No, seriously.

Today, June 24th is National Bomb Pop Day!

You know Bomb Pops; the cherry, lime and blue raspberry favorite from the ice cream truck!

Yep, today is their day!

In honor of National Bomb Pop day, Blue Bunny sent me a cooler packed with dry ice (which entertained my kids for hours thankyouverymuch!) and 4 flavors of bomb pops.


Lemonade is hands down mine and Princess’ favorite, it is Raspberry Lemonade, Pink Lemonade and Lemonade, it’s sort of the tri-fecta of frozen summer awesomeness!

bomb pop princess

While both boys LOVE the Arctic Blue (blue raspberry) and the original.

Since our average heat index lately has been around 111 (yes one-hundred-eleven degrees Farenheit) with 90% humidity, I’m sure you can understand that it took me a split second to tell the people at Blue Bunny that I would ABSOLUTELY LOVE to receive 4 boxes of Bomb Pops to devour taste and write about in celebration of National Bomb Pop Day.

Jealous much?  You should be, they’re kind of awesome.

The extra tasty part.

One of y’all is going to win a cooler of tasty awesomeness from Blue Bunny, too.

Leave a comment telling me your favorite way to cool off in the summer heat.

For a bonus entry: tweet this giveaway and leave the tweet url in a separate comment.

This giveaway will close at 10:00 PM CST today, June 24th.

I’ll use to choose the winner from the comments (open to US residents only)

Contest Now Closed

Congrats to Krystyn, Commenter #33

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  1. This being my first summer with an ice cream maker- I have been enjoying lots of frozen treats as my way of cooling off! (Oh, lots of iced tea too!)

  2. No kidding, the quickest way for me to cool off is to take my dog’s example – lie down on the hardwood floor!

    The best, though, an icy cold shower after working outside, then lay down in bed after turning the ceiling fan on HIGH. Goosebumps galore!

  3. I miss jumping through the sprinkler with Mary Jo in the front yard growing up in Tuscaloosa, AL, in my NYC apartment, I must settle for the sink hose.
    Thanks for reminding me of one of my favorite ice cream truck treats,
    Helen Ellis

  4. If there’s a pool nearby, my favorite way to cool off in the summer is to jump into it! Otherwise, sitting in front of my air conditioner eating a pint of ice cream ain’t bad either.

  5. Latest: Blue_Bunny It’s National Bomb Pop Day! Check out the mind-chilling give away from @sthrnfairytale! Retweeted by you less than 5 seconds ago

  6. Running through the sprinkler is my favorite way to cool off in summer, who cares if I look silly doing it!

  7. My fav way to cool off is to turn the hose over to my kids and let them spray my arms and legs. Which ends up being all of me, lol. Fun times…

  8. These would come in very handy at the next pool party. 😉

    Our favorite way to cool off? In the pool! My kids have discovered that pool noodles can be turned into spraying devices — they take turns putting one end of the noodle up to one of the pool jets and then aiming the other end at each other. It only ends in tears sometimes. 😉

  9. i love bomb pops!

    but my favorite way to cool off during the summer is to put the sprinkler underneath the trampoline at full blast. whether your lying down soaking up sun … or jumping around in the watery fun!

  10. Well… sadly, I didn’t know about this, and didn’t buy any at the store. I bought the regular fruit flavored ice pops. Shame on me!

  11. Cooling down in the pool and water balloon fights with my kiddo. As a matter of fact, that’s what we did last night.

  12. I love to hang out w/ friends and watch the kids play in the pool, slip n slide, swingset, and trampoline, we also like to make s’ mores, and to go camping is the best!!

  13. I luv eating ice cream, popsicles & iced tea to cool down. It’s good when you sit on the front porch and enjoy the cool breeze:)

  14. How do I cool down? An ice cold Arnold Palmer is a sure fire way to cool off. Although, Bomb Pops are a great way too!

  15. Well, just about any frozen treat and a dip in the pool is our fave way of staying cool in the summer!

    Heat index has been high in Nashville, too. An ice chest of popsicles would make us quite popular in da ‘hood!

  16. A cold beer. And then another.

    But when I was a kid? The ice cream truck. And I have had my share of bomb pop afternoons.

    I should win. Because I am a bomb pop.

  17. I love to cool everyone off in my house by having plenty of the bomb pops in the freezer and eating one sitting in front of the AC!!! Love summer the best!! We eat bomb pops all year long!!1

  18. We always go to this little inlet called Sandy Point and we take a dip in the water. Later in the day when we are really hot we visit the snack bar and of course get Bomb Pops!

  19. We love to make homemade Ice Cream on hot summer days! And head to the neighborhood pool for a dip!

  20. My favorite way to cool off during the hottest days is to get on the bike and hit the highway. Take a cruise down to the water (one of the advantages of living on an island) and enjoy the breeze coming off the bay. Thanks for doing this contest. I will admit the red, white and blue Bomb Pops were my childhood favorite so I guess I have to agree with your boys. Thanks for doing this giveaway and good luck to everyone.

  21. I live in Houston, Texas and the heat is unbelieveable! I also get out the kiddie pool and the water hose, we have a lot of fun. I also make a lot of ice tea, and lemon aid. The red, white and blue Bomb Pops are my favorite. Thanks for the chance to win.

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