Happy Monday, y’all.

I can’t believe it’s Monday again!  The past weeks since coming home from BlogHer Food in Austin have been crazy!  After the MacBook Hard Drive Crash of Death I was left without a computer for about 5 days, which y’all know is an eternity.  Thank goodness for my sweet Nathan.  He understood my stress and he actually bought me a new hard drive, had it installed, and found an Apple Store to take my MacBook Pro to and waited in line so they could install all the necessary software.

He is amazing, and I am so blessed.

Crazy catch up ensued, plus trying to figure out what to do without the past the 3 months of recipes, pictures and recipe ideas….  it’s enough to make my brain tired all over again just thinking about it.

I’m sitting in a hotel room in California right now after several amazing days spent with some truly wonderful friends and fellow ambassadors.

Freshly Picked California Avocado


….. and now I’m sitting in a Chick-fil-A in Katy because our internet is out, so I couldn’t get Mouthwatering Mondays up in time, sorry y’all!  The kids are loving it though – food, ice cream, and a playground!

We’re going to start something a little new this week!  Princess and Monkey are both going to give their insight as to what their favorite recipe from the previous week’s linky in addition to my favorites!

I can’t wait to tell y’all all about my trip to California, and to FINALLY share the Texas Peach Cobbler Ice Cream with Texas Bourbon sauce now that I have a computer again!

Now on to what y’all are here for


I love all the spices and bold flavors in this Spicy Cajun Carbonara with Andouille, Bacon, Slow-Roasted Tomatoes, Grilled Peppers and Onions, Crumbled Bleu Cheese, & Blackened Shrimp from Piece, Love, & Cooking.  So many layers of flavors and textures. Wow.

Spicy Cajun Carbonara

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Chicken Enchiladas are one of my favorite foods – they are inevitably what I’ll order when we go to a Mexican restaurant, and even better if they’re smothered in an amazing sauce and topped with sliced avocados.  That’s enough to make me swoon.  Shawn’s Creamy White Chicken and Avocado Enchiladas made my heart go pitty pat.


Slow Cooker Sticky Chicken Wings – even if the photography weren’t mouthwatering, and the recipe delicious – I’d have been sold on them because I have a deep rooted love for chicken wings, especially sticky finger lickin’ good ones.  Seeing as this is a Six Sisters Stuff Recipe – it’s guaranteed to be amazing.


Summer and Strawberries go together like apples and popcorn -deliciously.  Take those summer strawberries and make them into homemade ice cream and you’ve got a guaranteed win!  y’all definitely need to check out this Fresh Strawberry Ice Cream recipe on Your HomeBased Mom


Now on to Monkey’s Pick of the week!

{Drumroll please!!!!!!!}

Monkey chose Milka, The Laughing Cow  from Kiddie Foodies because “It looks so cow-tastic”


And Princess’ pick of the week….


The Bumbleberry Summer Sundae from Jen’s Journey because “It looks soooo yummy”


In case y’all missed it – Here’s the recipe for my Spicy Grilled Shrimp Quesadillas with Smoky Avocado Cream Sauce

Grilled Shrimp Quesadillas

Such delicious recipes last week, I really can’t wait to see what y’all have for us this week!

  • Link up your recipes
  • Visit each other
  • Share the link with others
  • Link back to A Southern Fairytale in your linked recipe


  1. Oh my, there really are some mouthwatering dishes in this list. It was so good to spend the weekend with you and the rest of the group. Crossing my fingers that it happens again soon. xo

    1. I LOVED finally getting to meet you in person and getting so much time with you! You are an absolute joy and I adore you!!! YES! Hopefully SOON!!!!

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