I don’t know if you need an excuse to have a delicious, relaxing, refreshing, cool, crisp glass of wine, but if you do…

Let me introduce you to your new favorite day.


The Gallo Family, yes those Gallos, have named today, May 9, 2012 – the First Annual National Moscato Day.

To celebrate – they’re hosting a blog tour (of which yours truly is a part) and this evening – from 9 – 10 PM ET ( 8 – 9 PM CST) I am a community panelist on a #GNO twitter party with Gallo Family Winery to celebrate National Moscato Day.

I am traditionally, a red wine girl – pinot noir and merlot are two of my favorites, but I’ve heard several friends rave about Moscato – the light, fruity, crispness of the wine – the slightly sweet honey undertones, and let’s be honest.. down here in South Texas, when it reaches 197•F – okay, that might be a slight exaggeration – it typically is maybe only 115• F during our lovely 6 month long Texas summers… sometimes an icy cold – light, sweet, citrus-y, refreshing drink is exactly what is called for.

So – I signed on.

And a week or so later – a lovely package arrived on my doorstep requiring the signature of an adult individual aged 21 or over.

Inside were 2 bottles of Gallo Family Vineyards Moscato.


Have I mentioned how much I love what I do?

I immediately stuck it in our outside fridge (aka the beverage fridge) and started to read up on Moscato.

The Gallo Family Vineyards Moscato is a table wine, that boasts peach, honey and ripe citrus flavors that are perfect when paired with soft and hard cheeses, spicy dishes or even the most Texas of all Texas dishes – Chili. (this information snagged from the Gallo Family Vineyard info sheet that accompanied my wine)

I took them up on that challenge.

I paired the Moscato with a roasted red pepper and garlic brie with whole grain crackers, the wine is lighter and sweeter than I’m used to, but it was lovely.  Sweet, crispy, soft, light, refreshing – I really enjoyed it.

The red pepper and garlic brie had just a hint of bite, paired with a creamy savoriness and the Moscato cooled and teased and sated as it flowed over my tongue, a brilliant pairing.  Simple, soothing, lovely.

Next up –

a spicy pairing.

If National Moscato Day were occurring during the 2 weeks of winter that we have down here, I might have taken them up on their challenge of pairing it with chili, however, it’s already hovering in the 90’s – so I decided to toss together a sriracha laden stir fry with chicken, broccoli, carrots and red peppers instead

stir fry with moscato

Once again, the sweet fruity, crispness of the Moscato was perfectly paired with the slightly spicy – crispy – bold flavors of my stir fry.

Bravo – Gallo Family Vineyards – Bravo.

You have taken a strictly beer and red wine girl, and given her a new option.

I have several recipes that I can’t wait to pair with Moscato

Here’s what I need y’all to do:

Go grab a bottle of Moscato and chill it.

Make (or order) something ridiculously delicious with a hint of spice – or throw together a creamy, savory cheese tray.

Invite some friends over, or pull up your laptop and join me (and a whole bunch of other fun people) for the Moscato Twitter Party tonight.

Seriously, do it.

I’ll be here ready to cheers you and toast to health, wealth, happiness, school ending, lost teeth, no burnt toast, whatever the celebration is.. let’s do it!

I’m participating in the National Moscato Day Blog Tour and Twitter party as part of a compensated partnership.  My time and talents are being compensated, but my thoughts and opinions and ramblings are 100% my own and never for sale.



  1. Total interday game changer, right here. (Puts down coffee cup and picks up stemware.)

  2. I love Moscato! It was my “gateway wine” into the world of wines when I started dating my husband, who’s family is Italian and live in the Napa Valley. When we lived in North Dakota I even had a personalized license plate that said “muscat.”
    I read this just in time to go find a bottle and get it chilled to have a glass after the kiddos go to bed. 🙂
    (I love drizzling moscato over fresh fruit, or muddling some in a glass and pouring the wine over it.)

  3. Moscato is a favorite for me….I’ll drink it with anything!! (hiccup!!) Haven’t really found a brand that i didn’t like…Glad to know that a day has been dedicated to it !! (hiccup)

  4. Do they have any organic wines that would be healthier choices. Like sulfide free. I love wine, but I have to search around for organic. I don’t want to end up with kidney stones or the multitude of other things that sulfides can cause.


  5. I loveeeee me some Moscato. My favorite is the Primo Amore (currently being served at Olive Garden). It is crisp, just the right amount of bubbles, with hints of peach and a honey after taste. Ahhhh I would sooo be (late) participating in National Moscato Day if I weren’t 5 mons preggo!

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