Happy Monday, y’all!!!  I leave for Mom 2.0 Summit tomorrow and I feel like everything should be in all caps with exclamation points everywhere!!!!  I’m excited to speak on a panel sponsored by Nesquik about kids’ nutrition, and how we handle it in our own homes with Laura Fuentes of Momables and Lisa Leake of 100 Days of Real Food.   In addition to that, I’m also leading a photography workshop with two of my favorite photographers Amy Locurto of Living Locurto and Jill Krause of Baby Rabies!  Let me know if you’ll be there!

Look at my new desk decoration!  I love this sign from the  Brave Girls Club. {I found mine at Buc*ees}

Put on Your Brave Girl Boots sign by Brave Girls Club

It’s Monday, which means it’s Mouthwatering Mondays and time to talk about a few of my favorite recipes that were linked up last week – this week’s favs are packed with flavor, lots of savory, spicy, and comfort foods!  Check them out, link up your recipes, and go visit each other!  You can see and re-pin each week’s favorites on the Mouthwatering Monday Friends Pinterest Board. 


  1. I love Tiramisu. Love. All Caps LOVE L-O-V-E Tiramisu.  This Triple Chocolate Tiramisu from Frugal Foodie Mama marries chocolate with tiramisu.  Y’all – I am drooling on my keyboard.  MUST make this!  
  2. Hello Cabot Pepper Jack Cheese + Muffins! I can’t wait to make some chili so that I have an excuse to make these Pepper Jack Cheese Muffins from This Silly Girl’s Life! YUM!!!
  3. I love the colors and flavors in these Paleo Southwestern Waffles from Just Us Four Blog.  Bright colors, savory flavors, a bit of spice, and a unique and fun way to use a waffle iron!  Hop on over and check out her recipes!
  4. I’m all about the sweet and savory today.  These Apple Pecan Pastries from Scraps of Summer seem like they’d be a delightful Mother’s Day brunch treat paired with a mimosa. 

 Don’t forget the Mouthwatering Mondays Guidelines

  • Do not link up a recipe that you have previously linked to Mouthwatering Mondays: Please link up original recipes each week
  • link directly back to your recipe URL. Not your Blog Homepage, not your Facebook page, not pinterest.. Just your recipe url
  • visit other MWM participants and leave a comment, say hello, tell them you’re coming from Mouthwatering Mondays.
  • Link back to Mouthwatering Mondays/A Southern Fairytale in the linked up post
  • Leave a Comment – I love hearing from y’all! <3
  • If you want to Pin one of these recipes, please pin directly from the recipe creator’s blog – not from a southern fairytale!
  • By linking your recipe up, you agree to, and give permission for an image from the linked recipe and a link to your recipe to be posted if chosen as a feature in the next week’s Mouthwatering Mondays.


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