Yes, you read that right. Do you see that cute little reindeer?

I was trying to spice up my blog for Christmas and saw this cute little reindeer. I thought he’d make a festive addition to my title, well hell’s bells if he hasn’t hijacked my blog title and I can’t remove him.
That’s right. You did not misread this.
The little 4 legged, sparkly, antler having, seemingly cheerful and innocent little Christmas icon will not leave my Blog Title! I have hit remove 67 different times and HE WON’T LEAVE!!

I have implored Blogger’s help group for assistance but have yet to hear back.

Now, just how many of you can say you’ve been hijacked by a reindeer? LOL.
Guess that should teach me to try to be like Dixie and Honeybell!!

Ummmm… Help…. anybody?


  1. Oh my… Naught little reindeer, eh? I’m actually not all that familiar with blogger (I use Typepad)… but is there not some re-publish option? LOL.

    If not, at least it’s Christmas time. *snicker*

  2. smart ass. Love ya.
    No, I tried it. It won’t work!!! ARGH>
    I guess worst case scenario after Christmas I’ll have to get a new template to get rid of the little bugger!! The remove image button is NOT working! 🙂

  3. Sorry, but that is too funny. I was actually thinking of changing my header photo, but maybe I will think twice….maybe there is some bug in their system.

    It wouldn’t be so hysterical if it wasn’t such a season-appropriate header! It really IS like he is saying “Tis the season! Just try and get rid of me now!”.

    Although he IS cute..maybe he should stay?

    Good luck!

  4. LOL y’all! Guess it’s a good thing princess and I are making kitchen sink cookies now, huh. They have oats in them!! LOL!
    Amy ~ it’s uploaded from my computer so there isn’t any HTML to edit. Oh well.
    Irene~ He is cute. I just wish he hadn’t taken over! LOL!
    Oh well ~ ’tis the season!

  5. Yeah, it is easier to be interchangeable with blogger. I think your blog is great. Added you to my blogroll so I can come back again, and again!

  6. Oh, Rachel……sweetie, I wished I knew what to tell ya ….Bless your heart!….did you get the reindeer from Pizam..where did you get the graphic? Your problem might lie with the site you got the code from…

  7. Rachel dear… (pun intended)

    I looked at your source code…the reindeer image is embedded in your code…do you know how to edit your html..if so…remove this line from the header section

    background-image: url(“”)

    The Egel Nest

  8. If you trust me with your passwords temporarily, I can do it for you.

    Whatever you wish 🙂

    Email me girl!

    The Egel Nest

  9. Bradley… I shall try. How did you look at my source code? Should I feel violated? LOL.
    LOL again, just because you make me laugh.
    Lord love a duck if this isn’t a clusterduck of insanity.

  10. Dang it! I missed it!! LOL! I am forever having my blog hijacked by my misguided belief that I have even the most basic understanding of html!!

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