and support. I love you SO much.
      I hope you’re having a FANTASTIC time at band camp!!!

      “This one time… at band camp………………”

  9. Happy Happy Anniversary! That might be the sweetest post ever! Wishing you MANY MANY MANY more blessed years xoxo

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