Happy Monday!  It’s August, y’all! That means it’s BIRTHDAY MONTH!

I’ll be 36 on Thursday, and I can’t wait.

We’re testing some brownie recipes over here, and I have an enthusiastic little helper

Busted by the batter

Hope your Monday is as delicious as his 🙂

I met Terri of Love and Confections at the Food and Wine Conference a few weeks ago, and was totally blown away by her personality!  She is funny, sarcastic, sweet, silly, and just likes to have a good time.  She is also, a wonderfully talented food blogger! Check out this absolutely decadent Key Lime Pie Cheesecake she linked up last week! YUM!!

Key Lime Pie Cheesecake from Love and Confections
Key Lime Pie Cheesecake from Love and Confections


If you’ve never had Mexican Street Corn from a street vendor – you’re missing out, seriously.  However, you can make your own because the lovely and talented From Everyday to Gourmet has recreated her favorite version with this Mexican Cilantro Lime Corn Crema recipe.  Bright, sassy, rich, bold flavors – you’re going to fall in love!

Mexican Cilantro Lime Corn Crema via From Everyday to Gourmet
{Elotes} Mexican Cilantro Lime Corn Crema via From Everyday to Gourmet


As soon as I saw this simple and delicious Peach Ice Cream recipe that Growing up Gabel linked up, the old Presidents song started running through my head. “Millions of peaches, peaches for free”

Homemade Peach Ice Cream from Growing up Gabel
Homemade Peach Ice Cream from Growing up Gabel


  • Do not link up a recipe that you have previously linked to Mouthwatering Mondays: Please link up original recipes each week
  • link directly back to your recipe URL. Not your Blog Homepage, not your Facebook page, not pinterest.. Just your recipe url
  • visit other MWM participants and leave a comment, say hello, tell them you’re coming from Mouthwatering Mondays.
  • Link back to Mouthwatering Mondays/A Southern Fairytale in the linked up post
  • Leave a Comment – I love hearing from y’all! <3
  • If you want to Pin one of these recipes, please pin directly from the recipe creator’s blog – not from a southern fairytale!
  • By linking your recipe up, you agree to, and give permission for an image from the linked recipe and a link to your recipe to be posted if chosen as a feature in the next week’s Mouthwatering Mondays.


  1. Hey girl hey!! I was so totally late this week, but I got my recipes in before your linkup closed =) Do you have a button so I can add it to my “Where I Link Up” page?!

Talk to me!

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