Meet Lisa

photo lovingly lifted from her blog

I met Lisa at Blissdom 2009 and was in awe of her talent and her peaceful spirit — she just radiates happiness and calm and love.

I followed stalked her online after that and then at Blissdom 2010, I was able to spend more time with her — see that picture, yes, she’s really that gorgeous in real life — here’s the thing that makes Lisa who she is — her heart, generosity, spirit, personality — they are even more gorgeous than her face.

A group of us were in the airport for several hours following Blissdom and I was lucky enough to get to spend quite a bit of time chatting with her and her darling twin sister, Chrissy.

I left Blissdom with Lisa more firmly embedded in my heart

Blissful Heart

That necklace up there — Lisa made that.

and this one


and this one

Vintage Frames

Lisa makes amazing jewelry —necklaces, bracelets, ornaments and more

I have given my last two friends to have babies, each a custom Lisa Leonard necklace and I recommend them to EVERYONE.

My own jewelry box holds about 6 Lisa Leonard necklaces and every time I wear one, I receive compliments on it.

Last year, I gave this necklace to Princess and she wears it every. single. day

image from Lisa’s shop

So here’s the deal — I’m not just writing this because I love Lisa, which I do — however, this post has another point.

On Thursday, we found out the joyous news about my FIL’s successful surgery that removed parts of his lungs and all the cancer! YAY!

Moments after getting that phone call, I opened my mailbox and found a gift from Lisa.  A $50 gift card to her shop (Lisa, I love you)

Well, that was an overwhelming blessing upon another one so, I emailed Lisa and told her that I’d like to pay it forward, she said ” of course”

So — here’s the deal.  I’m giving one of y’all the $50 gift card to Lisa’s shop.

Spend it on yourself for Christmas, or surprise someone special with a beautiful, custom gift.  The tears in their eyes and the smile on their face will warm even the coldest Christmas morning, trust me.

So — here’s the deal.

MANDATORY (if you don’t do this, you will not be eligible to win)

  • What would you do with this if you won? Who would you use the gift certificate on?

BONUS (additional entries — each one should be left in a separate comment)

  • visit Lisa’s beautiful shop and tell me in the comments which item is your favorite
  • Tweet this giveaway and leave the URL in the comments

This giveaway is open from 6:00 PM CST Tuesday Dec 7th to 10PM CST Thursday Dec 9th  (you have until Dec 16th to order from her site for Christmas shipping — This is open to US residents only)

Congratulations to our Winner!  Janet from Planet of Janet


  1. I would give a necklace to my amazing niece, Sarah. She has 5 great kids ages 12 and under and she got her RN while raising all of them and working. She is now going back to school to be a nurse practitioner and I am so proud of her.

  2. I absolutely love Lisa’s beauty and memories that she creates! If I won, I would either get my baby girl the lady bug necklace (which just so happens to coincide with her being nicknamed Bug) or buy a beautiful necklace (can’t decide which) for my grandmother, who raised me!!! I can’t wait to see who wins!!!

  3. I’m a jerk if I say i’d get something for myself… but… I would.

    It’s been a rough year, and I think I’d want a reminder of peace for myself 🙂

  4. I LOVE the “through my lens” necklace, but somehow I think “BE STILL” is what I need right now. I love that so much.

  5. I would use it on me.


    I got one of her necklaces at EVO this summer that says “evolve” – which is all what my life has been doing this summer. I wore it non stop till I broke the chain and the charm dropped.

    Into the toilet.

    That was, ahem, in use.

    And I wasn’t going after it. I loved it but, just, no.

    I told the Dude about it and a few hours later I hear, “Hey, come look at this!” I walk toward the bathroom and was beyond grateful to see the charm laying in the bottom of the toilet (CLEAN). [and yes I was scared of just what I was going to see in the toilet – boys are soooo gross.]

    He fished it out and washed it up [we’re talking scrubbed it up, disinfectant style] and gave it back to me.

    I’m torn between this
    or this

    although I’d sure love the Dude to give me reason for one of these! 🙂

  6. I think I would have to buy something for myself! Love her jewelry and would be thrilled to have one for myself!

  7. I would either get the brave love necklace for myself with my husband and children’s names or the same necklace for my mom with her four grandkids’ names. (My niece is 2 months old and is the child my brother thought he would never have.) (I would choose something for my SIL but mom us already ordering from Lisa for Christmas.)

  8. Lovely! I would use the gift certificate on my future sister-in-law. 🙂 She’d love something from Lisa’s shop!

  9. I already have a Lisa necklace (love it, wearing it right now), so I would buy a special surprise gift for my co-author, Becky. We have been through a lot together and I would like to give her something really special this year!

  10. So many things I like! Here’s a few…

    teenie tiny initials necklace
    marked by love
    tiny squares
    open circle bracelet
    sterling ring

    ….to name a few!

  11. I think I would use the gift certificate on myself (a mommy deserves to be selfish every once in a I want something with the initials of my husband and children. Probably the frame necklace.

  12. I would love to win this. Hands down it would to my MIL who is battling cancer. I would get her 3 grandchildren’s names on it so they can be close to her heart. Great giveaway/

  13. I would buy something for my dear friend and neighbor who just had a sweet baby girl, Maddyn. She had a really tought pregnancy and after 3 weeks in the NICU the baby is finally home, safe and sound.

  14. This is probably awful, but I would use it on me. I give and give and give and give and my friends and doctor just about have me convinced I need to start treating myself.

  15. I just made my Christmas wish list on Lisa’s site yesterday. I would LOVE and I mean LOVE the tennie tiny initials ~ my family has the first initials of abcd~ would love that. Hoping I win but so happy you are sharing with a lucky reader. May God bless you all this Christmas season.

  16. I would either get something for my Aunt who is like a mother to me or something for my best friend who makes me smile everyday!!

  17. well… I’d like to say that I’d honestly use it on the Christmas Ornament for my brother and his soon to be wife… but I might use it on the Open Circle Necklace for me. I’d probably end up buying both!

  18. Oh I really love the Family Tree Neclace and the ornaments are really pretty. I love almost all of her things. Beautiful!

  19. I would probably get something lovely for my Nan!
    Shes pretty much the most amazing person ever, cares for my step grandfather who has severe dementia and looks after everyone as much as she can.

  20. Last year I purchased a necklace from Lisa…. in honor of our daughter Naomi (still born at 31 weeks). I loved this necklace and wore it every where. This summer we went on vacation and I left the necklace on a night stand in a hotel room. We called… and it was never returned. I cried… (and then cried some more).

    Although this sounds selfish, I’d use it towards the “Marked by Love” necklace .. to replace the one I lost. It meant so much to me, and living off of one income we haven’t been able to replace it!

    Thanks so much for this giveaway!

  21. Your friend is beautiful! And so is her work. I would get a “through my lens” necklace for my sweet sister Katie who is about to graduate from college and is an aspiring photographer.

  22. I would use it to get a special necklace to give to my little granddaughter. Out of my six grands she is the only girl. I watched her for three years before their family moved in October. I really miss them and my “yettle gurl”. 😉

  23. After visiting Lisa’s shop I am having a hard time picking out a favorite but I really like the “little birdie earrings”

  24. Ummm,…. I would be selfish and get something for myself. I am in desperate need of more “grownup”-type jewelry. I am pretty well in love with the lovebird necklace. 🙂

  25. Just visited her site. I adore the name bracelets! I’ve seen nice handmade stuff before, but Lisa’s looks really exceptional. 🙂

  26. Congratulations on your good news! And what a great giveaway! Her jewelry is beautiful. As much as I would love to keep a necklace for me, I would buy something for my niece who is about to have her first child. What a beautiful keepsake her necklaces would make!!! crazybulldogs at comcast dot net

  27. I adore the open heart necklace and while I’d like to be able to say I’d use it on someone else I’d use it on me…I’ve always wanted a mom’s necklace with my little ones’ names on it…this is perfect. 🙂

    great blog!

  28. I would use the gift certificate for myself — I would love to have something with each of my kiddos names on it.

  29. I LOVE my Blissdom necklace. I would give the “I hold your heart in mine” to my daughter, my sweet girl who has had such a hard year.

  30. I would use it on a gift for my best friend. Her husband is in Afghanistan right now, and I would love to be able to give her something special this Christmas. She would love it!!

  31. I’d like to spend the card on myself, because I’ve been coveting one of Lisa’s necklaces for ages, but I think I’d likely use it instead on something for my brother’s girlfriend who just gave birth to my first niece. A great necklace for Christmas might be perfect for her.

  32. I think I would buy something for myself (I know, tis the season) but I can always use jewelry

  33. I took a look at the website, I would get the circle necklace with my name, my husband, and my son

  34. I would use the gif certificate toward the “whoo do you love?” necklace, with my kids’ names on the owl charm and my husband’s name on the optional moon and starts tag.

  35. Those are beautiful pieces and she sounds like a wonderful woman.

    I would pass it on to my sister, so she could order herself something with her new initials after she gets married.

  36. I think I’d use it to pick out something special for my sister-in-law! She’s kind of hard to shop for, but I know I could find something of Lisa’s that my SIL would love. 🙂

  37. Those pieces are lovely! I like pretty silver jewelry like that. If I won the card, I would use it to buy something for my future mother in law. She is really hard to buy for because she usually buys everything she wants on her own, but she doesn’t shop online at all. After that, I would probably get something for my grandmother, because our family hasn’t been on the best of terms in the last couple of years, but I still love her, no matter what.

  38. All of her jewelry is beautiful and simple. I really like the “grow roots, sprout wings” piece and the “ittt bitty letters.”

  39. I think I would use this myself, but purchase something for a friend who works so hard to make the holidays a real celebration for our entire church family.

  40. The piece I’m most attracted to is the “Be Still” necklace. That is such a good message for all of us, and is expressed creatively in this lovely pendant.

  41. I would use it on myself! i hardly ever get new jewelry and i would love something adorned with my daughter’s initials 🙂

  42. Ooh! I would totally use it on myself. A Christmas present. (for the sake of looks, I’ll say it’s from my dog.)

  43. What a great idea!!! I would use certificate towards the beautiful necklace and send it to my “diet coke angel” Thanks to good ole facebook, I have reconncted with so many friends from high school. One girl began to follow my updates on my Mom when we found out she had lung cancer. She than began to follow my blog about my Mom’s struggle with lung cancer. I mention diet coke quite often, I drink way too much each day. One of my entires in my blog, I vented quite a bit and was having a awful day. I went to work to find my “diet coke angel” had dropped off a gift basket of diet coke. It had a 6 pack of diet coke, diet coke playing cards, diet coke pencils etc. She made my day and I will never forget that feeling. A girl I barely talked to in high school drove 25 minutes out of her way to bring me a little sunshine to my day. Happy to say now she has become one of my closet friends and I still to this day call her my diet coke angel. So I would use the certificate to buy her that necklace because to me, she is such a beautiful person 🙂

  44. I love Lisa’s jewelry, she is so talented! I found her through another blog a couple of years ago and immediatly bought a necklace with my children’s names on it. As a tradition I buy one Christmas ornament for my children every year, so I think I would get them each an ornament with our names on them.

  45. However, if I was feeling selfish I would get the kisses and hugs necklace for myself! It was very hard to pick just one!

  46. I need something very special for my mom for Christmas this year. It’s been a rough one. I learned everything about being a survivor from her, though, and she’s doing amazingly well.

    I think one of these pieces would be just the ticket. (Or at least part of the gift — I’m still putting everything together in my mind.)

    Thanks, Rachel. This is a lovely giveaway.

  47. I would order a custom necklace with my new son’s name on it! Had I seen this yesterday, I would’ve said that I would spend it on my son’s birth mother, but I just ordered a necklace from Lisa for her yesterday. So I’d use this g/c on myself!

  48. I love Lisa’s jewelry! I have her By Grace Alone necklace and one of my daughters names. If i were to win this, then I would give it to my sister in law. She’s the best. Hands down.

  49. In late June my “little” sister will become a mother. As with any family expanding things will be tight for her and her husband and most, if not all, luxuries will be cut out of the budget in favor of things like receiving blankets and diapers. If I won I would treat her to a necklace.

  50. I would use the gift card to purchase a family necklace with all of our names. We are a blended family!

  51. My husband & I are adopting, and want to get our expectant mother a necklace after the birth!

  52. I would use it to get my MIL a beatiful necklace that celebrates her success in raising two boys to be great dads.

  53. I would buy one for my mom for Christmas! (or her birthday in January if the time was too short)

  54. These necklaces are so beautiful. If I were to win the gift card I would buy a necklace for my MIL who is currently battling small cell lung cancer. I’d put her 3 grandchildrens’ names ( my daughter and my BIL/SIL 2 girls) on it so she could have them close to her heart.

  55. I would give it to my mother-in-law. She’s only been my mother-in-law for a few months, but she’s been wonderful to me and treated me like her own.

  56. “What would you do with this if you won? Who would you use the gift certificate on? ” I would use this gift certificate to purchase something beautiful for my mom. My mom is truly my best friend, and I never realized how important she was to me until I almost lost her recently. The day before Halloween my mom developed acute pancreatitis. This condition usually requires hospitalization, but not only was she hospitalized, but spent a week in the ICU when she developed rare and serious complications. She is home, but recently developed more complications and will require a feeding tube as her sole source of nutrition until spring. (No food or drink except water!) She is only 61, and was really active, o this has been super hard on her. This special gift would brighten her day!

  57. I’d use the GC to buy something for my new friend Jenn. She’s had a lot going on this year and could use a special treat.

  58. I think I would be selfish and treat myself. It’s been a long time since I did something girly for myself 🙂

  59. I’m not entering the giveaway. Just want to say how happy I am for your family that your FIL’s surgery was such a success. That is wonderful news and I’m sure that everyone looks to his road to recovery with much brighter spirits.
    Also, Lisa’s jewelery is beautiful. She is a very talented artisan. Thank you for sharing her with us.

  60. oh my goodness – too many choices, but i think i’d have to choose the “hope is the thing with wings” or the birdie necklace. Hubby and I have gone through a financially crazy couple of years to pursue a dream, and when I get down about things, I remember a fresh hope springing up – love the necklaces to remind me of that!

  61. what would i do with the gift card? i’d buy myself my favorite item…the only problem is deciding which one if my first favorite…

  62. I would buy my daughter and I matching necklaces. Shes getting her first jewelery box for christmas so it would be perfect to put it in. Thanks so much. These are so beautiful!

  63. If I won the certificate, I’d get my daughter a necklace.. Now I’m off to view Lisa’s other creations!!

  64. If I won the gift certificate I would buy my daughter the “loved” necklace, she is freshman in highschool now and is growing up to be such a wonderful young lady. I want her to always know how much she is loved by me!!

  65. That’s easy! I would use it to buy a present our lovely, wonderful Mama, who I’m sure you know ADORES jewelry, especially when it’s as lovely as Lisa’s products.

    Personally, I’m very fond of the Snowflake Ornament, though I did get a kick out of the engraving on the Petite Original Necklace.

    P.S. Mom told me about FIL’s surgery, and I was so glad to hear about that! I know y’all are ecstatic!

  66. I would use the gift certificate to buy myself and daughter necklaces.
    aldnlopez at gmail dot com

  67. I think I’d be selfish and get myself something for Christmas. Our money is tight and so my husband and I will be really limited with gifts this year, and I’ve admired Lisa’s jewelry for a long time.

  68. First, great news about your FIL, and second, wow you’re giving away your gift!? Thank you!

    I would probably spend this on myself. I have hardly any jewelry and don’t spend money on it usually!

  69. If I won, I’d buy the “together” necklace for a mom I know who lost her husband in a tragic hunting accident this January. She has 2 kids (a daughter, age 7 and a son, age 5). This will be their first Christmas without him. The necklace will be a great reminder to her that her family remains “together” nonetheless through grace, laughter, joy and tears just like the necklace says.

  70. Leave it to me to not read the directions.

    Personally, I’m very fond of the Snowflake Ornament, though I did get a kick out of the engraving on the Petite Original Necklace.

  71. I would get the “beautiful necklace” for my daughter Audrey…just to remind her everyday what a beautiful and special young lady she is becoming. My personal favorite is the “dewdrops necklace”. It has my two childrens names on the front and our family name on the back. I wear it everyday and feel the love of my family close to my heart. I have received SO many compliments on the necklace and love Lisa’s site!!

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