Happy Monday!  Hope it’s delicious!  We’re back from our cruise, a bit more freckled, a lot more relaxed, and definitely missing the gorgeous Caribbean waters, and our cruising buddies, Giggles Galore and Moosh in Indy!  We made a few other friends, too – like this gorgeous orange iguana in Cozumel.

Orange iguana in Cozumel

What did you do last week?

On to the recipes!  Y’all linked up 95 scrumptious recipes last week!  Here are a few that caught my eye

  • These Grilled Eggplant Rolls from Play. Party. Pin. caught my eye for several reasons: 1) grilled eggplant rolls sound healthier than what we’ve eaten the last week 2) I’ve never grilled eggplant 3) the recipe flavors are layered and YUM!  Y’all hop over and say Hi and check out the recipe!
    Grilled Eggplant Rolls from Play. Party. Pin
    Grilled Eggplant Rolls from Play. Party. Pin

    Click Here to Re-Pin this scrumptious recipe

  • I have a good friend who is a vegetarian, so the bold flavors and veggies of this Curried Veggie Pizza recipe from Dizzy Busy and Hungry was an immediate eye catcher for me.  I like that she admits that she uses, and loves, store bought dough and sauces – there’s nothing wrong with that, but you can always make your own if that’s how you roll.  see what I did there?  roll – dough ….

    Curried Veggie Pizza from Dizzy Busy and Hungry
    Curried Veggie Pizza from Dizzy Busy and Hungry

 Click Here to Re-Pin this fun, veggie recipe

  • I have to admit, I clicked the link to this Thai Ginger Zucchini Soup out of sheer fascination.  It looks like verde salsa to me (YUM), but the endearing way Shannah talks about being that person eating weird things for breakfast in the office totally looped me in.  The flavors in this are some of my favorite, so I’m really, really tempted to step WAY out of my comfort zone and try this.  Have you ever eaten any soup like this one, or are you a Whole 30-er?  Pop over and say Hi to Shannah, and let her know – or let me know in the comments!
    Thai Ginger Zucchini Soup from Just Us Four Blog
    Thai Ginger Zucchini Soup from Just Us Four Blog

    Click Here to Re-Pin this bright, yummy recipe

  • The bright colors and sprinkles in these cookies are the whole reason I clicked the link to these Birthday Cake Pudding Cookies, I stayed and read the whole post because of Rebecca’s darling personality and I love. love. love. her list of 25 things to do in her 25th year.  Seriously, y’all – hop over and wish her a belated happy birthday and say Hi – even without the recipe, her list is worth it. The recipe is the cherry on the sundae.
    Birthday Cake Pudding Cookies from Living Better Together
    Birthday Cake Pudding Cookies from Living Better Together

    Click Here to Re-Pin this adorable recipe

Don’t forget the Mouthwatering Mondays Guidelines

                  • Do not link up a recipe that you have previously linked to Mouthwatering Mondays: Please link up original recipes each week
                  • link directly back to your recipe URL. Not your Blog Homepage, not your Facebook page, not pinterest.. Just your recipe url
                  • visit other MWM participants and leave a comment, say hello, tell them you’re coming from Mouthwatering Mondays.
                  • Link back to Mouthwatering Mondays/A Southern Fairytale in the linked up post
                  • Leave a Comment – I love hearing from y’all! <3
                  • If you want to Pin one of these recipes, please pin directly from the recipe creator’s blog – not from a southern fairytale!
                  • By linking your recipe up, you agree to, and give permission for an image from the linked recipe and a link to your recipe to be posted if chosen as a feature in the next week’s Mouthwatering Mondays.


  1. Hi Rachel! This is my first attempt at a link party and I’m so excited to be participating! As a newbie to the blogosphere, your page is really an inspiration of what I’d love to become someday. Thanks for hosting, I look forward to checking out some yummy inspiration!

    1. Welcome, Kay! You are so sweet! Thank you so much for your kindness, and can’t wait to see what you’ve linked up! Have a delicious week! xx Rachel

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