Hey y’all!  Happy Monday!  I’ve been at the Food and Wine Conference in Orlando, and I’m currently hanging out in the Orlando Airport waiting on my flight back home to Texas.  I had the most amazing time at the conference.  Wonderful content, welcoming and friendly people, and delicious food!

Food and Wine Conference Badge


More on the conference later! On to y’all’s recipes!

It’s strawberry time, and as y’all know from last week’s Grilled Strawberry Shortcakes with Homemade Amaretto, Brown Sugar Whipped Cream,  I love strawberry desserts!  This Strawberry Poke Cake from Swanky Recipes immediately caught my eye, with it’s bright colors, beautiful strawberries, and I just love a good poke cake.  If you’ve never tried poke cake, this looks like a great one to try for your first!

Strawberry Poke Cake from Swanky Eats
Strawberry Poke Cake from Swanky Eats


 I must be on a sweet kick, y’all!  Nathan’s favorite candy is Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, and we all love a good crepe – so it was an absolute no brainer that one of the favorites from last week was this Reese’s Peanut Butter Fluff Crepes recipe from Meet Kristy.  Breakfast, lunch, dinner, late night snack… these sound delicious!  If you’ve never made homemade crepes, Kristy breaks it down for you really well.

Reese's Peanut Butter Fluff Crepes | Meet Kristy
Reese’s Peanut Butter Fluff Crepes from Meet Kristy


 I am an absolute sucker for feta, watermelon, and mint – they don’t even have to be paired together – I just love them.  These Watermelon, Feta, Pineapple, Mint Skewers from The It Mom.Com immediately caught my eye due to their bright colors, vibrant flavors, and uniqueness.  I love the idea of skewering all of those bright, complementary flavors together. Brilliant!

Watermelon, Feta, Pineapple, Mint Skewers from The It Mom
Watermelon, Pineapple, Feta, Mint Skewers from The It Mom.Com


So much deliciousness! I can’t wait to see what y’all have to share this week!  I have so much to tell y’all about the Food and Wine Conference, as well as share the recipe for The Most Perfect Lemon Drop Martini!

  • Do not link up a recipe that you have previously linked to Mouthwatering Mondays: Please link up original recipes each week
  • link directly back to your recipe URL. Not your Blog Homepage, not your Facebook page, not pinterest.. Just your recipe url
  • visit other MWM participants and leave a comment, say hello, tell them you’re coming from Mouthwatering Mondays.
  • Link back to Mouthwatering Mondays/A Southern Fairytale in the linked up post
  • Leave a Comment – I love hearing from y’all! <3
  • If you want to Pin one of these recipes, please pin directly from the recipe creator’s blog – not from a southern fairytale!
  • By linking your recipe up, you agree to, and give permission for an image from the linked recipe and a link to your recipe to be posted if chosen as a feature in the next week’s Mouthwatering Mondays.


  1. Hey girlfriend!!! I’m joining in on the mouthwatering Monday link up 🙂 I had so much fun with you this weekend, can’t wait for my visit to Katy!

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