I hope y’all all had an amazing 4th of July! Ours was filled with food, friends and frivolity.

The kids got to experience playing with sparklers for the first time and they had a blast – {no pun intended}



Y’all’s recipes last week were inspired – SO much yumminess!  Here are the family favorites from last week’s Mouthwatering Mondays.


This Cinnamon Caramel “Fried” Ice Cream by Crazy For The Crust looks amazing!  Breakfast and Ice Cream all in one – Yes, please!



I love cinnamon rolls.

LOVE.  The warm yeasty dough, the heady cinnamon, the hot crispy exterior and the warm soft, fragrant inside…. cinnamon rolls are comfort food.  They’re slumber parties and Sunday Mornings and Happiness in one delicious roll.  So it’s no surprise that Michelle’s No Yeast Cinnamon Rolls caught my eye.

No Yeast Cinnamon Rolls


I fell back in love with Truffle Oil while in Austin at BlogHer Food.  We had the most amazing Truffle Fries with rosemary and parmesan, and when I saw these Truffled Edamame Potstickers  by Suzanna Winter linked up last week, I was intrigued.  Edamame and Truffle Oil — sign me up! When I clicked over to the recipe, I was intrigued and delighted and printed it out so that I can try them at home!  I hope y’all do, too!


In case y’all missed it – Saturday was National Fried Chicken Day and I shared 11 Mouthwatering and Out of This World Fried Chicken Recipes over on Babble.


Monkey’s Pick of The Week:

4th of July Strawberries via Made From Pinterest.

Monkey Said: “Strawberries are my favorite fruit, and these are like holiday strawberries, which are even better than regular strawberries”

How could you argue with that logic?

4th of July Strawberries


Princess’ Pick of the Week:

Frozen S’mores with Toasted Marshmallow Ice Cream by This Silly Girl’s Life

Princess said: “Mom, it’s the best of both summer worlds.  S’mores and Ice Cream – how could these not be the pick of the week?”

frozen smores


To play along, just follow these simple rules:

  • Link to your favorite recipe/project from the week!
  • Be sure to cick around and check out some of your fellow linkers! Spread the love a bit.
  • Don’t forget to link back to A Southern Fairytale!!

Be sure to check back next Monday when I’ll feature a few of my favorites, and the kids’ favorites, too!

I can’t wait to see what y’all have been cooking up this week!




  1. Thanks for the love, Rachel! Those cinnamon rolls are SO good. I keep getting requests from my daughter to make them again. And again 😉 So many yummy treats – I love the inspiration from these linkups.

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