Happy Monday, y’all!  How was your weekend?

Our weekend was full of Football Championship games, chilly weather, slow cooker taco soup, recipe testing, and relaxing.

Just look at that little Monkey waiting for his turn to go in.  He played a great game, and my heart just melts seeing his little figure there with his coaches.  A preview of Friday Night Lights????

waiting his turn


Okay, time to talk FOOD! Did you make anything delicious?  Eat anything you just can’t stop thinking about? 

Now that the weather has turned cooler (or downright bone-chilling) what are you craving?

  • How about these Pecan Pie Cookies from Spend With Pennies? All your favorite pecan pie flavors in bite size cookies!
Pecan Pie Cookies from Spends with Pennies
Pecan Pie Cookies from Spends with Pennies


Pumpkin Butterscotch Trifle from Gold Lining Girl
Pumpkin Butterscotch Trifle from Gold Lining Girl
  • It’s definitely comfort food time – so how about this gluten free Carbonara recipe from Raia’s Recipes
Easy and Delicious Gluten Free Carbonara Recipe
Gluten Free Carbonara from Raia’s Recipes

I can’t wait to see what’s been heating up your oven, and making your friends and family drool! 

 Don’t forget the Mouthwatering Mondays Guidelines

    • Do not link up a recipe that you have previously linked to Mouthwatering Mondays: Please link up original recipes each week
    • link directly back to your recipe URL. Not your Blog Homepage, not your Facebook page, not pinterest.. Just your recipe url
    • visit other MWM participants and leave a comment, say hello, tell them you’re coming from Mouthwatering Mondays.
    • Link back to Mouthwatering Mondays/A Southern Fairytale in the linked up post
    • Leave a Comment – I love hearing from y’all! <3
    • If you want to Pin one of these recipes, please pin directly from the recipe creator’s blog – not from a southern fairytale!
    • By linking your recipe up, you agree to, and give permission for an image from the linked recipe and a link to your recipe to be posted if chosen as a feature in the next week’s Mouthwatering Mondays.


  1. What a cute picture of Monkey waiting to go in and play his heart out. I feel that melting heart thing whenever I watch my son play soccer with a huge smile on his face. Those cookies…calling my name.

  2. My friends & I went to dinner at the Red Rock Brewery; I had the Red Rock Grinder (complete with housemade spicy Italian sausage)…it was FABULOUS! My mouth was doing a happy dance the entire meal 🙂

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