
Welcome to the ELEVENTH post of the Saving Second Base project!

Today’s contributor is my friend, Kim
My name is Kim Hardwick and I am a mother of two boys.

I started dating my high school sweetheart, who is now my husband, a few months after his mother, Nancy, had finished chemotherapy for breast cancer. The first time I talked to his mother I thought she had the sweetest voice I had ever heard. She has been in my life for fifteen years now and I am blessed to be her daughter-in-law.

I remember the first Christmas dinner I shared with my husband’s family. There was this interesting looking dish that was topped with marshmallows and cheese that everyone devoured like it was their last supper. The marshmallow and cheese combination seemed strange to me so it took several years for me to try it.
Surprise, surprise!
It was delicious. The tart, sweet pineapple and the sharp cheese with soft sweet marshmallows is fabulous

Recipe: Nancy’s Pineapple Salad


  • 1 can crushed pineapple
  • 2 egg yolks
  • 2 Tbls flour
  • 1/2 c. sugar
  • 1/4 Tsp salt
  • 1 bag of mini marshmallows
  • small tub of cool whip
  • 8 oz. grated Longhorn cheese


  1. Mix flour, sugar and salt in a large sauce pan then add crushed pineapple.
  2. Add 2 beaten egg yolks and cook on low heat until thick.
  3. Transfer cooked mixture to a 9 x 13 in pan and refrigerate until cold.
  4. Spread tub of cool whip over the pineapple mixture.
  5. Add a layer of marshmallows then top with cheese.

Thank you so much for sharing your story and Nancy’s recipe!

<3 Rachel and Tricia

Want to know how you can help? or be a part of this project?

  • Tricia and I have created a facebook page: Saving Second Base Please “like” us and help spread the word!
  • We’re on TWITTER!!! @Savng2ndBase (i know it’s missing an i but someone already HAS saving2ndbase and isn’t using it :-{ ) Follow us and spread the word!
  • Post our button


  • Send us your story and recipe: one that reminds you of/celebrates someone who has fought with, is living with, is kicking cancer’s ass, has lost the fight…. send a story, a recipe, a blurb with recipe, a memory with recipe, a tribute with recipe… and pictures.. a picture of the person.. a picture of the recipe (preferably both) but either works. Please send this to: and we’ll send you the release to sign and love you forever and ever and ever 😉
  • We’re going to post at least one recipe and story every. single. day in October on A Southern Fairytale and on Once A Month Mom and then we’ll compile all the stories and recipes into an e-book that can be purchased and EVERY SINGLE SOLITARY cent will be donated to the Susan G Komen Foundation. (Tricia and I are not taking a single solitary cent for any of this)
  • Tweet with #saving2ndbase
  • Let’s help kick cancer’s ass and save those ta ta’s!

    And remember y’all… Save a Life, Grope Your Wife 🙂

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