I’ve been to New Orleans several times.

cafe pontalba bw
The first was with Nathan when I was pregnant with Princess.

The second was for Mom 2.0, where I had my first experience with a John Besh Restaurant.

Oh. Em. Gee.

I do not say that lightly.

Oh. My. Good. Giddy Aunt.

If you have an opportunity to experience a John Besh restaurant…

DO IT!!!


That gorgeous proscuitto topped pizza up there was made by Alon, who is quite wonderful and can be found at Domenica

I am on a mission to replicate this pizza.

It’s one of those meals that deserves a moment of silence.

This pizza, the whole Domenica and John Besh experience is one of those things where when Nathan and I talk about traveling — I tell him:   “When we go back to New Orleans, I’ll find a way to make sure Alon makes us this pizza…” it is something that EVERYONE should experience, especially pizza snobs and doubters.

The last time that I went to New Orleans was with Zatarain’s and that experience… well I have no words…

No recipe today, but I have an amazing Chicago Cutlery Knife Giveaway that y’all just HAVE to enter!

I adore Mondays with y’all and I didn’t want y’all to miss out on this giveaway!

Here are my favorite recipes from last week’s link-up:


I really can’t wait to see what y’all have in store for this week!

  • Make sure y’all link up
  • link back
  • visit and comment
  • pin, stumble and tweet each other

And don’t forget to enter the Chicago Cutlery Design Pro Knife giveaway!!!


  1. Lovin’ Lovin’ Lovin’ your blog! Thanks for hosting. I’m new around these parts, just wanted to invite you and your friends to my new Munchin’ on Mondays link up party. Hope you can come & share your goodies! p.s. I added your Mouthwatering Mondays link to by blog “party page” 🙂

  2. I just found your blog, and Oh Em Gee! This is ridiculously bad for me. I love food, and these photos just make me want to go crazy. Thank you so much for bringing out the love of food to the world. Thank you.

  3. Hey Rachel! Sorry I’m linking up so late, but I’m trying to get back into the bloggy swing of things after an insane summer and the posts aren’t flowing as quickly as I’d like. LOL That prosciutto pizza looks positively s-i-n-f-u-l. I made flatbread pizzas not long ago with prosciutto, but I’m sure they couldn’t have held a candle to Alon’s. Eating at one of John Besh’s restaurants is high on my foodie bucket list. You lucky girl… Anywhoooo, sorry for the mindless blathering and thanks so much for hosting! Have an awesome rest of the week! ~Mary

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